Arsenal Thread 2013/14

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supercity88 said:
I don't really understand why there is so much hatred towards Arsenal in this thread. Their form over the last months of last season and this season has been impressive. There is no two ways about that. They are top of the league and playing well. They have beaten Napoli and they were good against Dortmund and not battered like we were last season. They have been impressive. We are all expecting them to fall apart somewhat against the top sides, they always seem to but I understand Arsenal fans hopes and beliefs that it could be different this time around. There is certainly no reason they cant beat United or Liverpool, the League Cup is the League Cup so I do not attach much weight to their loss to Chelsea. Equally whilst City lost to Chelsea we were largely pleased with our performance that suggests we are a better side than them and should have come away with more than we did. So not particularly balanced to say Arsenal were lucky against Spurs etc, because on that basis they were unlucky against Dortmund.

I am by no means starting an Arsenal love in by what I say, just odd that people are so quick to shoot them down. Later in the season when their lack of striking options and defensive depth takes hold, that is when they will suffer in my opinion. But on their current play and form they can certainly trouble Liverpool and the rags. You cannot blame their fans for their hope even if it is somewhat deluded.

Where have you been the last 8 years? Arsenal have shown promise on a number of occasions and ultimately fallen away with a wimper.

I remember a few of seasons ago when they were in 4 competitions and challenging for the league come February. Then they played Birmingham in the Carling Cup final, lost that and had nothing to play for come the middle of March.
cookster said:
supercity88 said:
I don't really understand why there is so much hatred towards Arsenal in this thread. Their form over the last months of last season and this season has been impressive. There is no two ways about that. They are top of the league and playing well. They have beaten Napoli and they were good against Dortmund and not battered like we were last season. They have been impressive. We are all expecting them to fall apart somewhat against the top sides, they always seem to but I understand Arsenal fans hopes and beliefs that it could be different this time around. There is certainly no reason they cant beat United or Liverpool, the League Cup is the League Cup so I do not attach much weight to their loss to Chelsea. Equally whilst City lost to Chelsea we were largely pleased with our performance that suggests we are a better side than them and should have come away with more than we did. So not particularly balanced to say Arsenal were lucky against Spurs etc, because on that basis they were unlucky against Dortmund.

I am by no means starting an Arsenal love in by what I say, just odd that people are so quick to shoot them down. Later in the season when their lack of striking options and defensive depth takes hold, that is when they will suffer in my opinion. But on their current play and form they can certainly trouble Liverpool and the rags. You cannot blame their fans for their hope even if it is somewhat deluded.

Where have you been the last 8 years? Arsenal have shown promise on a number of occasions and ultimately fallen away with a wimper.

I remember a few of seasons ago when they were in 4 competitions and challenging for the league come February. Then they played Birmingham in the Carling Cup final, lost that and had nothing to play for come the middle of March.

Big difference to 2011 is we have a far more experienced and strong squad then in the 2010 and 2011 season. In the league cup final that year we had no theo or cesc and lost to silly goal with a young team.

Back then we had no giroud, ozil, santi, arerta, mertersacker, flammi,monreal,ramsey,pod in our team back then that would have made us much stronger and with more depth. We have far more depth then back then. We had a young team that when it had one or two injuries did not have the quality replacements to come in and get the results. We have far more depth now. We been winning a lot without even likes of pod or ox free most of the season. We will not fall away this season and be in the hunt for league till the very end.
gooner2 said:
cookster said:
supercity88 said:
I don't really understand why there is so much hatred towards Arsenal in this thread. Their form over the last months of last season and this season has been impressive. There is no two ways about that. They are top of the league and playing well. They have beaten Napoli and they were good against Dortmund and not battered like we were last season. They have been impressive. We are all expecting them to fall apart somewhat against the top sides, they always seem to but I understand Arsenal fans hopes and beliefs that it could be different this time around. There is certainly no reason they cant beat United or Liverpool, the League Cup is the League Cup so I do not attach much weight to their loss to Chelsea. Equally whilst City lost to Chelsea we were largely pleased with our performance that suggests we are a better side than them and should have come away with more than we did. So not particularly balanced to say Arsenal were lucky against Spurs etc, because on that basis they were unlucky against Dortmund.

I am by no means starting an Arsenal love in by what I say, just odd that people are so quick to shoot them down. Later in the season when their lack of striking options and defensive depth takes hold, that is when they will suffer in my opinion. But on their current play and form they can certainly trouble Liverpool and the rags. You cannot blame their fans for their hope even if it is somewhat deluded.

