Arsenal post match thread

The stats mean little. Arsenal let us come on to them and our attempts on goal were all tame efforts apart from the goal itself. Sorry guys, they were the better side.
So they played us off the park? Passed it around us like Pro's? Stopped us shooting, stopped us playing good football? None of that? They scored their chances... Other than number of goals they were not the better side.

Goals is the most important stat, but Arsenal finished that game holding on for dear life, City played well enough, on another day it would have went our way.
I think we might have kidded ourselves that we are better than we are. My personal view:

Hart - in an elite group of keepers and as good as any.
Sagna- solid if unspectacular.
Otamendi - CBs need 12 months to settle in so the jury is out for me.
Mangala - accident prone. We were sold a pup.
Kolarov- gives us lots going forward but undeniably suspect at the back.
Delph - looks useful.
Yaya - past his best and pacing himself now.
De Bruyne - not perfect but what a player.
Silva - I would always pay to watch him but obviously rusty.
Aguero - obviously world class but takes time to click after being injured - and he is so often injured.
Fernandinho - lively and driven with great energy levels and decent skill and vision.

The rest:

Kompany- fantastic but not much good to us in the stands.
Bony - good player, wrong team.
Nacho - great prospect but won't win us the league.
Zabs- where are you Zabs?
MDM - legs have gone.
Nasri-who cares? Too often he seemswitt to.
Sterling - good already and may be great in the future.
Fernando - poor.

Summary: a really good squad but not a dominant one and needs a top manager to get the most out of them. We don't have one at the moment. Biggest fault is not pressing the ball enough and disorganised defence. Fell free to disagree. Based on 50 years of watching football but not suggesting that I know it all.

Merry Christmas to all Blues.

A very sensible post and one I completely agree with . Merry Xmas to you too.
Well he is a huge disappointment isn't he? He's done fuck all for us in the longterm. Won the league with Mancini's squad and ruined our defence.

Agreed mate, time is up for Pellegrini. The sad thing is had we kept Mancini we would have had no doubt at least one more league and certainly one more cup. Gutted we have got to this state with Manuel and his lax approach to defense and structure
Making it difficult to reply with that much in a post...

It WAS 100% men against boys . Arsenal defended better, attacked better(clinical in front of goal converting more goals with less chances), and were clearly drilled better all over the pitch. They key here is that stats betray this game, all the "oh but we COULD(aka didn't) have defended that bit better" etc is pretty irrelevant. The point is arsenal didn't over extend anywhere on the pitch, stuck to a game plan, executed it well...and city didn't.

Yes, piss poor or the rest of the game. Even when you claim yaya was running riot, it only seemed that way because the rest of the team were literally all over the shop in the last 20 minutes running like headless chickens meaning yaya managed to find i said previously if arsenal were on point this evening on the break, then that scoreline would have ended more like 4/5-0 by the end.

The fact that arsenal were average, and you yourself claim this, only serves to prove my point. It sucks but thats football sometimes, sack the manager, offload the deadweight asap and sign a CM, ST, and CB in january. Perhaps a temp manager will be enough without all the signings until the summer.

Surgery is needed now though in some form.
Nope, totally disagree. Go watch Stoke or Liverpool if you want men against boys. This was a far closer match, in fact a fairly standard match between 2 good teams, in where a couple of moments decided it. 60 seconds from where we should be leading we're losing, then 60 seconds before half time we make a mistake and the games gone & then they hung on at the end to get the points. Yes we weren't great but had we won our last few and had we been top of the table I'm going to guess less would have been upset with the performance, more the result.

Arsenal didn't execute their plan well, unless their plan was score a wonder goal & hope Mangala/Delph make a mistake? I get what you're saying that they obviously had a plan compared to us (i.e. mark Silva and get Ozil involved behind Toure on the break) whereas we just ran around hoping to outplay them - which is piss poor from our management - but by no means did their plan end up with them battering us as so many others have done this season, if they had executed well then I can assure you we wouldn't be sitting here saying they could have 3-4 goals, we'd be saying 8 or 9.

