Are we turning into glory hunters?

Some proper glory hunters with the new fan base but that's to be expected.

Standards go up though it is inevitable.

Standards do go up but I also think we've been a bit spoiled by the manner of some of our recent successes:

The FA Cup 2011 - We beat United in the Semi Final at Wembley! Then Yaya's winner against Stoke

93.20 - Agueroooooo. Enough said.

2014 - League Cup Final - We go 1-0 down to Sunderland and then come back to win 3-1.

2014 - Premier League Champions - Having lost at Anfield and seemingly blown our title chances we put a great unbeaten run together to snatch the title away from the Scousers.

This season we won the League Cup against a good side in one of the most one sided cup finals in recent times. We've been miles in front in the Premier League for virtually the whole season, breaking numerous records along the way and playing the kind of football that has pundits and neutrals raving about City. To put the cherry on the icing on the cake we had the opportunity to confirm the title against the rags at home... and to top things off we're 2-0 up at half time. What a scenario! Unfortunately we blew it and there are a number of potential reasons behind the second half collapse but it doesn't change the result.

If/when we do win the title I think some people will feel it is a bit of anti climax because we didn't do it against the rags. Don't get me wrong, it is disappointing we didn't make the most of that opportunity but it was one game in a long (incredible) season that was sandwiched in between important champs league games.

We now need to restore some confidence and beat Liverpool (even if we we don't qualify we need to win that game) and then wrap the league up as soon as possible to remind everyone exactly why this City team deserves to be champions. Even if there is to be no 'Agueroooo' type defining moment this time round.

In terms of glory supporters - we may have a few jumping on the band wagon on social media but I think the average match going blue is enjoying the ride... Even if there are a few speed bumps along the way.
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Please dont speak for me on this, yes there might be new fans that have climbed aboard but the true fans and we know who we and they are are defo not.
It’s good you can view it like that pal, I just can’t, it’s the biggest game. If we pulled Stockport or FC United out of the bag in the FA Cup they’d be big ganes to me too that I’d want a full strength team to absolutely hammer them 8-0 even if we had Real Madrid in the CL a few days later haha

its the new bread of football clubs and the race is long and based on 38 games and winning the league will happen this season and i truly understand both sides of the coin. pep choice is to try and put right the champions league tie vs liverpool and resting key players knowing the task is going to need 110% from the team so took the gamble on the derby game. the fans wanted blood and winning the league vs united would have been banter for the future and maybe put the old little old city to bed with them scum fans

but you know what united fan will always have something to banter with us and know matter how much better we are than them they will never see. its like fergie said never in my lifetime well 3 times we have won the league since them spoken words from there king. but for me i never seen so much gloating from the manchester city fans ever and after the game people was acting like it was our right to be champions and pep was so wrong in playing a weakened team in such a big game

when manchester city have a big party in manchester at the town hall and show off the 2 trophies even still could be 3 if pep plans work how many will be singing pep song and cheering the squad and players that's when you do the gloating when its done and dusted
Please dont speak for me on this, yes there might be new fans that have climbed aboard but the true fans and we know who we and they are are defo not.

even myself have had to check if am still human hahaha love the new manchester city winning silverware its so unbelievable and i still pinch myself and don't really understand how to handle it at times. but some of the fans on derby day shocked me i never ever thought i see the day when blues was giving it large and after the game going over the top like we have just lost the league to the scum ??? we truly have to give them a head wobble and put them right this is still manchester city and we not the scum
It seems to be the City go to after something poor happening. We should accept being 2-0 up at home, in a derby, that wins us the league, in a ground we haven't lost in all season, missed glorious chances, put out a weakened team and then lost 3-2 because we once drew 0-0 at home to Wrexham. I don't think the Sheikh would see it that way either after all of his investment. Saturday was a massive fuck up, a real stomach turner and something that wasn't acceptable. One of the worst feelings I have felt with City and yes I have suffered the relegations. That's because of many factors and expectations should be higher, less of the small time attitude blues.
Hear hear Tom.

But it's definitely a muffin!
I do not think it means were becoming glory hunters but fans seem to becoming less resilient to set backs.

We have pretty much had it all our own way this season. Top of the top 6 mini league, sailed through the Champs lge, lifted the Carabao cup, scored the most goals, conceded the least, 16 points clear at the top and the first bit of adversity and the moaning and blaming starts and defeat is treated like the end of the world. Not knockibg people, because I felt like this on Wednesday night, but this morning the table still shows us 13 clear, a cup in the bag, a record of 27-3-2 and another breathtaking night of football to enjoy on Tuesday.
That lad crying after the game was pretty shameful all things considered. Its not as if he was a kid either.

I imagine he is pretty mortified in hindsight, but its given every football fan another stick to beat us with "he should try being a ______ fan, then he would have some real problems". All of which are right. We're the best team in the country by a distance and have had an incredible season.

I was too angry to be upset but each to their own.

That guy that was crying when we lost at Swansea in 2012 at least thought we had lost the league - I dont understand why the guy on Saturday was crying unless it was unrelated to the football.
Our support at a guess is still 80/20 , solid support and mostly local , i would say roughly the football club has attracted 20% of glory hunters , corporate and tourists , but its a neccesary evil if the club wants to grow into a european super power , i also believe a lot of our support are die hards and older generation because younger supporters are simply being priced out and this does effect the atmosphere and the empty seats . This isnt the fault of the club but the rise in prices in general in the Premier league , not sure how you fix it ,because its a nationwide phenomenom , the vast majority of grounds have very little atmosphere , Klanfield and the Swamp being two of the worst if you talk to genuine match going supporters

The game has been somewhat sanitised into a pleasant day out , visit the superstore , buy the half and half scarf and dont forget your selfie stick , i may be a cynical old f*cker but the game has changed so much since we left Maine Rd. , obviously in most cases for the better , superb ground and facilities and its now a very very safe environment to watch football , but the old adage of this sport being a working mans game has long gone , that stopped when we left Maine Rd.
That lad crying after the game was pretty shameful all things considered. Its not as if he was a kid either.

I imagine he is pretty mortified in hindsight, but its given every football fan another stick to beat us with "he should try being a ______ fan, then he would have some real problems". All of which are right. We're the best team in the country by a distance and have had an incredible season.

I was too angry to be upset but each to their own.

That guy that was crying when we lost at Swansea in 2012 at least thought we had lost the league - I dont understand why the guy on Saturday was crying unless it was unrelated to the football.

I spoke to him as I was leaving the ground - it was just the result.

Reminded him we are 13 points clear, would have won that game in most circumstances and are playing the best football we have seen in the modern generation of Man City.

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