all i wanted was a burger

Oh dear, sounds like i'm the only one who was impressed with the catering this weekend lol.

I went on Friday to the open day and noticed a new menu with more options (finally you can get curry or gravy on your chips!) They also did meatball wraps and chicken tikka wraps which sounded nice. I ordered a cheeseburger, chicken curry and chips, and 2 coffees. I noticed there were more staff on than last season plus a team leader hovering to check everthing was ok. One person took my order and the payment, while another person got the order together. I thought that worked quite well.

Yesterday was same experience, i wanted meatball wrap, chicken tikka wrap, chicken burger, 2 chips and a coffee. I was advised the chicken tikka wrap wasnt ready so we changed to peppered steak pie, and the girl said she'd put them through as meal deals. The hardest part seems to be keying it into the tills but she sorted it out whilst another person got the order together.

The food was hot and tasty so no complaints from me.

I do worry though, because judging from this thread City obviously cant please everyone, so all this money they are spending on City Square is gonna be a complete waste if the catering staff in City Sqaure are same as inside the ground. We'll have nothing but whining and boycotting and the new square will be empty.

Such a shame considering City are the only club in the league trying to make things better for the fans.
If they continue with the no smoking policy City Square or City Street or whatever it is called will be empty anyway.
The smokers can normally get through two hours of the game and half time without a smoke, but would they be willing to go three or four hours without?
Then if the smokers are still going to Mary D's or the townlee etc, there mates are going to be drinking there as well.
With the prices that are being charged By MCFC those on limited budgets and those that dont like being ripped off will also continue to drink in their preferred establishments as well, leading to no atmosphere in the new project.
The OP wanted a bloody burger?

Reminds me of when I worked for Stadia catering, in one of the white huts at the back of the Kippax. Was using a knife to prise apart a bunch of frozen burgers when it went right through, cutting into my thumb and index finger.

Claret everywhere, including all over the burgers which were in the process of being cooked on the hotplate. Obviously there were no first aid kits on site (hygiene and health and safety hadn't been invented back then (88/89ish)) so wrapped serviettes round my two bloody gashes (sorry) and superviser just flipped the bloody burgers over and acted as if nothing happened.

(I was only about 16 at this point so no danger of any iffy diseases in the blood marinaded burgers).

Also, the bar would get a lick of whitewash at the start of the season and that was it for cleanliness. At the end of halftime, a tub of salt was poured onto the hopplate to congeal all the fat which just ran through a hole into a bucket on the floor - and all up the walls etc.

Cooked burgers and sausages that were not used got frozen, and warmed up at the next games, and also the supervisors would introduce a mysteriously unaccounted for bax of burgers which at the time I was too naive to realise was completely bent.

Maybe this made up for the number of greedy tight gits who must have just grabbed burgers and sausages off the hotplate whenever my back was turned to grab bread etc. Always always a disparity in the number of burgers sold to the money that I had took.

So, in many ways, the catering has improved quite a bit, but if you see a "chef" with bloody serviettes wrapped round his fingers, might be best to give that one a swerve!
i just turned round at the car park when i saw that the charge was 100% more than last year and went and parked a few hundred yards from the ground where it's still last years prices, and that's what i'll do from now on !

tried to buy a pint of john smiths at 202 and it took three to figure out which drink it was and all i could hear was blues saying "i'm a quid short" or "this change is wrong" - i thought numbers were the same in any language !

they might be the cheapest staff city can find but it'll cost you in the end mcfc.
after much discussion with mates...our plan

1. Car share and divide cost of parking
2. Beer in Manchester Boozer prior to game...always good service,
3. I have purchased Man Bag for my hip flask (Bushmills) Irish Coffee
4. Purchased thermos flask....cold drinks and beer
5. Bringing own food - her indoors can make this up for me.

never done this before...but see alot of people with bags and such....anyone any tips on what to bring / eat / drink if one does self catering? :)

£3.90 a pint has pushed me over the edge!
thought the john smiths gold was better than last season, was on second level and every one was smoking like chimneys on round walkways?
The only cost im bothered about is tickets as these are necessary to watch the mighty blues evrything else i base on value and quality, if you have kids feed them before you go and if you want a pint go to a pub, if more people did this the prices would be lower.

People who spend a fortune on food and drink at half time either have money or are daft as a brush
mancitymick said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
Bloody Hell, are you still going on about this bloody burger. Everyone knows the food and beer is crap and overpriced at footy matches. Take a flask and some butties you old woman.

And a tartan blanket to keep your legs warm

Anyone knows yer can't fit a tartan blanket in yer MANBAG - I've only room for the windjammer!
Asked for a Heineken(advertised on the board at £3.90), but was told that it was Fosters. It's Heineken, it says it on the board, I said. It's fosters. Came back the reply. Looked at the damaged Fosters beer pump thing on the bar. Sort it out City. SS Upper.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

bluwes said:
This isn't true is it ? Go on you know it isn't. Over a 100 posts and you haven't be spotted
if u think that aint true try askin for a lager top in the south stand youve got no chance

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