Agree we need to refresh, but not now, and certainly not panic buy in January. Do you really want another Bony, because I assure you we're not getting players of the quality we are aiming for in January. For me it's lets ensure we get top 4, maybe nick a trophy in League Cup if we're lucky, then get a manager in & get Denayer back, CM in, LB/RB in and start proper next season.
We were the better side last night. Four very decent chances and a good penalty shout (Sterling) against a side who are probably our main rival. Both their goals were defendable. Sorry but Joe should not get beat on his near stick like that for their second. Straight through him.
Last night was one of the most frustrating games I've watched. Just before I carry on rambling on here, just take a second to remember this interview in August: This was when our players tricked us into thinking they actually wanted to win the league!

So we go from August, where our players are right up to prove our critics wrong and to go on to win the league, to where we are now.

Yesterday, I was incredibly confident looking at our line up. A team with Hart, Kolarov, Toure, KDB, Aguero should have bags full of experience for these big games. We've been here before and taken points off Arsenal so it shouldn't be too difficult to not get beat.

We started the game off very slowly, Arsenal had a good 5 minutes of possession and territory and instantly you got an impression as to who was and who wasn't up for the game. We eventually forged out a couple of half chances and long range shots, but nothing to really panic Cech. Then, almost like clockwork, we concede a goal mid way through the first half. Fernandinho couldn't be bothered to make a 5 yard sprint, KDB suddenly becomes the slowest human being on planet earth when we're out of possession and Toure was being Toure, off somewhere else on the pitch with his finger up his backside. Ottamendi and Sagna get dragged around like a couple of puppets as a result and Walcott, with all the time in the world curls an unstoppable shot into the top corner. Something he seems to do against us quite often now.

So it's 1-0, we continue attempting to press them. Kolarov gives the ball away 6 times in the next 15 mins, usually by hoofing the ball up towards Aguero who's being marked by 1.98m tall Per Mertesacker, I wonder who was going to win that one. 1 minute of added time comes on the board and we have a free kick in their half. Any half decent player here thinks 'well we've struggled to break them down all game, we've got a chance now, let's get the ball into the box and try our luck before half time', but no, we rush to take a 1 yard free kick, get tracked down quickly, play a hospital pass across the pitch and stand around blaming each other when arguably the quickest team counter us. I still can't fathom what Mangala was thinking, that pass wasn't even Sunday League standard, how he's getting in the team ahead of Demichelis is beyond me. I think someone must have told him he's actually good at football once, surely not, but it does look that way. So from having 1 minute to go, with an attacking free-kick we finish the half 2-0. Great.

I can only imagine Manuel's half time team talk was possibly the most uninspiring conversation that's taken place in history. Similar to the game away to Stoke, we came out in the second half looking less interested than the first. He replaces Delph, the only player who looked interested, with Sterling.

We showed a great winning mentality when Aguero goes down on the pitch, the referee allows play to go on despite a head injury. Once up he's walked off to the sideline. Pellegrini says, 'well it's the 60th minute and I'm going to put Bony on in two minutes', so Aguero goes and takes his place on the bench and we're left with 10 men. Let's be honest here, if that's Rooney, Tevez, Ronaldo, Messi, Suarez, Gerrard etc they are all telling Pellegrini to fuck off and get Bony warmed up before you take me off - or at least go back onto the pitch and feign an injury for 2 mins which gives us time to get Bony ready - surely I can't be the only person who's infuriated by this every time we do it? This followed Ottamendi earning the poorest yellow card we'll see all season.

Eventually, after two clear goal scoring chances for Arsenal (again created by our lack of effort/desire and sheer complacency at the back) we break through. Navas burns Mertesacker and we have our best chance to work the keeper. He enters the box, the ball lines up nicely for a right footed strike, low and hard past the keeper surely? He doesn't even try. He attempted to pass the ball to Bony who was waddling 10 yards behind him rather than shoot against Cech who'm he was one on one with. I don't think anyone would complain at Navas if he shot and Cech saved it, but not trying is unforgivable. Is this the instruction from Pellegrini or does he have such little confidence in his own ability? Probably the latter.

