Altercation at Terminal 2

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I think the whole thrust of my posts here have been the exact opposite of that-and the nub of it is whether the use of force was justified.
Use of force isn't kicking sometime in the head after they have been held down. Stamping on the head is not police protocols. Never had been. Its illegal as has been shown, by the police themselves.
Goes round in circles this now so will wait and see what else comes to light.

Hope the cooper is ok and is supported by his superiors.

Hope those who have a tendency to protest and riot choose not to. They’ve got what they wanted.
I'm not sure he was adequately restrained at that point.

I'd add though and its not esp relevant here-but Op Uplift introduced by the tories to hurriedly recruit 20k+ new officers was a mess-many got in without proper vetting, there are some who cannot write properly or even speak english-they are all kids-because the pay has been eroded so much, you aren't going to attract people with a family and a mortgage, often taking a substantial pay cut and deal with all the shite that comes with it. New recruits are leaving in their droves or getting into trouble (its always phones!). The service is actually broken-and needs a complete overhaul otherwise standards will indeed worsen.

I worked for a few days with a copper who was involved in recruiting, he said the process in a shambles now, he had to point out one of the recruits had racist tattoos ffs how does that even happen. He said the biggest must have skill was communication and being able to defuse situations with words but far too many hotheads were passing through training.
Use of force isn't kicking sometime in the head after they have been held down. Stamping on the head is not police protocols. Never had been. Its illegal as has been shown, by the police themselves.
At no point have I defended his actions other than to continually point there are circumstances where using such force would be highly unlikely as it would seem here, and there are processes which will now be undertaken.

..again, the only person appearing to 'restrain him' at that point was a member of the public-do we evn know what happened prior to tis which led to him being on the ground?
I think this is a different situation though. The female officer looks like she is almost unable to continue to perform her duties due to something that has happened, leaving just him and one other female officer to deal with the situation. Like it or not, if you are outnumbered you want the most physical officer up front and he probably recognised that, but got his actions wrong. It's not just a gender thing here, there's the experience and seniority of the officers plus the drive to be there for your colleagues regardless of gender.

I understand.

To be clear, what I'm not saying is the 'offending' officer did his actions to protect his female colleague. I don't know the context.

I'm responding to the posters with this mindset.

And, by the response you posted, there was also a second female caught up and she wasn't made to step aside. I didn't see the 'chivalrous' posters protecting the secondary officer who came off unscathed! Hypocrisy, much?

Male or female? No. They are police officers in the job.

This is the job and shit happens.
Agree with that, although sometimes female police officers are not physically capable of dealing with large men in a physical confrontation & then we're back to the beginning.

Then this needs to be addressed, non?

We have to accept women are the weaker sex and have to be given the jobs appropriate to this.

Logically, we then scrap the whole equality drive.

The posters of BM making this a gender issue shouldn't argue with it.
General public do my head in, they see these dickheads attacking the police, get there cameras out and give the police shit instead.

That's because whenever there is any kind of incident like this the bodycam footage always mysteriously goes missing.
I worked for a few days with a copper who was involved in recruiting, he said the process in a shambles now, he had to point out one of the recruits had racist tattoos ffs how does that even happen. He said the biggest must have skill was communication and being able to defuse situations with words but far too many hotheads were passing through training.
Interesting to hear-because that's exactly what friends of mine who are still in the job are saying-many in management positions and some in training.

Many recruits are totally unsuitable -once they are out of their probation it is very hard to sack an officer..thats why recruitment, vetting and training are so crucial. A significant uplift in pay would help attract better quality for starters.

But yeah, I heard an example of the tattoo thing...incredible.

And most definitely your mouth is the best weapon.
Sometimes we spend so much time arguing which side(sad I know) is right and which is wrong when the probable answer is they both were wrong.

We could end up with both receiving severe punishment for their actions and that might be the correct decision. This seems the likeliest outcome to me with the caveat I've only see the video.
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