Arsenal - Post match thread

Sounds like a 5 yr City fan. Did you give everything throughout the campaign? Did you support our great team when its not going all our way? probably not. Its not been the best season but those who will remember its certainly not our worst. Those who left early because they were sulking that we hadn't won the league, Champs cup & domestic double need to give their heads a wobble. I've just watched the game back & as Terry Henry said this would not have happened at Maine road....says it all

Absolute bollocks and if you had ever been to Maine Road you would know it, the players back then got abused royally if they weren't or weren't perceived to be giving it 100%. Far more than the muted digs they get now from smaller section of the crowd.

Like I said it's absolutely fuck all to do with results or whatever terms you want to use to define success, it's about the lack of commitment and effort quite a few of our players and manager have shown this season. We can all accept defeat, being shit, not playing well but what I and most others City fans judging by today won't accept is that lack of commitment and effort.
Hart, completely at fault for the corner which led to the first leveller.

Clichy, plenty of drive and commitment until Wenger remembers Walcott always causes us problems.

The two Ferns, simply outstanding.

Nacho, showed how raw he still is.

Aguero showed he's one of the very best in the world when he's in the mood.

KDB, great goal, but coasted throughout the first hour and still looks a little heavy.

Otamendi and Mangala, sublime to the ridiculous in equal measure.

The fans were excellent at various stages.

This City team is a reflection of this manager, tired, out of ideas and completely oblivious and cocooned from the mood of a supporter base who wanted this season to end three months ago.

It's goodnight Vienna for Pellegrini, thank fuck.
Do I bollocks. How dare you. It's not spoiled, in exactly the same way it wasn't spoiled to expect Alan Ball to keep us up. The expectations have changed, the requirement of the level of results have changed, but City fans have always required their manager and players to try their best and especially in the past 2 decades, achieve results we could beyond hope for. We are effectively on the verge of being "relegated" from the Champions League this season, which in the current climate is no different to being relegated from the Prem and Division 1 when we had little to no money. With the money and resources the club has, of course the expectations and requirements change, they've changed for the bloody club or they wouldn't bother trying to achieve them! Those who bang on about Division 1 and how we used to be don't have a clue about how things have "changed". We had expectations then, we got pissed off when they weren't met, just like we are now. Nothing's changed, the fans have changed very little, all that's changed is instead of missing out on Prem football, we're missing out on CL football. The only thing that's changed is the name of the competition, the requirements and expectations of the fans have only changed accordingly to the competitions the club strives for.

Anyone who kids themselves on what City fans used to be with this "settling for mediocrity and just happy to be there" bollocks hasn't a fucking clue.

Couldn't be more right about you.
Players make mistakes, that's bound to happen ... but I don't think you can fault the effort and commitment of the lads today. They played out of their skins first half. They were let down by Manuel, just as they have been for the last two seasons. I'm sure he's very nice, very charming and all that ... but he is too one-dimensional and too stubbornly set in his ways.

I know that people have been agitating for Nacho to be given a run, but surely not at the expense of wasting KDB by sticking him out on the wing? Did anyone see any semblance of a partnership with Sergio and Nacho upfront today? No! So why play 442? It's perverse. It was obvious midway through the first half that KDB should be central and that swapping Sterling for Nacho and going 4231 would put Arsenal under even more pressure. When Walcott came on, that became even more imperative and you assumed that he would make the change, as he always does, on the hour like clockwork. But he dithered and waited ... and sure enough they scored. So he finally makes the change and you think, okay, we have 20 minutes to go up a gear and kill this lot off. But what does he do? He takes off Fernando and Navas, who were both having great games, to bring on Yaya and Bony ... and go fucking 442 again, except now infinitely slower and ploddier. It's been like this all season. Suicidal tactics, naive formations and an insistence on playing the likes of MDM, Bony and Yaya (in a defensive two) when any fool can see it isn't working.

The turning point for me was the Chelsea game in the cup. The kids should have been blooded before then and it is inexcusable that they weren't. But to compound that by telling the world beforehand that they were going to lose and then ... and this is the part that really galls ... deliberately setting them up to lose in a 442 formation, with lads playing out of position, was outrageous. It was petulant and shoddy. He was banging on for weeks about how we were in all four competitions, yet seemed to be astounded that we might need to do some judicious rotating to accomplish that.

All season this has been going on. When we had the centreback probs, he insisted on playing his mate MDM, who should have been moved on in the summer instead of farming Denayer out. A braver manager would have put Adarabioyo or Humphreys in there as soon as MDM's lack of pace and form became obvious. How many times has he insisted on playing Yaya in a defensive two, when its obvious his legs have gone? We spent most of the season watching Yaya lumber behind someone else's nippy midfielders like a Grandad running after a bus. Anyone could see that Yaya was killing us in the Real Madrid game. It was sad, embarrassing and frustrating to see the game pass him by, in both directions.

Anyway, rant over. I thought I'd feel better after venting but I don't ... I'm still really irritated that this season, and all the progress that we had made since the takeover, has been needlessly tossed away. There is no real upside to this - Van Gaal and his clown car of a team will squeak into the Champions League. The management may try and put a brave face on us missing out, but with all the ramifications in terms of revenue, prestige, progress, etc this is a bit of a catastrophe.

A good post, enjoyed reading it.

I think the most damning and probably the most insightful into the mans character, is that FA cup game where he played the kids.....and utterly hung them out to dry.....the future of this club, the nascent talent of our EDS....not allowed to be bloodied slowly, instead used as a sideshow to demonstrate the contempt he held for the FA regarding scheduling (and clearly), the match going fans too...a big two fingers stuck up
I thought the fans who left in their thousands today are an absolute fuckin disgrace. I was embarrassed by the size of the crowd left to offer our outgoing manager & players thx for their endeavour on and, & as Joe Hart says a disappointing season. It looks like we're turning into big time Charlies like the wankers in Trafford. If you left early because of a commitment then ok but if you left coz you weren't happy enough with 1 trophy, 4th place (so far) in the league and a semi final in the Champs league then you can all fuck off, you spoilt twats. Go to OT & support them....wankers
no one is happy with a micky mouse cup and playing in the europa league next season
no one is happy with a micky mouse cup and playing in the europa league next season

really ?? any trophy we win is amazing. winning the league cup was great. we can't suddenly be in a position to say winning a trophy means nothing after all the years of nothing.
Corrected, you didn't get Swales out because City fans sat back when the club wasn't achieving what they wanted it to. You should read your little history books.

I know my history books. You might've read them. You certainly don't remember what it was about. But keep telling yourself you are. Best fans in the world my behind.

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