Where have you been the last 8 years? Arsenal have shown promise on a number of occasions and ultimately fallen away with a wimper.

I remember a few of seasons ago when they were in 4 competitions and challenging for the league come February. Then they played Birmingham in the Carling Cup final, lost that and had nothing to play for come the middle of March.

Big difference to 2011 is we have a far more experienced and strong squad then in the 2010 and 2011 season. In the league cup final that year we had no theo or cesc and lost to silly goal with a young team.

Back then we had no giroud, ozil, santi, arerta, mertersacker, flammi,monreal,ramsey,pod in our team back then that would have made us much stronger and with more depth. We have far more depth then back then. We had a young team that when it had one or two injuries did not have the quality replacements to come in and get the results. We have far more depth now. We been winning a lot without even likes of pod or ox free most of the season. We will not fall away this season and be in the hunt for league till the very end.

You're right, in 2011 there was was only 2 teams challening for the league instead of 5. Monreal is world class now..... Wow!
cookster said:
supercity88 said:
I don't really understand why there is so much hatred towards Arsenal in this thread. Their form over the last months of last season and this season has been impressive. There is no two ways about that. They are top of the league and playing well. They have beaten Napoli and they were good against Dortmund and not battered like we were last season. They have been impressive. We are all expecting them to fall apart somewhat against the top sides, they always seem to but I understand Arsenal fans hopes and beliefs that it could be different this time around. There is certainly no reason they cant beat United or Liverpool, the League Cup is the League Cup so I do not attach much weight to their loss to Chelsea. Equally whilst City lost to Chelsea we were largely pleased with our performance that suggests we are a better side than them and should have come away with more than we did. So not particularly balanced to say Arsenal were lucky against Spurs etc, because on that basis they were unlucky against Dortmund.

I am by no means starting an Arsenal love in by what I say, just odd that people are so quick to shoot them down. Later in the season when their lack of striking options and defensive depth takes hold, that is when they will suffer in my opinion. But on their current play and form they can certainly trouble Liverpool and the rags. You cannot blame their fans for their hope even if it is somewhat deluded.

Where have you been the last 8 years? Arsenal have shown promise on a number of occasions and ultimately fallen away with a wimper.

I remember a few of seasons ago when they were in 4 competitions and challenging for the league come February. Then they played Birmingham in the Carling Cup final, lost that and had nothing to play for come the middle of March.

Yeah and as i state quite clearly they will fall away still. But there is no reason they cannot win the games coming up. They have played well so far this season. It will be further down the line when the lack of striking and defensive options reels its ugly head as it has done every season previously. But Arsenal are most certainly an improved side this season. You cannot write them off completely because of previous trends. Things change, their squad has matured, but they are still not there yet.
squirtyflower said:

Here's one reason for not being too keen on the Arse

-- Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:29 pm --

And another

fucking idiots.
I just find that completely hilarious. Any club that thinks they can win anything without spending money these days needs to get with it. Everton are the major example. Doing things the right way etc, and winning fuck all. Wait til they can spend some cash and improve, then we might take them seriously. Don't see many academy players actually making it at arsenal these days either.
cookster said:
gooner2 said:
cookster said:
Where have you been the last 8 years? Arsenal have shown promise on a number of occasions and ultimately fallen away with a wimper.

I remember a few of seasons ago when they were in 4 competitions and challenging for the league come February. Then they played Birmingham in the Carling Cup final, lost that and had nothing to play for come the middle of March.

Big difference to 2011 is we have a far more experienced and strong squad then in the 2010 and 2011 season. In the league cup final that year we had no theo or cesc and lost to silly goal with a young team.

Back then we had no giroud, ozil, santi, arerta, mertersacker, flammi,monreal,ramsey,pod in our team back then that would have made us much stronger and with more depth. We have far more depth then back then. We had a young team that when it had one or two injuries did not have the quality replacements to come in and get the results. We have far more depth now. We been winning a lot without even likes of pod or ox free most of the season. We will not fall away this season and be in the hunt for league till the very end.

You're right, in 2011 there was was only 2 teams challening for the league instead of 5. Monreal is world class now..... Wow!

