An End to Terrace/Armchair Managers vs Mancini...

as has been said before 'i know shit when i see it'. monday night was indicative of a bunch of players who were over-coached/managed, incapable of doing what they were asked to do.this was apparent very early on,gaping holes in midfield and down the flanks.The goals were a result of panic by defenders,not great skill by 'pool,there was square pegs in round holes all over the place.Misplaced passes were the norm.Whatever was wrong,if things dont change we wont win another game this season,even worse we could be humiliated. As a mere fan i have no idea what needs to be done,why able players suddenly cant pass the ball,dont want the ball,dont move the ball faster.They have been able to,so what's gone wrong? That was relegation form,and whether RM has lost the players or not,it certainly had all the hallmarks of it
blueinsa said:
Manc in London said:
Whenever Mancini’s ability as a manager is being discussed, without fail you will be there repeating the same things. Repition doesn't give your post more credibility.

I can understand why some fans will be unhappy with Mancini, and I can understand why some like him. However, you appear to have a genuine hatred for him, which I find strange. I imagine you having a picture of him on your dartboard and an effigy of him in your bedside table that you will burn if we don’t finish top 4 and win the FA Cup.

Deary me mate that was a poor attempt.....

Go on then, give me reasons as to why he is doing a good job and why he should be kept on regardless of what happens this season?

Awaits a rehash of "time and stability with a hint of gel".

Oh look.....i just did what you did!

If you had read my post, you would have noticed that I wasn't referring to whether you are right or wrong, neither was I referring to Mancini's ability as a manager. I was simply highlighting the fact that you are like a stuck record and that you appear to hate him.

In relation to managers, they get my support until they leave the club. I am not saying that is the 'right' approach, it's simply what I do. When I read your posts about mancini, I can imagine the spit flying on to the screen.

I guess I didn't pick up on Didsbury Dave's posts because he is too far gone. There's still time to pull you back from the brink ;)
Manc in London said:
If you had read my post, you would have noticed that I wasn't referring to whether you are right or wrong, neither was I referring to Mancini's ability as a manager. I was simply highlighting the fact that you are like a stuck record and that you appear to hate him.

In relation to managers, they get my support until they leave the club. I am not saying that is the 'right' approach, it's simply what I do. When I read your posts about mancini, I can imagine the spit flying on to the screen.

I guess I didn't pick up on Didsbury Dave's posts because he is too far gone. There's still time to pull you back from the brink ;)

So you are incapable of independant thought.

Does this apply to players too?
bellbuzzer said:
monday night was indicative of a bunch of players who were over-coached/managed, incapable of doing what they were asked to do

This is something I've noticed over the course of the season, you only have to watch Mancini in the technical area, he doesn't sit down anymore. This demonstrates a complete lack of trust in his players, or like the OP states that he’s over coaching them.

Didn't Eriksson once say that once over the white line there's very little you can do, and if you've done your job properly during the week, you needn't spend the entire game stood up barking orders at your players.

Maybe Mancini should take note of the man he often mentions as one of his biggest influences in football.
Soulboy said:
Bigga said:
Maybe you cannot piece events together, but the personnel he put out was in response to the negative tag he quite wrongly receives!!

Afterwards, he said he was wrong, probably because he should have carried on the way he has done and not listened to all the whingers!!

Ah, so what you're saying is that our manager is so weak-willed and intimidated by the media and the fans, he changed his tactics to appease them.

Are you seriously saying that? If you are, then the quicker we get rid the better. I want a manager who has conviction in his views and can get the players to buy into it... not a jellyfish who determines his style of play based on what he's reading in the newspapers.

Considering you're supposedly defending the manager, this argument only makes him look worse.

How stupid that view is!!

Every single manager in the world has bowed to either internal or external pressure, because pressure is something you cannot avoid in such a high profile position. Hasn't Whiskey Nose bowed to the pressure of Shrek dictating things? Isn't Wenger under constant pressure to get more experience/ world names in his side? Isn't Ancellotti under pressure to play an out of form Torres due to the money spent?

How short is the view you hold on what is perceived as 'jellyfish' management!! Thus, a totally sh*t argument, you have.

ANY1aBLUE said:
Yeah - and what wouldnt you give to see 'injury prone' Bellamy emerge from the tunnel on saturday?

What, on crutches...??
Bigga said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
Yeah - and what wouldnt you give to see 'injury prone' Bellamy emerge from the tunnel on saturday?

What, on crutches...??

Is this the same Bellamy on crutches that played 90 minutes last night and scored a cracker as part of his motm performance?
Balti said:
Bigga said:
What, on crutches...??

Is this the same Bellamy on crutches that played 90 minutes last night and scored a cracker as part of his motm performance?

And how many of those performances have been fantastic, this season? How many goals has he contributed? And how many Cardiff fans would like to snatch him from us??

