Aly Cissokho

i trust mancini and i hope if we sign him he turns out to be a great signing. i have reservations but i'll back him all the way if he signs for us
bobmcfc said:
i trust mancini and i hope if we sign him he turns out to be a great signing. i have reservations but i'll back him all the way if he signs for us
Nice evasive answer, now tell us why you don't think he's good.
bobmcfc said:
i trust mancini and i hope if we sign him he turns out to be a great signing. i have reservations but i'll back him all the way if he signs for us
trust me bob he would be a great signing!!!
Cissokho is a great player. But I'd rather have Baines. We don't quite have a real crosser or a left foot on a dead ball.
jjeangi said:
bobmcfc said:
i trust mancini and i hope if we sign him he turns out to be a great signing. i have reservations but i'll back him all the way if he signs for us
Nice evasive answer, now tell us why you don't think he's good.

I will.

I think he gets caught ahead of the ball a lot and isn't a particularly intelligent defender. His pace gets him out of trouble a lot but he can't just rely on that. I also have some reservations about the quality of his final delivery. He is an excellent athlete, like Micah, and can't be any worse than Slotharov.
jjeangi said:
bobmcfc said:
i trust mancini and i hope if we sign him he turns out to be a great signing. i have reservations but i'll back him all the way if he signs for us
Nice evasive answer, now tell us why you don't think he's good.

and why do you try and bait everyone who has a different opinion to you into an argument.
whats wrong with having slight reservations about a player ? everyone is entitled to an opinion and all i said is that i didn't think he would a great signing, i'm more than happy to be wrong.

you need to chill
^I am chill. It's not a matter of a differing of opinion. It's a matter of why? That's all I wanted to know.

Your choice to provide the 'why'.
This will be our first signing, and the Sanchez ship has sailed. Courtesy of an old great deeply involved with the club.
SlinkyKinky said:
This will be our first signing, and the Sanchez ship has sailed. Courtesy of an old great deeply involved with the club.
when did the ship sail then mate??

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