Aleksandar Kolarov

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Kolorov wasn't that bad yesterday..sterling was shite..the 3 other defenders weren't good.yaya was shite.kolorov always shows and at the end he raised his arms and clapped our fans for the through and through..he's had more minutes on the pitch than most..just come back from injury..give this true blue a break. Liverpool laughed at us when we payed all that money for where near as good as swp.
Kolorov wasn't that bad yesterday..sterling was shite..the 3 other defenders weren't good.yaya was shite.kolorov always shows and at the end he raised his arms and clapped our fans for the through and through..he's had more minutes on the pitch than most..just come back from injury..give this true blue a break. Liverpool laughed at us when we payed all that money for where near as good as swp.
This need to pigeon hole Sterling into a Kolarov thread is weird - especially when Kolarov had one of his worse ever games for us and the only real defence for him is he shouldn't have been picked in the first place.
Sterling was poor, as was everyone else on the pitch. Kolarov was terrible though and I'm pretty supportive of him on the whole.
He's always been shite there is this myth about his wand of a left foot like Jensen had or like Sibierski was good in the air!!!
Apart from his tackling, dribbling, marking, decision making, controlling a moving ball, shooting, crossing, controlling a static ball, attitude and effort I thought he had a good game yesterday.
Kolorov wasn't that bad yesterday..sterling was shite..the 3 other defenders weren't good.yaya was shite.kolorov always shows and at the end he raised his arms and clapped our fans for the through and through..he's had more minutes on the pitch than most..just come back from injury..give this true blue a break. Liverpool laughed at us when we payed all that money for where near as good as swp.

I think you'll be surprised when Pep starts to coach this lad. I remember playing Liverpool when we had our best back four on show and Sterling frightening us every time he went forward. Yes he had the biter alongside, but you will see a different player next year. Plus he's 21 compared to our Serbian hard man who is 30 and for a man who is supposed to be so tough - can someone, anyone remember a game where he owned a winger? I don't advocate fouling but sometimes it would be nice to have a fullback who stamps his authority on a forward. That's often what teams do to us with the constant fouling of Silva and Sergio. Kolarov is most probably a top man off the pitch but he is so poor on it - looking at some of our best performances he was often covered by Vinny - so papering up the obvious weakness. I'm not a fan of Alex, never will be, but am staggered that the Manager cannot see how poor he is. Mancini saw it towards the end of his tenure, this after buying him, and if Mancini had of stayed Kolarov would have gone that summer. Anyway good things to look forward to - Pep arriving, Sergio staying, Sterling and De Bryune playing in a better system and Kolarov going to Italy.
Kolorov wasn't that bad yesterday..sterling was shite..the 3 other defenders weren't good.yaya was shite.kolorov always shows and at the end he raised his arms and clapped our fans for the through and through..he's had more minutes on the pitch than most..just come back from injury..give this true blue a break. Liverpool laughed at us when we payed all that money for where near as good as swp.

Kolorov yesterday was shite. I can understand you liking him and backing him but he was utter shite yesterday.
Kolorov wasn't that bad yesterday..sterling was shite..the 3 other defenders weren't good.yaya was shite.kolorov always shows and at the end he raised his arms and clapped our fans for the through and through..he's had more minutes on the pitch than most..just come back from injury..give this true blue a break. Liverpool laughed at us when we payed all that money for where near as good as swp.

This is the Kolarov thread not Streling, Raheem at least put a cross in that if it wasn't for the slightest of touches from Huth was perfect for Aguero, sterling also had just as bad a game as most but at least tried in the first half he was still trying to chase down shit balls and even tried to outmuscle the centre backs to win the ball when he is half the size.
Kolarov made a stupid challenge for the first goal and was terrible through the hole game defensively, he gave the ball away none stop and the one reason people actually rate him wich is for his crossing he was shit at he didn't get a ball anywhere near a blue shirt in the 90 minutes, on top of this the third goal although wasn't a corner and was a foul before the corner was taken we called exactly where the ball was going, for a defender who is supposed to be one of the best in the league it was just shocking because he was stuck ball watching and didn't pay attention to where his man was.
for me Kolarov got a 3 out of 10.
I rarely single out an individual for criticism but......

As a renowned left back in his day in Rochdale Sunday league () I feel I know what I'm talking about re left backs and I for one will be pleased if Kolarov doesn't play again for City.

Brain dead play at times - shooting when far better options on and failure to be able to deliver a decent cross time after time being the main issues - but the final straw was pulling out of what looked like a 60/40 on the edge of the Leicester box in 1st half was the final straw.

I know others were poor - but none poorer than this lad.

No urgency to impact upon the game either - and plenty of times where Stirling tracked back far quicker than him ( which should never happen - he should work back twice as hard as he goes forwards ).

Overall a prima Donna who is selfish and does not lie it when the going gets tough - time for a change in summer
On the take or doesn't give a fuck.

The only conclusion I can come to based on numerous performances this season.
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