Arsenal Thread 2013/14

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Stoned Rose said:
kippax81 said:
Dear gooner 2,
If you cannot understand why City supporters are not exactly welcoming towards Arsenal, then you have either been living in a cave or only started following Arsenal at the start of this season.

It started with the sheer arrogance of your club towards players that left to come to City. This started with your classy manager moaning at every opportunity with regards to the fact that we had more money than you. It seemed that at nearly every press conference Arsehole Whinger was slagging us off, and for what? Having the audacity to be taken over by a wealthy benefactor? Well boo fucking hoo. This was carried on by your supporters, acting with feigned disdain and anger, "how dare a player leave Arsenal to go somewhere else", egged on at every opportunity by twats on twitter (lead by the guardian of moral behaviour, Piers Morgan).

It then moved on to the games between our two clubs. Who at City will ever forget the hatred and vitriol subjected towards Adebeyore? It was both disgusting and embarrassing in equal measure. Samir Nasri. Ah dear old Sami, whose only 'crime' was to want to move to a club that matched his ambition of actually winning a trophy. Not balancing the books, not coming 4th.....but winning a real live actual fucking trophy. Yes he got a nice wage rise in the process, but fuck me who hasn't moved jobs for more money, because that is what it is these days, just a job to these people. Then there's the banners at the Emirates as shown in a previous post in this thread. Banners that first appeared when City came to town. Yeah really classy.

I could go on, but what's the point eh? What's the point when we are up against the bastion of all that is good and righteous in the modern world of football - Arsenal Football Club. The club that does things the right way. The club that charges fans nearly 2 grand for a season ticket. The club that charges the earth for away fans. The club that lies hand in hand in bed with MUFC, LFC, and Spurs. Clubs trying to create a cartel at the top of English football by sneaking around with their self serving petition to the FA trying to get FFP introduced to the PL. Clubs that originally wanted to create the PL in order to make more money for themselves from the TV rights. Yeah, that's right, clubs like Arsenal doing things the right way.

So, my little gooner friend, if after all the arrogance, hypocrisy,bitterness,and hatred directed at the club we love from the shithouses that are Arsenal, you still fail to understand why you are not received with open arms, then you never will.

As far as I, and many other Blues are concerned, Arsenal can go and get fucked.

Post of the decade.

Look like i said nothing against city fans and only goodwill from my side. I think your a top club with top supporters who backed your team through good and bad teams. You may hate arsenal but i don,t hate city. Nothing but peace and goodwill from my side anyway. We got two great teams and our two great clubs.
Barcon said:
Why haven't there been any arsenal fans on here until this season (except that one fucking clown a while back)?
I guess what I'm saying is, where were they when they were shit.

Personally, I have lurked this forum for a long time and only recently realized that I could register and maybe contribute. Part of the reason it took so long was probably that as a non-Man City fan it didn't immediately make sense to sign up for a City forum but as others have mentioned there's generally a good spirit on bluemoon and the discourse tends to be fairly pleasant and interesting. Now as an Indian fan of the Premier League I find the tribal loyalties and visceral hatreds between English football clubs fascinating, so it seems only right and proper that you guys should hate Arsenal and for us to reciprocate. I have to say though on my own hate list City comes way down, it goes something like this:

1. Spurs
2. United
3. Chelsea
4. Liverpool

You are a distant 5th and hate seems too strong a word really. I just root for teams like Cardiff and Villa when they play against you, but I always want you to win against the above four mentioned. Also, the 'you can't buy class' poster is stupid.
Ronuja said:
Barcon said:
Why haven't there been any arsenal fans on here until this season (except that one fucking clown a while back)?
I guess what I'm saying is, where were they when they were shit.

Personally, I have lurked this forum for a long time and only recently realized that I could register and maybe contribute. Part of the reason it took so long was probably that as a non-Man City fan it didn't immediately make sense to sign up for a City forum but as others have mentioned there's generally a good spirit on bluemoon and the discourse tends to be fairly pleasant and interesting. Now as an Indian fan of the Premier League I find the tribal loyalties and visceral hatreds between English football clubs fascinating, so it seems only right and proper that you guys should hate Arsenal and for us to reciprocate. I have to say though on my own hate list City comes way down, it goes something like this:

1. Spurs
2. United
3. Chelsea
4. Liverpool

You are a distant 5th and hate seems too strong a word really. I just root for teams like Cardiff and Villa when they play against you, but I always want you to win against the above four mentioned. Also, the 'you can't buy class' poster is stupid.