So we go into the last 10 minutes, and suddenly we start showing the intensity a team like Bayern or Barca show for 90 mins week in week out. Toure nearly fools everyone present into thinking he's had a decent game by cracking an absolute screamer into the back of the net and suddenly Arsenal are gone. But, we've left it too little to late. I almost believe Pellegrini told them 'don't try until the last 10 minutes, they'll shit themselves'. We had a few more half chances until we run ran out of steam on the 90th minute.

So where does that leave us? We're not just 6 points off the top. We've lost 5 games, dropped points in our last 5 away games, our home performances have been atrocious yet Pellegrini is still coming out, as calm as anything. It's almost as if he doesn't give a shit, maybe he's off in the summer, maybe he knows who his replacement will be, perhaps the players do too. Maybe they get a buzz out of seeing how little they can do, whilst still picking up £200,000 per week. I want passion, I want 11 Delphs in my team who will run through brick walls for the entire game. I don't want players who save themselves for the last 10 minutes and offer nothing for the 80 prior to that. I wan't a manager who can change things, throw players in and switch formations mid way through the game to prevent their best players from ripping ours apart. I know a happy clapper will probably say, get a bit of perspective but regardless, from a fans perspective, it's just not good enough.

This is the best chance we will EVER have of winning the league and we're going to piss it away because Pellegrini can't motivate our squad anymore.
Last night was one of the most frustrating games I've watched. Just before I carry on rambling on here, just take a second to remember this interview in August: This was when our players tricked us into thinking they actually wanted to win the league!

So we go from August, where our players are right up to prove our critics wrong and to go on to win the league, to where we are now.

Yesterday, I was incredibly confident looking at our line up. A team with Hart, Kolarov, Toure, KDB, Aguero should have bags full of experience for these big games. We've been here before and taken points off Arsenal so it shouldn't be too difficult to not get beat.

We started the game off very slowly, Arsenal had a good 5 minutes of possession and territory and instantly you got an impression as to who was and who wasn't up for the game. We eventually forged out a couple of half chances and long range shots, but nothing to really panic Cech. Then, almost like clockwork, we concede a goal mid way through the first half. Fernandinho couldn't be bothered to make a 5 yard sprint, KDB suddenly becomes the slowest human being on planet earth when we're out of possession and Toure was being Toure, off somewhere else on the pitch with his finger up his backside. Ottamendi and Sagna get dragged around like a couple of puppets as a result and Walcott, with all the time in the world curls an unstoppable shot into the top corner. Something he seems to do against us quite often now.

So it's 1-0, we continue attempting to press them. Kolarov gives the ball away 6 times in the next 15 mins, usually by hoofing the ball up towards Aguero who's being marked by 1.98m tall Per Mertesacker, I wonder who was going to win that one. 1 minute of added time comes on the board and we have a free kick in their half. Any half decent player here thinks 'well we've struggled to break them down all game, we've got a chance now, let's get the ball into the box and try our luck before half time', but no, we rush to take a 1 yard free kick, get tracked down quickly, play a hospital pass across the pitch and stand around blaming each other when arguably the quickest team counter us. I still can't fathom what Mangala was thinking, that pass wasn't even Sunday League standard, how he's getting in the team ahead of Demichelis is beyond me. I think someone must have told him he's actually good at football once, surely not, but it does look that way. So from having 1 minute to go, with an attacking free-kick we finish the half 2-0. Great.

I can only imagine Manuel's half time team talk was possibly the most uninspiring conversation that's taken place in history. Similar to the game away to Stoke, we came out in the second half looking less interested than the first. He replaces Delph, the only player who looked interested, with Sterling.

