Arsenal Thread 2013/14

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We went through the same shit with Cole, but it gets funnier every time he wins another trophy.
kippax81 said:
Dear gooner 2,
If you cannot understand why City supporters are not exactly welcoming towards Arsenal, then you have either been living in a cave or only started following Arsenal at the start of this season.

It started with the sheer arrogance of your club towards players that left to come to City. This started with your classy manager moaning at every opportunity with regards to the fact that we had more money than you. It seemed that at nearly every press conference Arsehole Whinger was slagging us off, and for what? Having the audacity to be taken over by a wealthy benefactor? Well boo fucking hoo. This was carried on by your supporters, acting with feigned disdain and anger, "how dare a player leave Arsenal to go somewhere else", egged on at every opportunity by twats on twitter (lead by the guardian of moral behaviour, Piers Morgan).

It then moved on to the games between our two clubs. Who at City will ever forget the hatred and vitriol subjected towards Adebeyore? It was both disgusting and embarrassing in equal measure. Samir Nasri. Ah dear old Sami, whose only 'crime' was to want to move to a club that matched his ambition of actually winning a trophy. Not balancing the books, not coming 4th.....but winning a real live actual fucking trophy. Yes he got a nice wage rise in the process, but fuck me who hasn't moved jobs for more money, because that is what it is these days, just a job to these people. Then there's the banners at the Emirates as shown in a previous post in this thread. Banners that first appeared when City came to town. Yeah really classy.

I could go on, but what's the point eh? What's the point when we are up against the bastion of all that is good and righteous in the modern world of football - Arsenal Football Club. The club that does things the right way. The club that charges fans nearly 2 grand for a season ticket. The club that charges the earth for away fans. The club that lies hand in hand in bed with MUFC, LFC, and Spurs. Clubs trying to create a cartel at the top of English football by sneaking around with their self serving petition to the FA trying to get FFP introduced to the PL. Clubs that originally wanted to create the PL in order to make more money for themselves from the TV rights. Yeah, that's right, clubs like Arsenal doing things the right way.

So, my little gooner friend, if after all the arrogance, hypocrisy,bitterness,and hatred directed at the club we love from the shithouses that are Arsenal, you still fail to understand why you are not received with open arms, then you never will.

As far as I, and many other Blues are concerned, Arsenal can go and get fucked.

Look i understand that comments from our manager and some supporters towards city have not gone down too well. I don,t agree with all the hatred towards city being big spending club. You have top supporters who backed your club when you win in the championship. I think though that barndoor did not help him when he celebrated like a madman when he played us in 2009 . Also his lack of workrate was their for all to see near the end of his time at both us and when he was at city.

I had no issue with nasri going. He wanted to go to new club and that was his choice. Only thing that got arsenal fans goat when he had a bit of a pop at our fans. But I still think he gave his best to us so i say good luck to lad. Even more so with clichy who is a nice lad deep down.

I think city are good club. Yes some don,t like your spending but i say if you have the money then use it. I just think don,t demean what we doing either. We a great money wise run club which has one of the best managers in the world. I think we far from arrogant and represent all thats good about football.

I look forward to the battles between your club and mine for trophies this season. All peace and goodwill.

-- Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:52 pm --

Castiel said:
We went through the same shit with Cole, but it gets funnier every time he wins another trophy.

I had no issue with cole going to chelsea. The issue i have with him is that he write a book slagging off his teammates , the fans and the board for not paying him more then 55 grand a week. He looked like a out of touch footballer who did not live in the real world. For me it had nothing to do with going to chelsea. More that he was a stupid as a 26 year old at the time to moan about the money he was on.

He was a great player for us and he been good player for you. Good luck to him. I don,t think he should have ever written that stupid book and i doubt a more mature 33 year old cole would have written it.
But thats life and we all move on.

I have nothing whatsoever against you personally. The antipathy that a lot of Blues have towards Arsenal and their sanctimonious board, manager, celebrity fans, and the pricks in the press who follow your club runs quite deep. You also have to admit that the majority of your supporters are wankers, who lap up the shite and hypocrisy that spews from Wenger's mouth, and like most cockneys come across as gobby pricks to most Northerners.

As I's not personal towards you.
kippax81 said:

I have nothing whatsoever against you personally. The antipathy that a lot of Blues have towards Arsenal and their sanctimonious board, manager, celebrity fans, and the pricks in the press who follow your club runs quite deep. You also have to admit that the majority of your supporters are wankers, who lap up the shite and hypocrisy that spews from Wenger's mouth, and like most cockneys come across as gobby pricks to most Northerners.

As I's not personal towards you.

I know its not personal to me kippax and i understand your not happy with everything some our fans and manager have said. I Don,t think all are fans are wankers who lap up bad football. In fact i would argue the promblem we have is to many gloryhunters and plastics who slag of the club after one bad game. Some of the fans who were on arsenal fan tv slagging of the team were so out of order its untrue. Too many pawn sandwitch supporters turn up to games now and don,t support the team through good and bad times. At least city fans have backed your club through the bad times in the lower leagues.

We got to many spolit fans who expect us to win every game. We don,t get behind the team enough and our lucky to have one of greatest manager in our club history who bought us 16 straight years of champions league football, three league titles and four fa cups. Plus a champions league final, uefa cup final, two league cup finals to add to that and some of the greatest attacking football this league has ever seen. We lucky to have him and if he left us tommrow some of the best in the world would want him.
Fair does gooner. As you're on a City forum you are bound to get some shit :-)

BTW the prices your club charge, prawn sandwiches should not only be obligatory.......but bloody free as well!
gooner2 said:
prestonibbo_mcfc said:
gooner2 said:
Spurs game we were hardly unlucky. We dominated the first half and spurs hardly had a clear chance untill the last 10 mintues. We could have won by more then one goal if we taken some our counter attacks.