Good to see others like yourself coming on here to post. I think that tribal loyalties are always going be their but no need for too much hatred. I dislike spurs and united a lot more then city really. City have a decent set of fans who seen both the good and bad times.

Their is good spirit of discourse here which is a lot better then other forums i been on . So well done to this bluemoon forum for leading that charge to good discourse between opposing fans.
gooner2 said:
Stoned Rose said:
kippax81 said:
Dear gooner 2,
If you cannot understand why City supporters are not exactly welcoming towards Arsenal, then you have either been living in a cave or only started following Arsenal at the start of this season.

It started with the sheer arrogance of your club towards players that left to come to City. This started with your classy manager moaning at every opportunity with regards to the fact that we had more money than you. It seemed that at nearly every press conference Arsehole Whinger was slagging us off, and for what? Having the audacity to be taken over by a wealthy benefactor? Well boo fucking hoo. This was carried on by your supporters, acting with feigned disdain and anger, "how dare a player leave Arsenal to go somewhere else", egged on at every opportunity by twats on twitter (lead by the guardian of moral behaviour, Piers Morgan).

It then moved on to the games between our two clubs. Who at City will ever forget the hatred and vitriol subjected towards Adebeyore? It was both disgusting and embarrassing in equal measure. Samir Nasri. Ah dear old Sami, whose only 'crime' was to want to move to a club that matched his ambition of actually winning a trophy. Not balancing the books, not coming 4th.....but winning a real live actual fucking trophy. Yes he got a nice wage rise in the process, but fuck me who hasn't moved jobs for more money, because that is what it is these days, just a job to these people. Then there's the banners at the Emirates as shown in a previous post in this thread. Banners that first appeared when City came to town. Yeah really classy.

I could go on, but what's the point eh? What's the point when we are up against the bastion of all that is good and righteous in the modern world of football - Arsenal Football Club. The club that does things the right way. The club that charges fans nearly 2 grand for a season ticket. The club that charges the earth for away fans. The club that lies hand in hand in bed with MUFC, LFC, and Spurs. Clubs trying to create a cartel at the top of English football by sneaking around with their self serving petition to the FA trying to get FFP introduced to the PL. Clubs that originally wanted to create the PL in order to make more money for themselves from the TV rights. Yeah, that's right, clubs like Arsenal doing things the right way.

So, my little gooner friend, if after all the arrogance, hypocrisy,bitterness,and hatred directed at the club we love from the shithouses that are Arsenal, you still fail to understand why you are not received with open arms, then you never will.

As far as I, and many other Blues are concerned, Arsenal can go and get fucked.

Post of the decade.

Look like i said nothing against city fans and only goodwill from my side. I think your a top club with top supporters who backed your team through good and bad teams. You may hate arsenal but i don,t hate city. Nothing but peace and goodwill from my side anyway. We got two great teams and our two great clubs.

You are clearly missing the point Gonner2.... We have one great team and our one great club... Arse can do one your not even close
Gooner2, I'm afraid some of the comments come with the territory of going on another clubs forum. However, and please don't take this too bad as you seem like a genuine guy, you don't do much to help yourself regarding these comments.

Some of your comments come off at the very least blind faith, and at most arrogant. Take your comments regarding the Liverpool and Utd games, with Arsenal having a much better midfield. That might be the case, but having a better midfield means nothing if your defence keeps gifting goals away, or your attack struggles to break down tight defences.

You also talk about Arsenal being one of the best teams in Europe. Well we haven't got past the last 8 since the semi final in 2009. Again, Arsenal have proven nothing in that regard.

You must understand and take on board other fans scepticism considering our recent history. Heck, I'm still sceptical, about today's game, about next weeks games, and about the full season.

Also, as others have mentioned, there was no doubt needle there between Arsenal and City since the Toure Adebayor transfers. Any clubs supporters would feel the same losing supporters to its rivals, and its happened a lot of times to Arsenal so of course they will be upset. But they can't try and claim a moral high ground here, as I didn't see many complaining when Arsenal stole Sol Campbell for instance, and Spurs never even received a transfer fee.