We showed a great winning mentality when Aguero goes down on the pitch, the referee allows play to go on despite a head injury. Once up he's walked off to the sideline. Pellegrini says, 'well it's the 60th minute and I'm going to put Bony on in two minutes', so Aguero goes and takes his place on the bench and we're left with 10 men. Let's be honest here, if that's Rooney, Tevez, Ronaldo, Messi, Suarez, Gerrard etc they are all telling Pellegrini to fuck off and get Bony warmed up before you take me off - or at least go back onto the pitch and feign an injury for 2 mins which gives us time to get Bony ready - surely I can't be the only person who's infuriated by this every time we do it? This followed Ottamendi earning the poorest yellow card we'll see all season.

Eventually, after two clear goal scoring chances for Arsenal (again created by our lack of effort/desire and sheer complacency at the back) we break through. Navas burns Mertesacker and we have our best chance to work the keeper. He enters the box, the ball lines up nicely for a right footed strike, low and hard past the keeper surely? He doesn't even try. He attempted to pass the ball to Bony who was waddling 10 yards behind him rather than shoot against Cech who'm he was one on one with. I don't think anyone would complain at Navas if he shot and Cech saved it, but not trying is unforgivable. Is this the instruction from Pellegrini or does he have such little confidence in his own ability? Probably the latter.

So we go into the last 10 minutes, and suddenly we start showing the intensity a team like Bayern or Barca show for 90 mins week in week out. Toure nearly fools everyone present into thinking he's had a decent game by cracking an absolute screamer into the back of the net and suddenly Arsenal are gone. But, we've left it too little to late. I almost believe Pellegrini told them 'don't try until the last 10 minutes, they'll shit themselves'. We had a few more half chances until we run ran out of steam on the 90th minute.

So where does that leave us? We're not just 6 points off the top. We've lost 5 games, dropped points in our last 5 away games, our home performances have been atrocious yet Pellegrini is still coming out, as calm as anything. It's almost as if he doesn't give a shit, maybe he's off in the summer, maybe he knows who his replacement will be, perhaps the players do too. Maybe they get a buzz out of seeing how little they can do, whilst still picking up £200,000 per week. I want passion, I want 11 Delphs in my team who will run through brick walls for the entire game. I don't want players who save themselves for the last 10 minutes and offer nothing for the 80 prior to that. I wan't a manager who can change things, throw players in and switch formations mid way through the game to prevent their best players from ripping ours apart. I know a happy clapper will probably say, get a bit of perspective but regardless, from a fans perspective, it's just not good enough.

This is the best chance we will EVER have of winning the league and we're going to piss it away because Pellegrini can't motivate our squad anymore.

Stop being hysterical LOL. your post is totally negative about every aspect of our game. Look at it this way.. We went too our rivals ground and played better, shot more, passed more... we scored less but tbh Arsenal were lucky to get the points. Now they are going to win the league. Everyone is hysterical at the moment haha.

I do agree though about Aguerro going off, it was as if he couldn't wait to get off and left us with ten men, it was a head injury but was it that serious? I might have got it wrong as I was quite merry at the time :)
Stop being hysterical LOL. your post is totally negative about every aspect of our game. Look at it this way.. We went too our rivals ground and played better, shot more, passed more... we scored less but tbh Arsenal were lucky to get the points. Now they are going to win the league. Everyone is hysterical at the moment haha.

I do agree though about Aguerro going off, it was as if he couldn't wait to get off and left us with ten men, it was a head injury but was it that serious? I might have got it wrong as I was quite merry at the time :)
He had to go off as it was a head injury. Everyone knew he was coming off anyway around about then so there was absolutely no point bringing him back on just for a few minutes.
This reminds me a lot of the 2013-14 season. We lost a match against the only team that could take the title off us and the feeling was we had blown it. The difference is there is a lot more of the season left, we have not blown it and it's nearly Christmas! Cheer up guys!!
What's that all about? Do you have a source?

Yes, two, both involved with the club, apparently it's "just the way he is ".
Joe is a decent keeper, to say the least, but all issues with decision making and distribution that were there 5 years ago are still there now. As a stop stopper at times he is outstanding.

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