Annoying media buzz words.

In a football context.

"Crystal Palace will play.....moneybags Manchester City".

Just Manchester City will do fine thanks.

Non-football context.

The word 'community' WTF does that non word actually mean?
Usually uttered by people who aren't referring to the community as a whole at all, just their particular section of it.
your all wrong, the most annoying piece of shit sky4 bullshit americanism is....

carrick playing the quarterback role.
How about when players and managers talk about 'this football club'?

eg 'I'm delighted to have signed for this football club' or 'I'll give my all for this football club'.

It annoys me intensely, nearly as much as 'the Big Four', 'Grand Slam Sunday' and when Martin Tyler shouts 'and it's live' before they go for a break for adverts before a match on Sky kicks off.

Feel better now!
i know ive said it in another thread, but it really pisses me off when the pundits refer to a defensive midfielder as ..IN THE MAKELE ROLL.. fucking hate that i do
City v Chelsea 'Clash of the cash'


And not a word, but people saying players only sign for City for the money

NO THEY FUCKING DONT, they sign to play with the likes of Robinho, to play good football infront of great fans and to fucking win something one day
I must say, I HATE 'sky sources understand' and 'breaking news' for every pissy little story even if no one gives a shit about it.
1) Athletics commentators who say that someone has "medalled". It's so not a verb, you nuggets.

2) Tim 'crap pundit' Flowers when he says "without a shadow of a doubt" on 5 Live. A plain and simple "Yes" will suffice, Tim...

3) And I HATE it when football commentators (Alan Green, guilty as charged) say with ten minutes to go, "well the three points are in the bag for Liverpool." There are still ten minutes to go, you cretin; anything can happen!!!!

Funny old game, eh, football... ;-)
Didsbury Dave said:
Newlunar said:
at the end of day (heeeerm it's eleven against eleven out dere on de par(phlegm)k).

Has become so crucial to the start of any sentence uttered by a scouser, it has actually replaced the concept of the capital letter.

Ask Jamie (phlegm)Carra(more phlegm)gher.

By jove, you're right again NL.

I never made the link between the two before but it is definitely there.

I reckon there are conversations going on in Spar shops on grotty estates all over Merseyside:

"At de end of de day I want a tin of soup"
"at de end of de day that's 90p mate" etc.

Like yours, one which the players now do regularly is "yeah, no" at the beginning of every answer.

Interviewer "You looked to be enjoying it out there, Jermaine"
Player, laughs a bit, "Yeah, no, I always give 110%"

Can I add the ubiquitious "like I said.." to the list, especially when Player X hasn't said it previously?

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