Altercation at Terminal 2

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But it doesnt work that way.

Police are bound by law and have to apply those laws when using force.

Kicking someone in the head and then stamping on somebody's head isnt standing up to wokeism-its an incredibly violent act-which the officer will need to justify.

Now it may be entirely justifiable or may be completely unjustified.

That level of force would suggest a real risk to officer safety if it were to be proportionate-the available footage hardly supports that-but what happened may well do that.

That is now the job of the IOPC in co-operation with GMP's Professional Standards Dept-it doesnt happen in quick time. I was under investigation for over 2 years for an incident which happened whilst I was in bed and was the whistleblower..these things don't resolve themselves as quickly as people might want.

The mob can’t rule. I fear the country is lost. This is just the beginning.
While there is no justification for kicking someone in the head when they are prone and the copper will get whats coming to them, it has somewhat been glossed over that the offender had already assaulted 2 people before this point so shouldnt be talked of as some kind of saint.

I don't recall anybody on here defending the arrested as innocents, simply because there's no information as context other than one being "a wanted man".
The year 2024 amd we have people supporting psychopaths who kick and stamp on memebers of the publics head whilst being paid to protect the public
What an animal,I hope this creature goes to jail for a very long time

So by that level of punishment the two men who between them fractured one police officers cheekbone and the nose of another, should also be jailed?
Seems to have all come from an incident where another passenger has rammed their trolly into the elderly lady in the video, her son has gone berserk and eventually assaulted the other passenger. Police have come in, by some accounts they have tried to restrain the mother who has a black eye because of it and from then on all hell has broken loose. There's coppers with broken noses and people getting kicked in the head with steel toe boots while face down on the ground. We know there are fucking mentalists out there, but that's the whole point of the force being trained enough to deal with the situation. Wherever violent individuals are involved there is the threat of injury, there are restraining techniques (including the taser) but booting someone in the head is insane and *could* cause life threatening injuries.
The year 2024 amd we have people supporting psychopaths who kick and stamp on memebers of the publics head whilst being paid to protect the public
What an animal,I hope this creature goes to jail for a very long time
if for example seconds before this the chap had a tried to take the pfficer's firearm, is he still a psychopath? No.
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