Article 50/Brexit Negotiations

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This is the Independents idea of a soft brexit 3 points in total.

Access to the Single Market

Goods and services would be traded with the remaining EU states on a tariff-free basis and financial firms would keep their “passporting” rights to sell services and operate branches in the EU.

Remaining in EU customs union

A "softened" departure would also probably see the UK remain within the EU customs union, meaning exports would not be subject to border checks.

The customs union facilitates free trade between EU states by ensuring that they all charge the same import duties to countries outside the union.

Accepting the 'four freedoms'

Remaining part of the Single Market would require the UK to make payments into EU budgets and accept the “four freedoms” of movement of goods, services, capital and people.

This would mean continued free access for European nationals to work and settle in the UK.

Whichever way this is dressed up and the remain lobby try to sell people a Pig dressed as a Cow there isn't a single part of that brexit that is indeed a brexit. If politicians think that people are that stupid they haven't learned anything from the ref result and the last GE, remember Corbyn himself is now stating that we need to stop free movement and has mentioned we have to leave the single market, that's why some ukip voters voted for him.

Depending on which paper you read the story changes but the DUP were pro brexit and Theresa May can ill afford to ignore the referendum and deliver a no leave which is anything other than a hard brexit. What people mean by a soft brexit is a non brexit which means we remain in the EU, that isn't going to happen.
As Damocles said downstream if the free movement of people and immigration as a whole isn't addressed it will be political suicide for whatever party botches that up.

Politicians may connive and change opinion on a whim but make no mistake the EU will not shift on any free movement negotiations and they themselves will in effect force a so called hard brexit.

Like I said, the DUP are definitely pro Brexit, but their position is completely contradictory. There are only two ways they can keep their soft border with the south. Either stay part of the the customs union or have special status in the UK. They're saying no to both of those things.

Brexit is going to be a nightmare whoever gets to lead it as the economy is bound to stall and nobody will be able to get the fantastical deal the Leavers want. It's no wonder that a bit of pace is starting gather behind the idea of it becoming a cross party project. Nobody will have to take any responsibility for the inevitable mess that will follow and they can all point the finger at each other.
Like I said, the DUP are definitely pro Brexit, but their position is completely contradictory. There are only two ways they can keep their soft border with the south. Either stay part of the the customs union or have special status in the UK. They're saying no to both of those things.

Brexit is going to be a nightmare whoever gets to lead it as the economy is bound to stall and nobody will be able to get the fantastical deal the Leavers want. It's no wonder that a bit of pace is starting gather behind the idea of it becoming a cross party project. Nobody will have to take any responsibility for the inevitable mess that will follow and they can all point the finger at each other.

The one thing that has to be pushed is the end to free movement and we have to get immigration under control and bring people in that we need not people that big business purely profit from. But I can't see the EU bending on that issue so no matter how hard we try to accommodate the EU on the single market soft borders with Ireland and EU citizens rights that stopping block will leave us dead in the water.
ANY PM has got a mandate from the people to brexit because we voted on it, Corbyn himself would start his negotiations with the free movement issue and if I read him right he would 100% push to implement that aim. As I said the aims of the soft brexiters are plain to see, they don't want to leave and are trying to confuse the electorate into thinking that not leaving the EU is the same as leaving the EU.

You're right it's going to be a nightmare.
The one thing that has to be pushed is the end to free movement and we have to get immigration under control and bring people in that we need not people that big business purely profit from. But I can't see the EU bending on that issue so no matter how hard we try to accommodate the EU on the single market soft borders with Ireland and EU citizens rights that stopping block will leave us dead in the water.
ANY PM has got a mandate from the people to brexit because we voted on it, Corbyn himself would start his negotiations with the free movement issue and if I read him right he would 100% push to implement that aim. As I said the aims of the soft brexiters are plain to see, they don't want to leave and are trying to confuse the electorate into thinking that not leaving the EU is the same as leaving the EU.

You're right it's going to be a nightmare.

You seem to think that every single person that voted to leave wanted the same kind of Brexit as you. There will have been a decent number of people in that 52% who would have been happy to stay in the customs union. Unfortunately, due to the way the referendum was worded, we'll never know for sure exactly what it is the electorate wanted. If you take the 48% of people that wanted to remain and add onto that those who voted to leave that would have been willing to stay in the customs union (it would only take 3% of them), there's most likely a majority in this country, as there is in parliament, that would favour a soft Brexit. It's not the affront to democracy you want to believe it is.
I just don't get why people don't like the thought of allowing in only those people we need, they say the nurses aren't coming, it's obvious we need their skills, let them come as long as they are qualified and we need them. What we don't need is another car wash etc. Why would any country anywhere want people to come if they aren't going to contribute? Can't get people to pick your fruit? Offer it to students over here, might have to pay a bit more but that money will be put back into our economy and not sent back to Eastern Europe. If we have to pay a bit more for goods and services so be it, but if we aren't subsidising other countries in the long run it will work out.
You seem to think that every single person that voted to leave wanted the same kind of Brexit as you. There will have been a decent number of people in that 52% who would have been happy to stay in the customs union. Unfortunately, due to the way the referendum was worded, we'll never know for sure exactly what it is the electorate wanted. If you take the 48% of people that wanted to remain and add onto that those who voted to leave that would have been willing to stay in the customs union (it would only take 3% of them), there's most likely a majority in this country, as there is in parliament, that would favour a soft Brexit. It's not the affront to democracy you want to believe it is.

