Altercation at Terminal 2

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Who decides he's a criminal and committed a crime?

That's what the courts are for.

Not for the police to dish out punishment and retribution.
Your right its their job to neutralise the threat. They did this but some smacked arses can't stomach what it takes to stop a number of attackers. They took the decision not to use lethal force, a mistake in my mind their wireless hole punchers should be smoking and Back home for tea and biscuits
I’m a huge proponent of strong law and order. This is not that. This is hothead in a uniform taking it out on a defenseless perp. Police officer has no business wearing a badge, let alone a gun.

With authority comes responsibility.

This behavior is, in my book, GBH and, understanding exactly what a full swing kick to the head and subsequent stomp can truly accomplish, attempted murder.

Again, I’m in favor of strong policing, but this stopped being policing when the red mist descended and he swung his foot at the defenseless head of a suspect under control.

That’s not policing, that’s personal violence based on runaway adrenaline and a reversion to the basest instincts. That’s not policing, it is street fighting thuggery of someone believing he is shielded from the law by his uniform and badge. He should not be.
You make some reasonable points but you can't say it's GBH by definition because there was clearly no Grevious bodily harm caused to the 'victim'. Grevious Bodily Harm- you either cause it or you don't. Unless you can prove he had the mens rea to go out and unlawfully murder someone then you can't say it's attempted murder either.
He'll probably get dismissed for the blanket offence of Misconduct in a public office then charged criminally for Common assault and maybe a public order offence. Barred from ever working in the public sector for life.
Meanwhile, the people who created the disturbance in the first place will probably escape punishment.
For the legally minded how do you think this will turn out ?
If it does turn out he’s hit coppers I would imagine he will be going to jail so would they maybe make a deal to drop charges against copper to avoid jail time or have I watched to many Law & Orders ?
Personally can see the copper getting sacked and facing a damages claim from not only the fella getting kicked, but also the second fella on the bench too.

The courts will deal with those who created the disturbance
I wonder how many will feel different if footage emerged and it turned out the copper got her nose broke by someone kick it whilst lay on the floor? Probably didn’t but those cunts in the tik tok video especially the one in the middle will be all over it for compo, let’s hope the copper counter sues them.
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