Altercation at Terminal 2

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Where have you got this bullshit from that he was a wanted man, the police were waiting to arrest?

Both sides agree that the police got involved after an altercation between two groups at the airport.
Even if everything he says is true, these people are literally trained for situations like's the whole point of the police force. I think in hindsight, a lot of the officers involved (including the guy that kicked him) will agree they allowed the situation to get out of control and that is directly linked to either a lack of training or not implementing what they are taught.
So by that level of punishment the two men who between them fractured one police officers cheekbone and the nose of another, should also be jailed?
Yes definitely,we can’t have the police,who are there to serve and protect us stamping on memebers of the publics heads,what kind of society is that? Not a healthy one I would suggest
I sincerely hope adequate punishment is dished out to all concerned in this disgusting act of extreme violence
Why would they need more evidence to determine that? The fella was face down, arms by his side
I agree it looks fairly conclusive but
if there was perceived to be a possibility, however far fetched, that the person on the ground was holding a weapon that he could have used to seriously injure someone that might have provided a bit of justification. Further investigation presumably concluded that wasn’t the case.

I suspect that policeman will be charged with assault and rightly so.

Hopefully the bellends who caused the incident will also be prosecuted for what they did and they won’t get off with it due to this rogue policeman’s action.
I can only assume you're a copper or ex copper with the bollocks you're typing on here?
Bollox with actual knowledge and experience you mean?

..of incredibly violent incidents, of incredibly awful things, of extensive knowledge of the law and procedure and on the odd rare occasion (and not passing judgement here) of working with tits who needed getting rid of.
Exactly how?
if he perceived a risk to his life or his colleagues or the public, for example.

I am not saying it was justified-I am saying it may have been because we don't know everything -and in certain situations using that level of force would be entirely justified-but as I keep repeating, the officers involved all have to justify the force they used.
Where have you got this bullshit from that he was a wanted man, the police were waiting to arrest?

Both sides agree that the police got involved after an altercation between two groups at the airport.
do some reading mate, they wanted him for assault. found him at a car park machine and tried to arrest him
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