Arsenal thread 2012/13

It's a farce really, doesnt happen at any other top club so regularly. With 2 years remaining they have to either sign or move on.

Wenger has made mistakes but he's still an elite manager and I am confident nobody could do a better job with his resources - he's risking his own rep in recent years to keep Arsenal afloat and semi-competitive, including selling a star most summers to balance the books and then buying cheaper to get the same results. Not easy.

The board are the issue - Kroenke has no interest in investing, he wants to develop revenue streams and charge high ticket prices while putting out a decent/good side at best on the field every week. A bloody Yank owner who doesnt have a clue.

Not sure on Usmanov either, has a dodgy past and pops up at all the right times to tell fans what they want to hear.

"Podolski's a good player, he can score goals... He's German, he knows what to do..."

Slicker than Sommeil said:

"Podolski's a good player, he can score goals... He's German, he knows what to do..."


Fricking hell

He discarded him not once but twice
Blue Haze said:
MCFC-alan88 said:
Usmanov's response is beautiful.

Hilarious how many Arsenal fans distrust him. They think it's horrifying that he would use "oil money" to make them another "City".
What Usmanov is saying is that their directors should do exactly what the Sheikh has done which is invest money in return for equity. He (The Sheikh) is taking a risk with his capital, which he could lose if we crash and burn. Now he can afford to take that risk but FFP says he's not allowed to because shysters like the Glazers might lose theirs and they have to be protected.

What Arsenal's directors have done is make millions from selling the shares to each other and have taken no risks. The only one who I think actually put money into the club was Danny Fiszman. He took a risk with £50m in 1994 (equivalent to about 10 times that today probably) and it paid off. Wenger (and Rioch) invested the money wisely and built a great team. Usmanov is saying he is prepared to take that risk. It's a big disingenuous in some ways because he can do that, whereas the others didn't have the capital until they actually sold their shares (although that wouldn't have stopped them investing in a new share issue if one had been offered).

But the Arsenal board have kept the number of shares in issue very small, so any held by them will appreciate in value more. It's pure self-interest.
blueinsa said:
am41410 said:
It's the way he's gone about it that stings. I've been lurking here for a long time and one thing that always confused me was RVP's reputation. A lot of you guys don't think too highly of him as a person, calling him arrogant, a c*nt and stuff. I never understood it until I read that statement yesterday. It was completely unnecessary and done in such a way as to make his position untenable. It's become messy and public and that's his doing, not the club's.

Dont be so naive mate.

Arsenal knew full well he had no intention of signing and that he wanted out. The signings of Giroud and Podolski tell you that.

Instead of pre-empting the situation and saying they would not be offering him a contract and would be selling him, they cleverly hang him out to dry in front of the fans and make him out to be the **** in all this.

Of course, you gooners lap it up.

Have you all forgot how the football world works?
Arsenal did pre-empt the situation for once. It's clear from his statement that the club were going to hold him to his contract which we would have been well within our rights to do. They can't do that now. It's just maddening to think that RVP's basically turned around and stuck two fingers up at the club who are still paying his wages, and the manager who stuck by him though all kinds of injuries, poor form and that rape scandal of a few years back.

Put it this way, how did it feel when Carlos Tevez publicly humiliated your manager and disrespected your club by refusing to get off that bench in Munich? What did you think of him after that?
am41410 said:
blueinsa said:
am41410 said:
It's the way he's gone about it that stings. I've been lurking here for a long time and one thing that always confused me was RVP's reputation. A lot of you guys don't think too highly of him as a person, calling him arrogant, a c*nt and stuff. I never understood it until I read that statement yesterday. It was completely unnecessary and done in such a way as to make his position untenable. It's become messy and public and that's his doing, not the club's.

Dont be so naive mate.

Arsenal knew full well he had no intention of signing and that he wanted out. The signings of Giroud and Podolski tell you that.

Instead of pre-empting the situation and saying they would not be offering him a contract and would be selling him, they cleverly hang him out to dry in front of the fans and make him out to be the **** in all this.

Of course, you gooners lap it up.

Have you all forgot how the football world works?
Arsenal did pre-empt the situation for once. It's clear from his statement that the club were going to hold him to his contract which we would have been well within our rights to do. They can't do that now. It's just maddening to think that RVP's basically turned around and stuck two fingers up at the club who are still paying his wages, and the manager who stuck by him though all kinds of injuries, poor form and that rape scandal of a few years back.

