Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

52 days sober, not really missing it, no hangovers, anxiety & what the fuck did I say last night…….weather has been shite so I’ve stayed indoors, not so sure when summer arrives and fancy a nice cold beer, we’ll see………
Good job, I bet you feel better for it?

Almost 3 months for me, dry festive period wasn't bad at all. The temptation will be summer BBQ season with cravings for jugs of old Rosie over ice with pork from the BBQ.

Have you joined a gym, done something else to fill the void?
Good job, I bet you feel better for it?

Almost 3 months for me, dry festive period wasn't bad at all. The temptation will be summer BBQ season with cravings for jugs of old Rosie over ice with pork from the BBQ.

Have you joined a gym, done something else to fill the void?
Taking it steady, more reading & catching up with films & tv series
i enjoy hiking which I still do once a week, looking at local swimming pool, yoga but waiting until the new year resolution crowd dies down……
Doing dry January again , have done it religiously for the past ten years. I think if I’m honest it’s to prove to myslef that I can give up whenever I want and is a kind of penance for indulging too much the rest of the year.

Although I find it quite easy to be honest when I get the first week out of the way but once you get over that you start to see some of the benefits such as better sleep, more motivation and positive outlook.

The issue I have is once January is over , slowly but surely I get back on it, but usually with a vengeance.

Im normally a bottle of wine a night for five nights on average, at weekends I top this up with around half a bottle of whiskey or whatever’s in the cupboard

except last year I managed to break this trend and cut down to just Friday and Saturday nights. It’s a start at least

it’s something I’m going to keep up when February rolls around
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I did break the rule last night. Went for a night away in Dublin and seeing the various groups of people having fun, I decided to have some in the end. Originally said no and had a Coke when the mrs had a half in the afternoon and I had 2 Guinness in the evening, but started to feel a bit confused and fugue and would put that down to tiredness and perhaps my medication. Missing nothing and will be right back to abstinence now. Suppose I'm sharing just to be honest and not make out like I've remained teetotal. Was impressed with my ability to say no a few times first and put it down to getting swept up in the occasion. No harm done. There was a time in the not so distant past where the first pub stop would have turned into me seeing how many I could fit in whilst the mrs nursed a half.
I've been dry since the turn of the year. I did 10 weeks dry in summer 2021 and another 10 weeks from January to April 2022. I would say that it's the psychological effects that are most astonishing. I wouldn't say I was an ardent drinker (weekends and midweek home games), but after two months I could really say I felt much happier in myself on both occasions.

The problem I find is that it's never far away in a culture like ours - it's ingrained in you from a young age to the point that even birthday cards make light of drinking/being drunk. You need a thick skin sometimes to avoid drink because of peer pressure and the need to conform.

Well done to everyone here trying to stay sober. It's not easy, but it's certainly nothing about which you should be ashamed.
I don’t want to sound condescending so can I just say well done to all those trying to cut down or even giving up on alcohol, maybe for a month or so. I drink very little, if at all these days, don’t get me wrong, I used to like a drink as much as anyone when I was younger. I’ve read some of the posts on here and posters are being very honest to how much they drink and seem to acknowledge they need to do something about their intake and it cannot be easy, especially if you’re going out and the temptation is there. Keep going and as I was always told, everything in moderation.
My work environment has a relentless drinking culture, we all have free work card to take clients out for free meals/drinks and its fine to use between ourselves - it's a hard balance

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