I saw my first City game in the 70s, so have seen football evolve through the years.
Much though I enjoy watching old Match of the Day, Big Match re: runs etc... football in England from the 70s/80s (and probably the 90s too) is a far inferior product to what we see today.
There wasn't as much diving/play acting for sure on the plus side. Although ofcourse there were great players from those days the majority of players today are so much fitter, stronger more skilful and basically better. That Leeds team that Clarke was part of were almost anti football like the Wimbledon 'crazy gang' that followed some years later.
Much though( arguably) the atmospheres at games can be too sanitised now and there were some great atmospheres back in the day (and it was a lot more affordable) there was also a lot of violence and Racism. Can't say I agreed with old Clarkies somewhat medieval views however, though if that was his kind of thing he could always have moved to Saudi Arabia I guess!!