Not at all I posted what the independent considers a soft brexit which isn't a brexit at all because we wont be leaving one single mechanism. What do you think people voted to leave? What part of leave don't the soft brexiteers understand?
Look at the list I posted and try to explain to me and others how we manage to leave the EU under those conditions?

There is no ambiguity the campaigns focused on leaving the single market any other discussion we have now is nonfactual revisionism.

This is the Independents idea of a soft brexit 3 points in total.

Access to the Single Market

Goods and services would be traded with the remaining EU states on a tariff-free basis and financial firms would keep their “passporting” rights to sell services and operate branches in the EU.

Remaining in EU customs union

A "softened" departure would also probably see the UK remain within the EU customs union, meaning exports would not be subject to border checks.

The customs union facilitates free trade between EU states by ensuring that they all charge the same import duties to countries outside the union.

Accepting the 'four freedoms'

Remaining part of the Single Market would require the UK to make payments into EU budgets and accept the “four freedoms” of movement of goods, services, capital and people.

This would mean continued free access for European nationals to work and settle in the UK.

Whichever way this is dressed up and the remain lobby try to sell people a Pig dressed as a Cow there isn't a single part of that brexit that is indeed a brexit. If politicians think that people are that stupid they haven't learned anything from the ref result and the last GE, remember Corbyn himself is now stating that we need to stop free movement and has mentioned we have to leave the single market, that's why some ukip voters voted for him.

i agree mate. looking at that 'soft brexit' option. we wouldn't even be leaving we may as well just stay in the eu.
i agree mate. looking at that 'soft brexit' option. we wouldn't even be leaving we may as well just stay in the eu.

Even calling it a Tory Brexit or a hard Brexit is putting an edge on it. OK the Tories called the referendum but it was promised wasn't it? but it was a referendum voted on by voters and the electorate. I have yet had it explained to me what a soft brexit looks like that doesn't actually sincerely mean that we have left the EU, conversely we have had a raft of opinion on what damage and catastrophe a hard brexit will cause. If we leave just one of those mechanisms the EU will turn us down and the remain side of the country will blame the govt.
Not at all I posted what the independent considers a soft brexit which isn't a brexit at all because we wont be leaving one single mechanism. What do you think people voted to leave? What part of leave don't the soft brexiteers understand?
Look at the list I posted and try to explain to me and others how we manage to leave the EU under those conditions?

There is no ambiguity the campaigns focused on leaving the single market any other discussion we have now is nonfactual revisionism.

People voted for Leave for all kinds of reasons. I'm sure lots of people who voted Leave favoured a hard Brexit, but it was a very very slim margin of victory and it would only take a tiny number of Leavers who are happy to stay in the customs union to mean the country overall favours a soft Brexit. Like I say, the wording of the referendum didn't give us a clear idea of what anybody wanted. It cuts both ways too, there were people who voted to remain who have very different ideas from eachother on what being part of the EU should entail.

On one hand you have some Leavers arguing that they're not all anti immigration and telling Remainers they all have minds of their own and they don't want to be tarred with the same brush. The second a soft Brexit is on the table the same people then want to pretend that every single person in that 52% had exactly the same mindset and wanted a hard Brexit. If we had another referendum tomorrow i'm quite certain we'd vote to remain to be honest.
People voted for Leave for all kinds of reasons. I'm sure lots of people who voted Leave favoured a hard Brexit, but it was a very very slim margin of victory and it would only take a tiny number of Leavers who are happy to stay in the customs union to mean the country overall favours a soft Brexit. Like I say, the wording of the referendum didn't give us a clear idea of what anybody wanted. It cuts both ways too, there were people who voted to remain who have very different ideas from eachother on what being part of the EU should entail.

On one hand you have some Leavers arguing that they're not all anti immigration and telling Remainers they all have minds of their own and they don't want to be tarred with the same brush. The second a soft Brexit is on the table the same people then want to pretend that every single person in that 52% had exactly the same mindset and wanted a hard Brexit. If we had another referendum tomorrow i'm quite certain we'd vote to remain to be honest.

if we had a second referendum and its was 48- 52 the other way around you'd have exactly the same problems your talking about now. leave won by a million + votes. you keep saying hard brexit, but a soft brexit as shown above is basically just staying in the eu. lots of remainers also voted for different reasons and lots were reluctant about voting remain. i wouldn't be suprised if we did have another referendum, as remainers dont like the first answer, we will probably have as many as possible until people vote remain. if remain had won by 52 % i dont think there is any chance wed have another one.
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