Arsenal - Post match thread

Showing the Board how you feel about the season and Manager/Team is nothing to be ashamed of IMHO.. No longer do fans of this club have small club mentality and most are no longer Happy clappers..
Who says Yaya or Zaba are leaving? Has the club put out a statement?
is Sangna's going because he's older than Zabba..

Im not saying , dont show your annoyance etc but we have all all season to do that, last game of the season its about showing a bit of class. All signs at the moment point to Zaba leaving (which if thats the base i wanted to say thankyou for his service) Same with Yaya.
Never mentioned winning the fucking league. I mentioned 'a bit of management'.

Too many losers amongst City fans, happy to suck in shit & pretend it's gold.

We have everything we need to compete. This fucking reanimated corpse has ripped the soul from the club, set tactics back 40 years & possibly ruined the City careers of several high standard kids.

He's done this with the highest spend in living memory.

Management used to be about adapting & making stuff work.

He watches the fucking game, like we do. But he gets paid.

Lol, good rant and 100% agree
My two SC seats are 107 row M.

However I now live/work in Qatar now so I can send a few grand back to my folks every month which I couldn't do working in Manchester.

But if you're saying that attending every home game from 1987-2013 isn't putting a shift in then go fuck yourself.

And what the fuck does that have to do with today's game or Pellegrini you soft turd?

Any more questions?
I like you.
The connection between the fans the players and manager has declined in recent years along with the atmosphere. People just don't feel that passion and connection like we used to , even when shit we had our favourites and those players who responded to the crowd and pulled us all forward. It began after that horrible day when we all knew Mancini was sacked before the fa cup final. Afterwards fans were singing you can stick your peligrini up your arse...he was not the people's choice....

We need to start feeling that connection and togetherness again. It's been lost and the last time I recall this disconnection was Alan ball . I want to enjoy going and it's just so disappointing, it's not been inspiring or exciting this season or last. We need to feel like the manager is one of us and we are In it together. Manuel isn't. Let's hope pep is.

Good post but I think it started on Mancini's appointment; I wasn't a Hughes fan and found his tactics and personal manner appalling but how they disposed of him was poor by anyone's standards. That's when the fans and the club began to part ways
Henry says Joe Hart should not be laughing straight after Giroud scored.

Anyone see Joe laughing? Hope it's not true.

Could be wrong but I thought it was after Gael's back-header hit the post. Either way, I think it was out of embarrassment.

I don't know, by the way. Does anyone?
Exactly mate , why encourage mediocrity? Let's hope Khaldoon and Soriano noticed our discontent,we took a bit of control back today and about fucking time .

All this we should be grateful shit has made us voiceless to a certain degree , they might sell us and where will we be then ?

We will still be here like we fucking always were, expecting sweat for the shirt and fight from the manager and coaching staff and the players on the pitch .

the club is finding out what makes City fans tick- and it's about fucking time they know how we feel .


And it was a 'holistic' walk out by the fans....the club should understand that
Switched off at FT. What happened?
I thought there was a fire drill the stadium emptied so quickly. By the time the team came back out I reckon there were 8-10k fans left at the most.

Pellegrini was mortified. I think in that moment it hit him all at once the damage he's caused and two milk cups and a title with Mancini's team couldn't mask that. I've just seen a rerun of it on SSN and its hard not to feel for him, he was genuinely and truly gutted.

To my knowledge he's never been booed by our fans so I don't think he was expecting the mass walk out he got. He'll be a good manager to come back from this.
I thought the fans who left in their thousands today are an absolute fuckin disgrace. I was embarrassed by the size of the crowd left to offer our outgoing manager & players thx for their endeavour on and, & as Joe Hart says a disappointing season. It looks like we're turning into big time Charlies like the wankers in Trafford. If you left early because of a commitment then ok but if you left coz you weren't happy enough with 1 trophy, 4th place (so far) in the league and a semi final in the Champs league then you can all fuck off, you spoilt twats. Go to OT & support them....wankers

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