Just remember, no other clubs forum want to hear constantly how great your own team is (whether that be reality or within your own head).
GunnerGer said:
Gooner2, I'm afraid some of the comments come with the territory of going on another clubs forum. However, and please don't take this too bad as you seem like a genuine guy, you don't do much to help yourself regarding these comments.

Some of your comments come off at the very least blind faith, and at most arrogant. Take your comments regarding the Liverpool and Utd games, with Arsenal having a much better midfield. That might be the case, but having a better midfield means nothing if your defence keeps gifting goals away, or your attack struggles to break down tight defences.

You also talk about Arsenal being one of the best teams in Europe. Well we haven't got past the last 8 since the semi final in 2009. Again, Arsenal have proven nothing in that regard.

You must understand and take on board other fans scepticism considering our recent history. Heck, I'm still sceptical, about today's game, about next weeks games, and about the full season.

Also, as others have mentioned, there was no doubt needle there between Arsenal and City since the Toure Adebayor transfers. Any clubs supporters would feel the same losing supporters to its rivals, and its happened a lot of times to Arsenal so of course they will be upset. But they can't try and claim a moral high ground here, as I didn't see many complaining when Arsenal stole Sol Campbell for instance, and Spurs never even received a transfer fee.

Just remember, no other clubs forum want to hear constantly how great your own team is (whether that be reality or within your own head).

I personally don't mind that he backs his own team, in fact I don't care if any fan comes on here and backs their own team. He's being pleasant enough and he's not slagging off City.

It was that other prick who was the only arse fan on here a few years ago who would be obnoxious when Arsenal got one over City and then disappeared when we eventually finished above them.
ban-mcfc said:
GunnerGer said:
Gooner2, I'm afraid some of the comments come with the territory of going on another clubs forum. However, and please don't take this too bad as you seem like a genuine guy, you don't do much to help yourself regarding these comments.

Some of your comments come off at the very least blind faith, and at most arrogant. Take your comments regarding the Liverpool and Utd games, with Arsenal having a much better midfield. That might be the case, but having a better midfield means nothing if your defence keeps gifting goals away, or your attack struggles to break down tight defences.

You also talk about Arsenal being one of the best teams in Europe. Well we haven't got past the last 8 since the semi final in 2009. Again, Arsenal have proven nothing in that regard.

You must understand and take on board other fans scepticism considering our recent history. Heck, I'm still sceptical, about today's game, about next weeks games, and about the full season.

Also, as others have mentioned, there was no doubt needle there between Arsenal and City since the Toure Adebayor transfers. Any clubs supporters would feel the same losing supporters to its rivals, and its happened a lot of times to Arsenal so of course they will be upset. But they can't try and claim a moral high ground here, as I didn't see many complaining when Arsenal stole Sol Campbell for instance, and Spurs never even received a transfer fee.

Just remember, no other clubs forum want to hear constantly how great your own team is (whether that be reality or within your own head).

I personally don't mind that he backs his own team, in fact I don't care if any fan comes on here and backs their own team. He's being pleasant enough and he's not slagging off City.

It was that other prick who was the only arse fan on here a few years ago who would be obnoxious when Arsenal got one over City and then disappeared when we eventually finished above them.

I've just recently joined myself, not because Arsenal were doing well, but I had browsed for a couple of years and seen a genuine question on Arsenals finances I thought I could answer, so I never seen anything of that other guy that your talking about.

I hope gooner2 doesn't think I was being too harsh, like you say, he is respectful of City and seems like a genuine bloke, just trying to point out 1 or 2 things that might get under some posters noses on here.

Anyway, today's Chelsea result just cancels out that last minute wins against yous last week, its nice when things like that happen. I remember it happening to Spurs last year after they beat us at The Lane! :-)
Booing Kolo Toure in this game against the scousers sums them up in my opinion, they harp on about class all the time but consistently fail to show any themselves. And "doing things the right way", (whatever that means) is not ripping off your own fans by charging £985 for your cheapest season ticket.
This a great video of a grown man crying about Arsenals lack of spending in August. The full video is class but to go to the tears see 4.08

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