Aleksandar Kolarov

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He's never been good enough and he's not reliable enough to be a backup. Sell him and keep Clichy - at least he can defend and actually gives a shit.
I agree he was awful and generally I'd agree with the suggestion that it's ridiculous to play him ahead of Clichy in these games, but in my opinion Clichy has been really poor this season. I can't recall him having a good game. Both our LB's aren't good enough

I completely disagree. Clichy took some time to get match sharp after his lengthy injury, but against West Ham and Sunderland he played really well. The defence has looked a lot more solid with him in it.

The most glaring this about yesterday is that we were playing against a really fast opposition, it's not tactical genius to realise you need some pace at the back. Our manager chose to play our 4 slowest defenders. With our two fastest defenders fit on the bench.

Yesterday was yet another example of the absolute ineptitude of this manager. Woefully out of his depth.
Without KDB and Navas we needed Kolarov yesterday to supply the width.

Against Leicester we had Sterling and Kolarov linking up throughout the game, but every time they came to deliver the cross they hesitated. As was said above perhaps there was no one in the box to find.

If Kolarov and Zabaleta had stayed back, then we'd have had zero attacking impetus.

The goals we conceded did not come from poor fullback play, they came from two corners and a great goal through the centre of our defence. I didn't watch MOTD

I assume you missed him needlessly giving away the free kick from which they scored their first goal.

We also didn't need him for the kind of width he gave us yesterday. Sterling could have played wide and Clichy could have given us additional width from LB if need be.
Easily the most frustrating player I've ever seen. So predictable as well, you can see from a mile away that he is going to one of them stupid long range shots that go no where near the goal.

He need to realise that if he can't attack, he's being sold to Verona.
Not good enough and never has been.

I also question his mentality and possible disruption in and around the dressing room.

Not a snowballs in hell chance he gets anywhere near a Pep side.
I think Kolarov is a top player and leader for City, I don't think he should have played yesterday given he came back from injury only recently but with so many games in Feb, needs must. I see him and Clichy as different options, Clichy being a fast, defensive option and Kolarov being the opposite. Yesterday against Vardy and Mahrez, Clichy should've played as it would've suited him more, we may still have lost but I feel it would've suited him.

I'm nearly 100% sure we'll see a new LB in the summer, if for no other reason than Clichy and Kolarov are both 30 now and although we can afford to keep one I don't think we can keep both. I think it's easily forgotten how good some players are after 1 or 2 bad games, after all there is a group calling for Silva to be dropped(!)

I think a lot of the criticism is over the top, which is understandable considering we've just been destroyed at home by a title rival, but he doesn't deserve to be ousted over one poor match straight after injury.

He is the equivalant of a special teams kicker in American football. You bring him on now and then for the odd dig at a 25/30 yeard free kick and thats about it as he cant defend and he is no winger either.

I just fail to see what he offers us as a player other than the odd left foot special?
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