Arsenal post match thread

We have so many players out of form. Silva, Aguero, de Bruyne....players we need to create are severely lacking in quality right now. Plus add in average players like mangala and we have no chance.
FFS Bring back Mancini.

I cannot believe City can be the organisation they would want us to believe they are, yet let the farce continue.

I've never seen defending like it and how this is allowed to continue is staggering. When this Pellegrini turned up all the talk was of high press and intensity of play! Yes I'll say that again, high press and intensity of play, yet almost 3 years on we have not seen a single example of high press and as for intensity of play; well you're having a laugh.

i remember hugely criticising mancini when he first arrived causee he was so defensive but he eventually got the balance right......we need to go back to looking at the basics (which is what mancini did when he arrived) and that is how we defend as a team and we just are not doing that due to the way the manager sets us up....but he will never change it......

we basically played delph as a left sided midfielder tonight but what should have happened is this


---------------back 4-------------------

kdb------------ferna--- yaya-------delph------



what it should have been was this:



---------------ferna --yaya-----delphi--------------------------

--kdb-------------------kun---------------------silva---------------------------(the front 3 completely interchangeable) (I peronsally would have played sterling instead of kdb tonight as well due to his better awareness defensively)
I know it's a strange season and anything can happen but we don't have the ingredients and stomach in my opinion to win the league. Successful teams respond to going behind but every game we go behind our heads drop. Our ruthlessness in front of goal has evaporated. It was only a couple of seasons ago we was a big powerful team and would bully teams like Arsenal. It's quite ironic that we are like Arsenal of the last few seasons and they have addressed there defending issues and look more of a unit. We can't drop any further behind Arsenal in the next few games or its game over in my opinion ( and that's not even taken into account Leicester) 9 points from Sunderland, Leicester and Watford is a must now.
Played for about 30 mins of a 90 min game.

Arsenal worked hard, we didn't and they took the 2 chances they got whilst we fluffed our lines again.

Pellergrini is gone and Pep is coming but he can't track a runner or move into space or close down a player himself, his players have to do that and we have too many who seemingly can't be arsed most of the time.

Not happy at all.

you can't legislate for cowardice and lack of a brain, with a captain putting himself and Belgium b4 the club we have had little heart either, Dorothy and I are pissed off no end.
Silva isn't the same player as he was before his latest injury.
He was brilliant against Borussia. He's fit anyway.

You watch Aguero. It will take him weeks to get back on his game, and it happens every single time he has an injury. I'm only a fan watching from a distance. I don't really know for sure, but what I've seen over the years from Aguero strongly suggests to me that he doesn't train properly and relies on games to get fit.
I swear half the spastics on here have no idea about football.

That shite team didn't have a kick for 35 mins then a joke goal out of the blue when we should have been taking a free kick in their D.

Then a stupid defensive error cost us . and it looked offside but the Sky cuntz failed to replay effectively to see.

We dominated mostly and were bloody unlucky so stop slaggging for no reason.

We were the best team tonight.

fucking hell is this pellegrini
Didn't expect much before the game, glad it's out of the way . Got to try and put a run together now 5 games at least. Come on blue's, chin up and move forward. .

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