Away ground 'TOILET' comedy gold stories...

Not necessarily a football toilet story. But back when I was a young lad around 7, I was at school and needed to use the bog. I was heading to the toilets when I saw some "Older, hard kids" smoking and what have you out the front. I was to intimidated to go to the toilet so I shat my pants and returned to class. I spent about 5 minutes in class with a gigantic shit in my pants before I had to go and get my old mum to pick me up and take me home. What an embarrassing trip home.
Bazzmand Show said:
Not necessarily a football toilet story. But back when I was a young lad around 7, I was at school and needed to use the bog. I was heading to the toilets when I saw some "Older, hard kids" smoking and what have you out the front. I was to intimidated to go to the toilet so I shat my pants and returned to class. I spent about 5 minutes in class with a gigantic shit in my pants before I had to go and get my old mum to pick me up and take me home. What an embarrassing trip home.

HAHA! i bet you stunk!
SouthStandLee said:
Bazzmand Show said:
Not necessarily a football toilet story. But back when I was a young lad around 7, I was at school and needed to use the bog. I was heading to the toilets when I saw some "Older, hard kids" smoking and what have you out the front. I was to intimidated to go to the toilet so I shat my pants and returned to class. I spent about 5 minutes in class with a gigantic shit in my pants before I had to go and get my old mum to pick me up and take me home. What an embarrassing trip home.

HAHA! i bet you stunk!

Yep unbelievably painful as well, you try putting one out with underpants on. No room to move...
Bazz, you need to read Geoff's post above and digest.

In these emergency scenarios you need to think quickly and improvise.

You can't just cack in your pants and hope it goes away.
Bazzmand Show said:
Not necessarily a football toilet story. But back when I was a young lad around 7, I was at school and needed to use the bog. I was heading to the toilets when I saw some "Older, hard kids" smoking and what have you out the front. I was to intimidated to go to the toilet so I shat my pants and returned to class. I spent about 5 minutes in class with a gigantic shit in my pants before I had to go and get my old mum to pick me up and take me home. What an embarrassing trip home.
I wonder if anyone has done this in the South Stand
Didsbury Dave said:
Bazz, you need to read Geoff's post above and digest.

In these emergency scenarios you need to think quickly and improvise.

You can't just cack in your pants and hope it goes away.

Hey if I had a cup on me and a bag of crisps I would have been set. Cup does the catching bag does the wiping.
was caught short once in a night game against (I think) everton at maine road.... those loos at the back of the kippax, near the platt lane. Pissing down, mid way through the second half so awash with piss, no seat, no lock, a few scraps of that "izalish" paper that doesn't so much wipe but smears.... it was more an excercise of feacal redistribution and suspect the rest of the match was a rather itchy affair.......

these days I go to the match with my two boys - one is four and a half so still needs "attention" in the loo..... getting better now but I've missed so many goals in the last 7 years whilst changing nappies or more latterly wiping someone elses arse......<br /><br />-- Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:49 pm --<br /><br />
Bazzmand Show said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Bazz, you need to read Geoff's post above and digest.

In these emergency scenarios you need to think quickly and improvise.

You can't just cack in your pants and hope it goes away.

Hey if I had a cup on me and a bag of crisps I would have been set. Cup does the catching bag does the wiping.

...and what do you do with the crisps?
5 pages and i cant believe that no one has mentioned the hell hole that are the grovels that masquerade as the gents at Luton FC...comfortably the worst away ground of all for me...

Walking through the terraced houses to get into Stalag 13 and facing the contstant sea of piss that flows down the passage all thru the game is one of life's challenges!

On one of my numurous visits (for some reason Luton had a perverse attraction for me!) to the dump and during what was apparently a particular bad piss-monsoon season, there was no dry land to be had at all and getting back from the cesspit area outside the bogs (no one actually went into the gents that day i swear!) was damn near impossible and couldnt be attempted without rolling ones jeans up to shin level at least!

As my mate and i successfully completed the crossing of said piss-river, one rather rotund chap (not unlike myself :-)...) c/w kebab and chips in the paper, simply walked through the ever growing tidal wave of piss, called us 'jessies' and promptly fell onto his arse spilling his Kebab into the now tidal current, (bordeing on a tsunami) in the process....his scream of "FFS me fooking kebab!!" went mostly unheard over the roar of laughter from everyone who were (un)fortunate to have witnessed such a sight.

Happy days!

If you are that man, please make your self known as you have legendary status in my mind sir :-) !!
Bit of long one , but bear with me....

Many years ago me and an old bird were in Cape Town and we met this cape coloured dude who offered to show us around the Khayelitsha township for the day. Not the sort of place for a blond bird and ginger nut to be wandering around in those days.
This fella picks us up in one of them bedford rascals and we head off deep into the township and he is explaining the different areas, where the coloureds live and where the blacks live etc
At this point we are driving around this place that looked like Benchill after a nuclear explosion when the Mrs suddenly declares she is touching cloth, drawing mud and about to explode in her knickers. There are no public toilets in the Cape me on that one.
Our "guide" declares no worries, stops the bedford rascal, jumps out and knocks on door of this shack and explains to the coloured family that a bird from England would like to use their facillities. They invite us all in and the mrs disappears out the back, whilst our hosts make a cup of tea and produce a choccy cake. Meanwhile all we can all hear is the misses farting and thrutching through the corrugated iron walls. I nearly died trying not to went on for fucking ages I can tell u. Anyway she re emerges and no one bats an eyelid and we have a brew and slice of cake and spent about 2 hours there, before they took us to the local Shebeen for a few scoops.

Imagine that kind of hospitality in Wythenshawe.

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