Put it this way, how did it feel when Carlos Tevez publicly humiliated your manager and disrespected your club by refusing to get off that bench in Munich? What did you think of him after that?

The two situations are in no way comparable and it's a bit sad that you're trying to link them.
Van Persie wants to leave to win things, if he thought Arsenal were going in the right direction then he would most probably sign tomorrow. He's 29 with a year left, if he signs for Arsenal again he will probably end his career with perhaps another cup at best.

The Tevez situation was completely different. He was and is still winning things at City and whatever beef he had with Mancini was nothing whatsoever to do with ambition.

Your club is a disgrace, it's been ripping it's loyal fanbase off for years and fobbing them off with excuses about doing things the right way. Which roughly translated means raiding other clubs academies and charging the highest prices in the country while the board line their pockets.
am41410 said:
Put it this way, how did it feel when Carlos Tevez publicly humiliated your manager and disrespected your club by refusing to get off that bench in Munich? What did you think of him after that?

We were determined to hold him to his contract as a punishment. Unlike the Arsenal board, his actions couldn't for us to sell. And we succeeded. We held all the cards - unlike van Persie, Tevez had a 4 year contract remaining and we knew we could force him to train with the reserves (which for a whole month, we did) until the end of it, and that by the end he would be so devalued as a player that even Boca Juniors wouldn't want him. And by March, he realised this too and chose a tactical moment to play the prodigal son card and return.

Not only that but his disappearance to Argentina lost him millions in wages - though unfortunately I believe the practise is to donate fines to charity, so I can't say that it contributed to our FFPR bid (much as I wanted to).

These are things you cannot do with van Persie. By January he'll be able to negotiate his next move.
I'm trying to be as clear as possible but I don't think it's working. This isn't about Van Persie wanting to leave and his reasons behind such a move. Every Arsenal fan is well aware how far off challenging we are and the fact that a player approaching the twilight of his career would want to move to a more successful club is no surprise and nothing we can be too hurt about.

My gripe, along with other Gooners, is the way he's played this whole thing out. He talks about respect, loyalty and love whilst in the same breath shitting all over the manager and the club. To act in such a mutinous, disrespectful manner is unforgivable. He's forced us into a corner, weakened our negotiating position and knocked a few million off his price. But he loves the club, remember.

The link I was trying to make with the Tevez situation was how much it hurts to see a player you love, who has captained the club you love, act in such a disrespectful way. To act as if the name on the back of the shirt means more than the badge on the front.
We were determined to hold him to his contract as a punishment. Unlike the Arsenal board, his actions couldn't for us to sell. And we succeeded. We held all the cards - unlike van Persie, Tevez had a 4 year contract remaining and we knew we could force him to train with the reserves (which for a whole month, we did) until the end of it, and that by the end he would be so devalued as a player that even Boca Juniors wouldn't want him. And by March, he realised this too and chose a tactical moment to play the prodigal son card and return.

Not only that but his disappearance to Argentina lost him millions in wages - though unfortunately I believe the practise is to donate fines to charity, so I can't say that it contributed to our FFPR bid (much as I wanted to).

These are things you cannot do with van Persie. By January he'll be able to negotiate his next move.
Exactly, and Van Persie knows all this. I've no doubt Arsenal would have taken a chance, held him to his contract and let him leave next season for free. No doubt. But because he has that solitary year left, he knew a statement like the one he made would make his position at the club untenable and force a sale through.
I feel he was respectful towards you.

He said he kept quiet after the meeting to keep it calm. He has waited to see if Arsenal move things along it seems and they simply have not.
They had plenty of time to start putting the feelers out for prospective buyers imo.

I feel your club should have made a statement earlier and not been forced to by RVP regarding his position.
TCIB said:
I feel he was respectful towards you.

He said he kept quiet after the meeting to keep it calm. He has waited to see if Arsenal move things along it seems and they simply have not.
They had plenty of time to start putting the feelers out for prospective buyers imo.

I feel your club should have made a statement earlier and not been forced to by RVP regarding his position.

It's no use TCIB, Arsenal fans are the most bitter and delusional at the moment, if you don't play for or support Arsenal or admit they 'do it the right way', then you have no morals.

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