Altercation at Terminal 2

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Don't the investigative panels take into consideration the context of why he kicked and stamped on him?

If he did indeed see his fellow officer punched in the face (and it was unwarranted as we still don't know what led to it) then that will be a mitigating factor.
Yes it will be a mitigating factor but not an excuse. The only excuse would be if the guy on the ground was still a threat or could have legitimately been perceived as a threat and the answer to that will come out in the investigation.
Don't the investigative panels take into consideration the context of why he kicked and stamped on him?

If he did indeed see his fellow officer punched in the face (and it was unwarranted as we still don't know what led to it) then that will be a mitigating factor.
Not really. The force has to be reasonable and proportionate in accordance to law at the time of its use-but it all depends.
Wont be long until some gobshite from stateside lands at Ringway for a couple of months grift. The usual suspects on here mentioned Asian just to stoke the fires.

We should get behind the coppers who are doing a difficult job.
I think it was me that mentioned Asian. I was commenting on a tweet that was posted that included the word. Up to that point I didn't think to look at anyone's ethnicity (and still haven't). The point I was trying to make, rather badly as it seems, is that the tweet stated the word Asian in order to make out it was a racially motivated issue.
Apologies if you see me as "one of the usual suspects ".
I think it was me that mentioned Asian. I was commenting on a tweet that was posted that included the word. Up to that point I didn't think to look at anyone's ethnicity (and still haven't). The point I was trying to make, rather badly as it seems, is that the tweet stated the word Asian in order to make out it was a racially motivated issue.
Apologies if you see me as "one of the usual suspects ".

I meant the tweet mate, it was posted intentionally imho and you rightly pointed that intention out.
The red haired officer looks like she was the one who sustained the broken nose -aside from being overwhelmed she would’ve been in a lot of pain.

But I would add you cannot justify being assaulted at your place of work-it is not merely an expected consequence.

The officers have tasers in their hands. I understand as firearms officers they will have had sidearms too-but not 100% on that.

Thanks for the reply.

Can I just say "your place of work" has to be tailored for possibilities.

One doesn't need armed police at a GPs, a dentist or childcare. Assaults happen in these places and that's where you can credibly say "you cannot justify being assaulted at your place of work-it is not merely an expected consequence" and I would completely agree with you.

They are armed in a place they could encounter a terrorist, so that counters the point you make.

I worked in night clubs and I had to be ready to except violent episodes.

I would say these officers were too relaxed about incidents never happening, so when it did happen they lost control.

Not sure how they would have countered the malaise though, unless regularly switching the teams out so they would be more alert on any given day.
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