I'm probably one of the few, but I think the smart move, if Arsenal won't let Sanchez go for a decent price, is to buy Mbappe. Make an agreement with Sanchez for next summer to take him on a free and we'd have a two for one.
I had no idea that Sanchez would actually take in a large % of what would effectively be this years transfer fee by signing as a free agent. Why in the hell would he piss away a 30+ million bonus, this years loyalty bonus (if xfer request), severely tarnish his legacy at Arsenal with the fans, and also fuck over the club that 'made' him world class by forcing a move to go to a rival?
It seems like a very easy decision to make for Alexis. Very very easy actually. Would you trade all of that for say a 50% shot at the premier league and 20% for CL? Of course not! that's goofy talk, when you sign just on next year with whoever the hell you want.
This isn't the old wenger either. Previously he was playing the long game and fine with selling, now he has two years left and can be selfish and go all out. The club cannot afford to let ANOTHER one get away to a rival. You can only get slapped so many times before you stop thinking rationally and end up fighting back. I don't even think it's that irrational to hold onto him and go all out for Europa + top 3 anyway.
I just don't see it happening.
Which is why I think we have moved on and we are going balls deep for mbappeThis pretty much covers it all
Leaving one avenue for Sanchez leaving, a ridiculous offer.
Which is why I think we have moved on and we are going balls deep for mbappe
I take it you've not seen the Arsenal TV rants.. then you'll see.Why so much hate for Arsenal?
Nothing really. But you do have some proper dickish fans. But going from the scrap on this thread, it's obvious we have some proper raggish fans too.
Quite unfortunate really. :(