Anyone Still Waiting For Their Season Ticket?

The packs are completely ott. I'd have preferred £20 off mine to avoid receiving shoelaces, a friendship band, book and DVD. It's time for Garry Cook or someone similar to get involved because Fans aren't being put first.
peoffrey said:
The packs are completely ott. I'd have preferred £20 off mine to avoid receiving shoelaces, a friendship band, book and DVD. It's time for Garry Cook or someone similar to get involved because Fans aren't being put first.

gingerthai said:
peoffrey said:
The packs are completely ott. I'd have preferred £20 off mine to avoid receiving shoelaces, a friendship band, book and DVD. It's time for Garry Cook or someone similar to get involved because Fans aren't being put first.


And you expect me to take you seriously with a pathetic reply like that?
peoffrey said:
gingerthai said:
peoffrey said:
The packs are completely ott. I'd have preferred £20 off mine to avoid receiving shoelaces, a friendship band, book and DVD. It's time for Garry Cook or someone similar to get involved because Fans aren't being put first.


And you expect me to take you seriously with a pathetic reply like that?

A pathetic reply? Get a sense of humour. Do you really think anyone takes you seriously when your moaning fans arent being put first? The membership card wouldnt have been any cheaper if they hadnt put a few relatively cheap items in. They are just a small bonus.
Mine just arrived now, really happy with the whole pack. Especially the memory stick as I hadn't seen it mentioned on here so I wasn't expecting it.
BlueGeorge said:
Mine just arrived now, really happy with the whole pack. Especially the memory stick as I hadn't seen it mentioned on here so I wasn't expecting it.

just received my season card pack.

for those that mortally upset the shoe laces can come in handy and for another purpose than fastening shoes.

kids dont try this at home.
shame us fans arent being put first damn im really unhappy with my gift pack look at all these lovely things :( what arseholes city are ...........
bzekosilva said:
shame us fans arent being put first damn im really unhappy with my gift pack look at all these lovely things :( what arseholes city are ...........
Says you whose card has arrived. Well, good for you.
Stop being so smug. A hell of a lot of people have been pissed around today, and we don't need a lecture from gloaters
Really frustrating, still not got mine. They could have sent 40,000 season tickets to my house a month ago with a list of adresses and i think i'd of managed to get them all out by now. It's like they dont expect to have deal with sending out such large numbers of tickets.
I know this seems incredibly dumb but...

I didn't think I was going to be able to afford a season ticket this year so opted for a bluecard with priority, now that along with the Swansea game has been paid for but due to working a lot of overtime last month i've got enough to buy a seasoncard, the problem I have is when I try online it just says i'm not eligible? Is there any way rather than calling the ticket office as i've been trying for ages and can't seem to get through, very frustrating

Any help would be much appreciated and sorry for rambling on

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