Aleksandar Kolarov

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Kolorov wasn't that bad yesterday..sterling was shite..the 3 other defenders weren't good.yaya was shite.kolorov always shows and at the end he raised his arms and clapped our fans for the through and through..he's had more minutes on the pitch than most..just come back from injury..give this true blue a break. Liverpool laughed at us when we payed all that money for where near as good as swp.
I can only assume that you`re still pissed from yesterday or the tablets havn`t kicked in yet.Kolarov was gash and that putting it midly and then for Toure to pass him the captains armband was a slap in the face to someone like Zaba.
I completely disagree. Clichy took some time to get match sharp after his lengthy injury, but against West Ham and Sunderland he played really well. The defence has looked a lot more solid with him in it.

The most glaring this about yesterday is that we were playing against a really fast opposition, it's not tactical genius to realise you need some pace at the back. Our manager chose to play our 4 slowest defenders. With our two fastest defenders fit on the bench.

Yesterday was yet another example of the absolute ineptitude of this manager. Woefully out of his depth.
Can't say I agree about him against Sunderland, I thought he was awful, his pass completion rate was barely above 50% iirc and I've never seen us so bad at passing out from the back. We put ourselves under huge pressure and got away with it because Sunderland are wank.

Although I agree about Vardy's pace being a problem, I don't think Kolarov's lack of pace was ever an issue in the game. Leicester have pace down the middle, but your left back can't cover in behind your CB in those situations. Mahrez has pace but he doesn't run in behind, he gets it deep and runs at people, usually down the middle. I don't think they use pace down the flanks particularly, nor do I think lack of pace was Kolarov's problem at all yesterday. General shitness was his biggest problem, particularly by wasting about 10 fantastic crossing positions, but I wouldn't have expected Clichy to do any better in those positions because he's a non-entity going forwards.

We should have had some pace at the back, but for me it should have been Sagna instead of Demichelis as that is the area in which Leicester use their pace.
We need 2 new fullbacks to start next season. The only one I'd keep in the squad would be Sagna. We need energy, speed and technical ability and none of the other 3 are up to it any longer.
I think there is a genuine case for starting Angelino ahead of him if we want an attacking leftback.
Kolorov wasn't that bad yesterday..sterling was shite..the 3 other defenders weren't good.yaya was shite.kolorov always shows and at the end he raised his arms and clapped our fans for the through and through..he's had more minutes on the pitch than most..just come back from injury..give this true blue a break. Liverpool laughed at us when we payed all that money for where near as good as swp.
Kolarov had an off day in terms of accuracy but he's just back from injury.

However, I completely disagree with your Sterling comment. Furthermore, no one tried harder than Rahim.
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