Well monreal is world class which is shown as he plays for his country. We are stronger then we been for years where more teams with a chance of winning the league

-- Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:49 pm --

supercity88 said:
cookster said:
supercity88 said:
I don't really understand why there is so much hatred towards Arsenal in this thread. Their form over the last months of last season and this season has been impressive. There is no two ways about that. They are top of the league and playing well. They have beaten Napoli and they were good against Dortmund and not battered like we were last season. They have been impressive. We are all expecting them to fall apart somewhat against the top sides, they always seem to but I understand Arsenal fans hopes and beliefs that it could be different this time around. There is certainly no reason they cant beat United or Liverpool, the League Cup is the League Cup so I do not attach much weight to their loss to Chelsea. Equally whilst City lost to Chelsea we were largely pleased with our performance that suggests we are a better side than them and should have come away with more than we did. So not particularly balanced to say Arsenal were lucky against Spurs etc, because on that basis they were unlucky against Dortmund.

I am by no means starting an Arsenal love in by what I say, just odd that people are so quick to shoot them down. Later in the season when their lack of striking options and defensive depth takes hold, that is when they will suffer in my opinion. But on their current play and form they can certainly trouble Liverpool and the rags. You cannot blame their fans for their hope even if it is somewhat deluded.

Where have you been the last 8 years? Arsenal have shown promise on a number of occasions and ultimately fallen away with a wimper.

I remember a few of seasons ago when they were in 4 competitions and challenging for the league come February. Then they played Birmingham in the Carling Cup final, lost that and had nothing to play for come the middle of March.

Yeah and as i state quite clearly they will fall away still. But there is no reason they cannot win the games coming up. They have played well so far this season. It will be further down the line when the lack of striking and defensive options reels its ugly head as it has done every season previously. But Arsenal are most certainly an improved side this season. You cannot write them off completely because of previous trends. Things change, their squad has matured, but they are still not there yet.

I amazed any city fan write us off when we top of the league and lead them by six points. Like you said we have a good team and have improved and a squad thats improved. You have a great team and i am sure both us, chelsea and city will be fighting for the league come the end of the season.<br /><br />-- Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:50 pm --<br /><br />
ban-mcfc said:
squirtyflower said:

Here's one reason for not being too keen on the Arse

-- Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:29 pm --

And another

fucking idiots.

Look i don,t blame city for enjoying their sucess and i think unlike other arsenal fans you do have class. So i have respect for your club.
Dear gooner 2,
If you cannot understand why City supporters are not exactly welcoming towards Arsenal, then you have either been living in a cave or only started following Arsenal at the start of this season.

It started with the sheer arrogance of your club towards players that left to come to City. This started with your classy manager moaning at every opportunity with regards to the fact that we had more money than you. It seemed that at nearly every press conference Arsehole Whinger was slagging us off, and for what? Having the audacity to be taken over by a wealthy benefactor? Well boo fucking hoo. This was carried on by your supporters, acting with feigned disdain and anger, "how dare a player leave Arsenal to go somewhere else", egged on at every opportunity by twats on twitter (lead by the guardian of moral behaviour, Piers Morgan).

It then moved on to the games between our two clubs. Who at City will ever forget the hatred and vitriol subjected towards Adebeyore? It was both disgusting and embarrassing in equal measure. Samir Nasri. Ah dear old Sami, whose only 'crime' was to want to move to a club that matched his ambition of actually winning a trophy. Not balancing the books, not coming 4th.....but winning a real live actual fucking trophy. Yes he got a nice wage rise in the process, but fuck me who hasn't moved jobs for more money, because that is what it is these days, just a job to these people. Then there's the banners at the Emirates as shown in a previous post in this thread. Banners that first appeared when City came to town. Yeah really classy.

I could go on, but what's the point eh? What's the point when we are up against the bastion of all that is good and righteous in the modern world of football - Arsenal Football Club. The club that does things the right way. The club that charges fans nearly 2 grand for a season ticket. The club that charges the earth for away fans. The club that lies hand in hand in bed with MUFC, LFC, and Spurs. Clubs trying to create a cartel at the top of English football by sneaking around with their self serving petition to the FA trying to get FFP introduced to the PL. Clubs that originally wanted to create the PL in order to make more money for themselves from the TV rights. Yeah, that's right, clubs like Arsenal doing things the right way.

So, my little gooner friend, if after all the arrogance, hypocrisy,bitterness,and hatred directed at the club we love from the shithouses that are Arsenal, you still fail to understand why you are not received with open arms, then you never will.

As far as I, and many other Blues are concerned, Arsenal can go and get fucked.
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