Arsenal (A) - PL Post Match Thread

Understand why Pep wants / wanted Paqueta he’s what our midfield needs. Energy and creativity. Why did he have to be such an idiot.
Brighton while leaking goals imo will give us a game next round after the break.

quite clear we are nowhere near yet where Pep wants us to be, we will not run away at all until Boxing Day, chances are we will not even be on top.

many tricky games coming up, and last two we failed badly vs Wolves and Arse.

I dont blame the defence much, we didnt let them create anything, nd fucking fule flipper goal again cost us, but the lesson is that if you make a shit shot it can deflect, we didnt even make shots 2nd half that could deflect in a lucky way.

going forward we were rubbish, creating fuck all, Haaland sometimes would have more chances playing for Luton lol. its a bit luxury to have a striker like this and we dont create anything for him. opponents doing well more and more to cut the supply lines.
Foden, Alvarez both had very bad games, Kovacic didnt help at all. Rico while he was great vs Leipzig this today wasnt one to remember for him.
Pep wanted width from fullbacks today, not sure it worked, as our control of the ball wasnt any good. thats the main issue Gundo, KDB, Rodri, Grealish, Mahrez gave us control of the ball, control of the tempo.
current setup doesnt do that.

its not good that as soon as we had two tricky games coming up we failed both and we were not even in the lead for a minute. does not bode well for remaining tougher away games.
going to rags, Castle, Chelsea, Pool, Spurs, Brighton, Villa, aint gonna be easier than today or the Wolves game we cannot keep losing and drawing these albeit the Spurs, Pool away games are guaranteed losses.

we need to get our control back, which is hard without KDB, Gundo. others need to step up big time. KDB and his goals in games like today and his assists are a really huge miss.
I really hope Pep does what he’s done in previous years and says I don’t like this team/I don’t recognise this team, and rips it up and starts again. Too many players haven’t got going or have hit bad form at the wrong time, Haaland looks knackered, Phil’s run out of ideas, Jacks playing similar to his first season, Ake & Dias look error prone, Kovacic is a bit of a flat track bully & doesn’t control the tempo enough, he’s certainly not a big game player, Nunes showed promise in his first outing, but it all looks too big for him right now, KP nowhere near good enough,I dread to think were we’d be if we sold Walker.
There have been positives though, Josko has hit the ground running, Alvarez has been very good, KW as well, Ederson keeps on improving, and players are starting to get off the injury table, I’m praying to god KDB gets back soon, but he’s gonna take a while to get going.
It’s not a time to panic (and we won’t) but there’s nothing wrong with having a long hard look in the mirror
I’m just sick of the way we play away games ever since 3-3 vs Newcastle, he can try and justify it, but the simple fact is not only it being abysmal to watch, it’s not even effective is it? We won two games away from home against the top 10 in the league last season and one was just a pure arsenal bottle and one win in the cl away from home all last season. We just look an absolute shadow of the team we are when we go away from home and it makes even more irrational now we’ve got Haaland.

It will be the exact same performance against United in a few weeks and probably the exact same result there will be nothing in the game but united will win either by a ref decision like last season or a deflection like today.

if he doesn’t change this profoundly negative style away from home we will be lucky to get 2 wins again against this season’s eventual top 10.

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