I'll give you the same answer for all three... 'Not many'.
Bigga said:
Soulboy said:
Ah, so what you're saying is that our manager is so weak-willed and intimidated by the media and the fans, he changed his tactics to appease them.

Are you seriously saying that? If you are, then the quicker we get rid the better. I want a manager who has conviction in his views and can get the players to buy into it... not a jellyfish who determines his style of play based on what he's reading in the newspapers.

Considering you're supposedly defending the manager, this argument only makes him look worse.

How stupid that view is!!

Every single manager in the world has bowed to either internal or external pressure, because pressure is something you cannot avoid in such a high profile position. Hasn't Whiskey Nose bowed to the pressure of Shrek dictating things? Isn't Wenger under constant pressure to get more experience/ world names in his side? Isn't Ancellotti under pressure to play an out of form Torres due to the money spent?

How short is the view you hold on what is perceived as 'jellyfish' management!! Thus, a totally sh*t argument, you have.

ANY1aBLUE said:
Yeah - and what wouldnt you give to see 'injury prone' Bellamy emerge from the tunnel on saturday?

What, on crutches...??

"Their infidels are committing suicide by the hundreds on the gates of Baghdad. Be assured, Baghdad is safe, protected."
Bigga said:
Soulboy said:
Ah, so what you're saying is that our manager is so weak-willed and intimidated by the media and the fans, he changed his tactics to appease them.

Are you seriously saying that? If you are, then the quicker we get rid the better. I want a manager who has conviction in his views and can get the players to buy into it... not a jellyfish who determines his style of play based on what he's reading in the newspapers.

Considering you're supposedly defending the manager, this argument only makes him look worse.

How stupid that view is!!

Every single manager in the world has bowed to either internal or external pressure, because pressure is something you cannot avoid in such a high profile position. Hasn't Whiskey Nose bowed to the pressure of Shrek dictating things? Isn't Wenger under constant pressure to get more experience/ world names in his side? Isn't Ancellotti under pressure to play an out of form Torres due to the money spent?

How short is the view you hold on what is perceived as 'jellyfish' management!! Thus, a totally sh*t argument, you have.

ANY1aBLUE said:
Yeah - and what wouldnt you give to see 'injury prone' Bellamy emerge from the tunnel on saturday?

What, on crutches...??

You truly are childlike when it come to the philosophy of management.

A manager is responsible for what is within his remit. For a football manager that means signings, sales, tactics, training, motivation... all the usual stuff.

If he allows interference or others to pressurise him, that's his choice.

He can be like the best managers who refuse to be bowed, or he can crumble and look to blame everyone else when it goes tits up.

No one is forcing Mancini to drop Silva or NDJ... that was his choice. And if it wasn't his choice, then you have to ask what the fuck are we doing paying him £5m a year if someone else is making the decisions!

How did baconface bow to the pressure of Rooney? Seriously, how did he crumble?

All I see is Rooney playing as well as ever, leading the rags to a treble.

And Wenger under "constant pressure" to sign experienced players. Just remind me how he has bowed to this pressure? By taking no fucking notice of what outsiders are saying!

Who is pressurising Ancelotti to play Torres? Certyainly not the fans. Or the media. I assume you mean the owner... then that being the case, Ancel,otti will go the same way as Mourinho and refuse to back down.

You really do have to stop looking for scapegoats when the manager is not meeting his responsibilities.

Next thing you'll be telling me is that it's all the fans fault... ;-))<br /><br />-- Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:09 am --<br /><br />
Bigga said:
Soulboy said:
Ah, so what you're saying is that our manager is so weak-willed and intimidated by the media and the fans, he changed his tactics to appease them.

Are you seriously saying that? If you are, then the quicker we get rid the better. I want a manager who has conviction in his views and can get the players to buy into it... not a jellyfish who determines his style of play based on what he's reading in the newspapers.

Considering you're supposedly defending the manager, this argument only makes him look worse.

How stupid that view is!!

Every single manager in the world has bowed to either internal or external pressure, because pressure is something you cannot avoid in such a high profile position. Hasn't Whiskey Nose bowed to the pressure of Shrek dictating things? Isn't Wenger under constant pressure to get more experience/ world names in his side? Isn't Ancellotti under pressure to play an out of form Torres due to the money spent?

How short is the view you hold on what is perceived as 'jellyfish' management!! Thus, a totally sh*t argument, you have.

ANY1aBLUE said:
Yeah - and what wouldnt you give to see 'injury prone' Bellamy emerge from the tunnel on saturday?

What, on crutches...??

You really are clueless...
Bigga said:
Balti said:
Is this the same Bellamy on crutches that played 90 minutes last night and scored a cracker as part of his motm performance?

And how many of those performances have been fantastic, this season? How many goals has he contributed? And how many Cardiff fans would like to snatch him from us??

I'll give you the same answer for all three... 'Not many'.

It's a squad game mate and I cannot believe that Bellamy would not have played his part this season had he been allowed to stick around. Neddy also looks a miss right now. So does Ade.

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