Also Napoli did not have their top striker but we did not have walcott, pod, ox and did not even start wilshire. We battered them in the first half and could have been more then 2-0 up. They had been unbeaten till they faced us. We beat two quality teams . We also beaten bayern munich this year as well.

I think we be too strong for liverpool on Saturday. They only beaten us once in the last 11 matches with us winning four and their being seven draws. Our attack and midfield should be to strong on the day and i think we win 3-1. Although the games in dortmund and united will be tougher. But we can win them all.

-- Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:51 am --

I don,t think he was saying we best in europe but just pointing out we were the only team in europe to beat bayern on their own turf last season . Bayern may be stronger then us at present but we shown on our day over last few years we can beat anyone in the world. We beaten real , bayern, barca, ac, juventus and other top european teams over the years.

We not the best team in europe. But we are up their in terms of being one of the strongest teams in europe along with yourselves.

Aye but show us your silverware for said period.

Well since 2005 well we won the fa cup, we been involved in two title races in 2008 and 2011 and got to two league cup finals and a champions league final. Add to that in this period a fa cup semi final, champions league semi final. All without going into any debt and i think we done very well. We not got the squad to win trophies and i think this could be a season as arsenal fans that we never ever forget.[/quote]

He asked you to show us the trophies not a list of ifs and buts.

Also it's 'we've' not 'we'.
kippax81 said:
Fair does gooner. As you're on a City forum you are bound to get some shit :-)

BTW the prices your club charge, prawn sandwiches should not only be obligatory.......but bloody free as well!

I know i will get some shit as opposing fan but to be fair to city fans they been less abusive to me then arsenal fans are to each other on other boards like arsenal world for example. You lot have been quite welcoming in the main and are willing mostly to debate with other fans, So fair dos for that

I think the prices we charge are a total utter pisstake and a disgrace, I used to be able to afford to go to games at highbury in the old family enclosure. I can,t go as much these days as i be broke if i went to many games.

These days though it costs as much to go as to go the oprea, Drinks are overpriced and same with the food. Sadly you get new type of fans in now. The fairweather supporters who go for the day out rather then to get behind the team.

The agms have been total nightmare trying to get the board to understand this. The americans never listen though and keep up with increasing ticket prices

As well run we our in terms of keeping our debt down , we not a club that treats the fans always well.
Why haven't there been any arsenal fans on here until this season (except that one fucking clown a while back)?
I guess what I'm saying is, where were they when they were shit.
Stoned Rose said:
gooner2 said:
prestonibbo_mcfc said:
Aye but show us your silverware for said period.

Well since 2005 well we won the fa cup, we been involved in two title races in 2008 and 2011 and got to two league cup finals and a champions league final. Add to that in this period a fa cup semi final, champions league semi final. All without going into any debt and i think we done very well. We not got the squad to win trophies and i think this could be a season as arsenal fans that we never ever forget.[/quote

He asked you to show us the trophies not a list of ifs and buts.

Also it's 'we're ' not 'we'.

Firstly sorry for the spelling mistake. I meant we're ' not 'we. Also I think the point i was making is we got close to trophies and we getting nearer to making 2014 the year we will never ever forget as arsenal supporters. Hopefully its the year we win the league, champions league and the fa cup.
kippax81 said:
Dear gooner 2,
If you cannot understand why City supporters are not exactly welcoming towards Arsenal, then you have either been living in a cave or only started following Arsenal at the start of this season.

It started with the sheer arrogance of your club towards players that left to come to City. This started with your classy manager moaning at every opportunity with regards to the fact that we had more money than you. It seemed that at nearly every press conference Arsehole Whinger was slagging us off, and for what? Having the audacity to be taken over by a wealthy benefactor? Well boo fucking hoo. This was carried on by your supporters, acting with feigned disdain and anger, "how dare a player leave Arsenal to go somewhere else", egged on at every opportunity by twats on twitter (lead by the guardian of moral behaviour, Piers Morgan).

It then moved on to the games between our two clubs. Who at City will ever forget the hatred and vitriol subjected towards Adebeyore? It was both disgusting and embarrassing in equal measure. Samir Nasri. Ah dear old Sami, whose only 'crime' was to want to move to a club that matched his ambition of actually winning a trophy. Not balancing the books, not coming 4th.....but winning a real live actual fucking trophy. Yes he got a nice wage rise in the process, but fuck me who hasn't moved jobs for more money, because that is what it is these days, just a job to these people. Then there's the banners at the Emirates as shown in a previous post in this thread. Banners that first appeared when City came to town. Yeah really classy.

I could go on, but what's the point eh? What's the point when we are up against the bastion of all that is good and righteous in the modern world of football - Arsenal Football Club. The club that does things the right way. The club that charges fans nearly 2 grand for a season ticket. The club that charges the earth for away fans. The club that lies hand in hand in bed with MUFC, LFC, and Spurs. Clubs trying to create a cartel at the top of English football by sneaking around with their self serving petition to the FA trying to get FFP introduced to the PL. Clubs that originally wanted to create the PL in order to make more money for themselves from the TV rights. Yeah, that's right, clubs like Arsenal doing things the right way.

So, my little gooner friend, if after all the arrogance, hypocrisy,bitterness,and hatred directed at the club we love from the shithouses that are Arsenal, you still fail to understand why you are not received with open arms, then you never will.

As far as I, and many other Blues are concerned, Arsenal can go and get fucked.

Post of the decade.
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