are we getting arrogant

I don't think arrogance is in our DNA.

We've taken shit of the rags for decades now. I for one am sick to my back teeth of the "we've won this!" and "we've won that!" I've had to endure years of my neighbour sticking his red head out the window every time we lost to them in a derby. Telling me how great his team is and how much success they've had.

If one of your work mates won £120m on the lotto and came into work to take the piss out of you because you still had to work there, you probably think he was a twat.

So why would we want to emulate the rags? They are a horrible breed.
I think we'll win the PL this season (said so before the season started) and the CL within the next 3-5 years, I'm not being arrogant just assessing our squad and progress.
When Mancini was appointed I said he was the right man for the job, a proven winner. Not being arrogant just assessing facts.
We have a wonderful squad assembled over the last three years, a great manager and a supportive owner. The future is going to be very bright, and quite frankly we deserve it.
In 1999, Joe Royle said after the Play Off final victory over Gillingham that at two nil down the footballing gods had decided that Manchester City had suffered enough, and whats happened in the following 12 years has convinced me that the footballing gods have decided its our turn to feast on success.
How long it lasts nobody knows, but I for one will celebrate each and every success and enjoy the ride and if on occasions I go over the top and become arrogant then I'm sorry but its my pride in our Club being where I always dreamt and wanted them to be.
I live and work in Birmingham and there are plenty of United shirts on kids round here, I want the next generation to be wearing City shirts, I want our current upturn in fortunes and future success to develop a sustainable base of support that will elevate City to be a European giant for decades to come.
The project has only just begun, and has a long way to go. We the fans have a big part to play by encouraging and welcoming new supporters to the Eithad.
I am amazed at how much our Club has changed since 2003, and I cannot wait for the future to unfold.
Arrogant and disrespectful no not me.
LoveCity said:
I think some are, should never take ANY game for granted or disrespect any team or suggest the title is won as its still so early in the season and Chelsea had a bigger lead than us this time last year I think.

I do think we'll be brought crashing down to earth some time soon with a loss no one expects, maybe Newcastle or QPR. Mancini out, Dzeko not good enough, etc., to follow.
i agree with this but not sure about the chelsea thing
nope not me , people ( non city fans) keep comparing us to barca and saying were better but i put them right pretty quickly. we are manchester city yes we have won a couple of games by a BIG margin but nothing is won in october. keep your feet on the ground and just give your best every game.

i'll be arrogant (tiny bit after all these years) when we have won CL trophy,PL trophy etc :)
bluetonium said:
Anyone who has followed the club for more than a couple of seasons will share the Op's concerns, as we also remember the drought, the relegations, the 'sleeping giant' quips, the false dawns...

But we can have a hand in how we are percieved to a degree - some looking from the outside will never see past the money, especially those sections of the media how see it as an easy target, but when you talk to real fans of other club, they do still in general have at least a little respect and knowledge of City as a club, and of it's fans.

As I posted in the Man U most hated club thread:

Plus, I've always been baffled by the many United fans (not all, some are decent if we are honest, but an awful lot, especially the younger) who claim supporters of other clubs are below them, just because they support another club. Really it's completely the other way around - I'll give all the credit in the world to the guy or girl who trots along to support Morecambe or Brentford, rather than take the easy way out and pick whoever is at the top of the league most often. Similarly, our City journey has not been covered in glory until very recently, Div 2, York & Bury away... but it's a giggle. Which is what supporting your team should be, not a status symbol to whack those with other loyalties around the head with. I hope we don't forget that either.
and this
moomba said:
We're not getting arrogant. What we are getting is obsessed about comparing ourselves to rag supporters, and questioning the attitude of blues who are quite rightly enjoying the current performances of the team.

I'd bet well over half of all blues at 3-1 were more than a bit worried about dropping points last Sunday. We've been through too much to be arrogant.
i was and hopefully always will be,its a much better buzz when it actually come's off
Crabbers said:
A Blackburn fan told me recently that he was disappointed with how arrogant we had become, that he felt we used to be more down to earth and that in recent years he had noticed a change in attitude when we have visited ewood park. From my point of view, I really hadn't noticed that much of a change. I said that perhaps us being confident in our ability was being confused with arrogance.
We will change with the club, it's natural.

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