Away tickets

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None of that surprises me mate. And these folk are sat on a City Matters group representing us. Corrupt to the fuckn core.
And and when they see their arses and lose the argument the thread has to be shut down so no more of their hypocrisy can be further exposed.
Bit easier if posters stuck to the point and didn’t take it personally when found to be embellishing the facts, making things up and distorting the truth.
I didn’t have a ticket myself but I made sure that I put in the hours on Saturday morning to help someone to get a ticket (from a points hero btw).

Anyway I’m finished with the thread and you can’t reduce me to petty name calling and I know your miss would ban me anyway lol
I’ve read all about you derring do, very commendable too, as you’ve posted it in several times in the thread.
But honestly, what has that got to do with the away ticket allocation?
And and when they see their arses and lose the argument the thread has to be shut down so no more of their hypocrisy can be further exposed.
Bit easier if posters stuck to the point and didn’t take it personally when found to be embellishing the facts, making things up and distorting the truth.

I sincerely hope that you are not referring to my post asking the mods to consider closing it down because it was nothing to do with me seeing my derrière thank you. It was to do with me getting concerned about people’s anger when we are ALL City fans.

I am a pacifist I guess & don’t like to see falling out. A reasoned debate yes but this is getting repetitive & quite frankly in my personal humble opinion silly. :-)
Things like putting on transport, organising lifts, lending people money to pay for tickets, raising awareness of available tickets, general encouragement etc.

Is that a straight enough answer for you. As I said to Squirty, I’m having a break from this thread now because the debate goes round in circles. If you win your argument for more tickets for points that works for me so I’m in a no lose situation.

Firstly, yes it is a straight enough answer and isall i wanted as i couldnt understand what you meant. Secondly, none of those are anywhere near enough of a reason to justify people being able to skip the queue. Thats no more helping to shift unwanted tickets (something I again dispute even exists) than me egging on my mate to come to a match he was going to miss for whatever reason.

Its not about winning an argument, all we want is equality amongst the fans, a level playing field for all fans and not having people in privileged positions of knowing mates who run branches of supporter clubs getting tickets at the drop of a hat.

An alternative partial fix to this particular problem would be to disqualify any SC members from purchasing their own tickets via the points system and for each branch to only get given tickets on a day by day basis depending on how many would qualify via points at those specific times. That way you can keep your members together and any other benefits you may claim the SC brings but fixes the issue we all dissaprove of.
I sincerely hope that you are not referring to my post asking the mods to consider closing it down because it was nothing to do with me seeing my derrière thank you. It was to do with me getting concerned about people’s anger when we are ALL City fans.
Yes we are but some are seemingly more equal than others.

As to closing the thread down. As I explained a couple of days ago, this thread was opened because of the express wish of one or two posters who didn’t want it disrupting the City Matters thread.

To close the thread down a second time to deflection would seem a little undue. Why aren’t fans allowed to ask about the allocations privileged groups get before the great unwashed?
An alternative partial fix to this particular problem would be to disqualify any SC members from purchasing their own tickets via the points system and for each branch to only get given tickets on a day by day basis depending on how many would qualify via points at those specific times. That way you can keep your members together and any other benefits you may claim the SC brings but fixes the issue we all dissaprove of.

Whilst that seems a reasonable solution there are people, and I am one of them, who don’t get a ticket through their SC for legitimate other reasons: a) I have enough points but more importantly b) I need a front row seat as I can’t stand for long. My SC is like a second family to me, they look after me on our travels, they genuinely care not just for me but for every member. They’re not saints but they are good people. I don’t know about other branches but I will defend my own branch every inch of the way.
Whilst that seems a reasonable solution there are people, and I am one of them, who don’t get a ticket through their SC for legitimate other reasons: a) I have enough points but more importantly b) I need a front row seat as I can’t stand for long. My SC is like a second family to me, they look after me on our travels, they genuinely care not just for me but for every member. They’re not saints but they are good people. I don’t know about other branches but I will defend my own branch every inch of the way.
I don’t think anyone on either this thread or the City Matters thread has advocated, at all, the closure of the Supporters Club.
@squirtyflower , fair enough Squirtyflower, I just didn’t want you, or anyone, thinking I was asking the question because I was being nasty. :-)

As I edited, I am, I guess, a pacifist. :-) or something like that!

Edit: I posted that before I saw your second post in reply to mine. I was replying to Ninjamonkey in that. He didn’t say anything about closing them & neither did I. I was just replying to him saying people should maybe only get their tickets through the SC! That would mean some people would have to leave them to get their own tickets!! No mention of closing down SCs.
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@squirtyflower , fair enough Squirtyflower, I just didn’t want you, or anyone, thinking I was asking the question because I was being nasty. :-)

As I edited, I am, I guess, a pacifist. :-) or something like that!
I understand where you are coming from and we all have different degrees of tolerance to what may be called brutish behaviour.

However if the thread descended into chaos and abuse I’m sure Ric would step in.
Whilst that seems a reasonable solution there are people, and I am one of them, who don’t get a ticket through their SC for legitimate other reasons: a) I have enough points but more importantly b) I need a front row seat as I can’t stand for long. My SC is like a second family to me, they look after me on our travels, they genuinely care not just for me but for every member. They’re not saints but they are good people. I don’t know about other branches but I will defend my own branch every inch of the way.

That suggestion would still allow for all the other benefits a SC brings to remain, but just have a separate list where you can register with the SC for tickets but if you do, you're no longer eligible to purcahse from the points system and for those that prefer to purchase themselves they simply do not register with the SC but are still free to be a member and enjoy all the other things being part of a branch brings.

I said it earlier, I'm not against SC's, ive used them for travel myself before and can see what they bring aside from access to tickets, and I dont even attribute any blame to people who are getting tickets for games they don't have enough points to get themselves, it's the system itself and the club's willingness to allow this system and the abuse of the system to exist that isn't right
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