Are we turning into glory hunters?

Think it could be an age thing, those of us of more mature years are a bit more realistic and pragmatic.
I've noticed a fair few younger fans acting and sounding like the rags we despise with their cockiness.
I'm talking about fans not from UK. Are they gloryhunters?

I'm not sure what message you are trying to convey but you do not have to be from this country to be a City supporter. There are many passionate City fans across all four corners.
Your definition of glory hunter was churlish at best

Where do you live?
You two can speak for yourselves, there are thousands on here, me included who have been going to City for 50 years and more, never have we been and never will we be, glory hunters, tarring us with the same brush as the scumbag rags is nothing short of a fuckin disgrace.. 95% of City fans wont fall into this category, the few that do are not City fans, just jobbing supporters with no fixed abode, every successful side has those clowns these days...!

matey its the new bread of fans that are the worst and glory hunters and they can affect you if you get to close they can give you the infection called (the glory disease) but the best medicine is coming back on here and back to the real world members will soon put you right hahaha
If you like City, and you are not from Manchester, that's means gloryhunter. Fans from another countries are 100% gloryhunters.
True fan is only from Manchester, and maybe visited Maine Road.

I really hate this type of post I am 3rd generation manc and City fan I don't have a manc accent now due having lived in kent for last 50 years but I was born in Manchester. Now my lads are 4th generation of City fans and my kid brother his family is now 5th Generation due to him being a granddad. Our family is 100% City living among all this plastic reds. I see a lad going to school a City fan and yes he isn't from a City family but I still welcome him and we have a quick chat about City when we can , I gave him a signed picture of Hart and Kompany, personally I welcome all City fans .......
Kind of a silly question, no?

We have great and terrible supporters everywhere, in Manchester and abroad. Is there really a solid definition of glory hunter?

I've lived my whole life in Canada and grew up watching the premier league. As a youngster I followed players more than clubs, which causes you to watch certain clubs more than others, and occasionally you experience moments that bring you closer to one club over the others. I can pinpoint the start of my affection for City well before 2008, but no doubt my interest increased when we brought in players like Silva, Toure and Aguero. I watch week in and week out and feel the same highs and lows. Are the emotions as extreme as someone who grew up in Manchester and sat in Maine Road? How the heck could I know? How the heck could you know ?!

I can understand the anger towards international "fans" that come to games and just take selfies, sitting in their seats in silence or groaning, but aren't there Mancunians that do the same thing?

So am I a plastic glory hunter? It just seems like a useless debate.
football is just too fickle.

take my team West Ham for example... we want to keep the old identity, we want to play good traditional football, we want jellied pie and eels and the old 30,000 stadium back - hell some even want us to get relegated so we can go to 'proper grounds'

Yet! .. fans demand we spend billions on new players, win every game and play attacking football.

you cant win.
matey its the new bread of fans that are the worst and glory hunters and they can affect you if you get to close they can give you the infection called (the glory disease) but the best medicine is coming back on here and back to the real world members will soon put you right hahaha
Sounds worse than Cat aides that...!

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