An End to Terrace/Armchair Managers vs Mancini...

A lot of people's analysis of cause and effect on this issue is rather deficient.

They believe that managerial stability brings about success. It doesn't. We could have given Alan Ball all the time in the world fully to implement his ideas and build his own team but he'd still have been a disaster.

The opposite is true. Success brings about managerial stability. In other words, a manager who demonstrates his aptitude for the job gets more time.
Dyed Petya said:
A lot of people's analysis of cause and effect on this issue is rather deficient.

They believe that managerial stability brings about success. It doesn't. We could have given Alan Ball all the time in the world fully to implement his ideas and build his own team but he'd still have been a disaster.

The opposite is true. Success brings about managerial stability. In other words, a manager who demonstrates his aptitude for the job gets more time.

It isn't difficult to comprehend is it DP?
I'm not behind Mancini or a fan of him because i think stability is the key, i think he's a good manager who so far has done a good job, not great, not outstanding but a good enough job and has us in a good position going into the last 6 weeks of the season. I've seen enough of him as a manager both with us and in Italy to know that he's a good manager but at the same time i also acknowledge that he makes mistakes and he needs to learn from them

If we finish 4th will i be pleased? Most certainly but i also know there is certainly room for improvement, over the past few months we've not played well enough in general and Monday night was terrible no doubt about it and if that kind of performance and that kind of form continues to the end of the season then i'd have absolutely no problem with him being sacked but i still believe that we will finish 4th come the end of the season which will represent a good league finish and represent progress in his first full season. I know thats not enough to many but to me i'd be more than pleased and i'd be happy with him to continue as manager

I don't know what the players think of him, not many do. I don't know what the board think of him, not many do. I'm going off what i see on the pitch and if theres problems behind the scene with players not liking him or not then thats no good but i don't know that so all i can go off is the way we perform on the pitch

Before Monday we were 6th in the form table and on the back of probably our best performance of the season. After that game i didn't come on here and say i was right Mancini is the man, he's great etc, the same way after one terrible game against Liverpool i won't come on here and say he needs to go and nor will i defend his team selection or tactics as he got them completely wrong but managers make mistakes especially managers who's been in the league for not even two seasons
I actually feel bad for Milner, Barry is not better than him and all season long hes played as a winger. Mancini's signings don't make us any better than we were last year with the exception of Silva. I just don't think he knows what hes doing half the time. playing people in wrong positions constantly.
Bigga said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
I'll stand up and reply to this as one of those you are referring to: I pay a lot of money to watch MY Club (52yrs) and I have a right to say how I feel about how its being run.
The Team dont play as a 'Team' - they clearly dont like the manager and how he asks them to play. Maybe they dont understand it - his tactics certainly baffle me.
The Manager has constantly played x3 holding midfield players (not even Stoke do that!).
He buys a centre forward but has not made provision for this by having anyone who can cross a ball - then admits it.
He gets rid of Bellamy whilst bringing in Balotelli (need I say more?).

Oh hell - the list goes on and on and on................The problem last night summed up the entire Season. One winger to supply TWO centre forwards. No link between midfield and attack. Gareth Barry. No team ethic. Sideways football. Players looking bewildered, clueless and ruderless. Having some ability but unable to use it.

The truth hurts pal, maybe you dont like it but there it is and I for one dont want more of it next Season and I wont stop asking questions about how MY Club is being run....................

And the problem being that Mancini didn't play '3 holding midfielders'. He played one; Yaya. A centre forward as in Edin Dzeko? No crossers of the ball as in Kolarov and the 'consistent' Adam Johnson?? Do you mean the injury prone 'tear-them-apart' Bellamy who's scored about 5 goals, this season, in a lower division??

You should read/ have a point before having a pop.

Yeah - and what wouldnt you give to see 'injury prone' Bellamy emerge from the tunnel on saturday?
Bigga said:
Didsbury Dave said:
We got overrun and hammered with the personel and formation.

So the logic was wrong. Even the manager admitted it. Why can't you?

Maybe you cannot piece events together, but the personnel he put out was in response to the negative tag he quite wrongly receives!!

Afterwards, he said he was wrong, probably because he should have carried on the way he has done and not listened to all the whingers!!

Ah, so what you're saying is that our manager is so weak-willed and intimidated by the media and the fans, he changed his tactics to appease them.

Are you seriously saying that? If you are, then the quicker we get rid the better. I want a manager who has conviction in his views and can get the players to buy into it... not a jellyfish who determines his style of play based on what he's reading in the newspapers.

Considering you're supposedly defending the manager, this argument only makes him look worse.
blueinsa said:
has poor tactics for the English game with little signs of being able to change them and his team selections and substitutions are poor and baffling.

Whenever Mancini’s ability as a manager is being discussed, without fail you will be there repeating the same things. Repition doesn't give your post more credibility.

I can understand why some fans will be unhappy with Mancini, and I can understand why some like him. However, you appear to have a genuine hatred for him, which I find strange. I imagine you having a picture of him on your dartboard and an effigy of him in your bedside table that you will burn if we don’t finish top 4 and win the FA Cup.
Manc in London said:
blueinsa said:
has poor tactics for the English game with little signs of being able to change them and his team selections and substitutions are poor and baffling.

Whenever Mancini’s ability as a manager is being discussed, without fail you will be there repeating the same things. Repition doesn't give your post more credibility.

I can understand why some fans will be unhappy with Mancini, and I can understand why some like him. However, you appear to have a genuine hatred for him, which I find strange. I imagine you having a picture of him on your dartboard and an effigy of him in your bedside table that you will burn if we don’t finish top 4 and win the FA Cup.

Deary me mate that was a poor attempt.....

Go on then, give me reasons as to why he is doing a good job and why he should be kept on regardless of what happens this season?

Awaits a rehash of "time and stability with a hint of gel".

Oh look.....i just did what you did!
Away games


Nothing I've seen since christmas will make me think we will pick up any points away from home.

Home games

West Ham

6 points off the first two, gonna predict a draw with spurs that's a grand total of 7 more points this season.
ST Coleridge said:
Bigga said:
He tried an attacking team and yet nobody comments on this factor. Why? Because no matter what he does, he'll be criticised. Be tactical and get critiqued. Be attacking and be critiqued.

It's a no win for him.

I'm afraid that this is the sense I get from some, too.

And let's evaluate a poor performance, rather than labelling our manager a 'wanker', 'prick', etc.

Fair comment.

But any analysis of the perormance has to start with the team selection .

When the team was announced there was uproar on here. Just about every Bluemooner thought it was a bizarre team selection. And they were proved right.

Now none of us can hold a candle to the tactical nous of Mancini... but the fact that just about every City fan had concerns with the line-up speaks volumes... and that was BEFORE the game started, so hindsight was not a factor.

A manager has to generate trust. With his players, with the board... and with the fans.

Mancini is losing that trust with each passing week. As an avowed Mancini supporter when he arrived here, I find it alarming how much he is now struggling (and has been for the best part of 5 months now), his transfer dealings, his man-management, his tactics, his team selection... the reality that many players now look like they have stopped playing for him.

Even the great win against Sunderland last week is tainted by the fact that the Chairman had to give an inspirational speech to motivate them as the manager was deemed incapable. Maybe the players responded to actually embarrass the manager. Who knows?

While others are looking at maybe 4 or 5 wins out of the last 6 games, I fear we might get only half of that.

That is precisely evidence of how much faith I have lost in Mancini.

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