Balotelli alleged "stamp" V Spurs

Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

IH8MUFC said:
It looks intentional to me. Try losing your balance it's not a logical way for your leg to go.
It is when your pushed forward. Down becomes 6 inches further back, near Parker's head. I say near because he f*cking didn't touch his bonce. Parker's injury was from raming his face into the back of Balotelli's standing leg about a 1/4 of a second earlier.
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

Conniethecow said:
This so called player needs to take up acting, I hear eastenders are looking for a prick

I take it ur a spuds fan then..
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

danburge82 said:
ban-mcfc said:
the gif makes it look deliberate, the video not so much.

could go either way.
Yeah I thought that.

He actually missed his head though, must be said!

I've watched both back, must have seen them 25 times each now... I can't make my mind up. Yes he's off balance, he's looking away and wouldn't know Parker's head/foot/hand/arse was there so there's no way he purposely stamped on his head. But then I see his body is swerving one way and you'd think his leg would go in front of him rather than back behind him but in going behind it can seem like he may have been flicking his leg back to hit Parker somewhere.

It's impossible to say what he was thinking. It will be judged on the actual physical outcome which is Balotelli's leg unaturally nearly hit Parker in the mush. In fact it might not have to be judged if Webb says he saw it (anyone know what Webb has said?).
Balotelli was fouled from the minute he came on the pitch. It's always the same, the provacateurs get away with it. But Mario must stop behaving like a mug and giving poorer players a way of beating him.
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

i cant believe the defence of ballotelli on here ! theres no doubt that was a blatant stamp for me, ballo should be ashamed,if it was rooney this board would be alight
media witch hunt ? the guy isnt happy unless he is causing chaos somewhere .
we have quite serious problems with our strikers, because dzeko isnt the real deal either
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

Superace77 said:
Chungo said:
swinton blue said:
it was said on the radio that the incident wasnt in the refs report so he hasnt seen it so the fa can deal with it

You don't get a referees report that quick usually??
Ref report won't be seen by anyone until Monday. But the ref gave a foul and a free kick, so he saw the incident and decide on just a free kick so we should be ok.

he didn't. He restarted play with a drop kick. Whoever said that in one of the match reports was wrong.
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

Blumers Bloomers said:
If you were Mario, would you put up with this constant media witchhunt?

I think I would be tempted just to go back to Italy. Incessant tirade of abuse for pretty much f*ck all.
It was worse there. best way is to keep out of trouble, score goals and win the title
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

smeeagain said:
i cant believe the defence of ballotelli on here ! theres no doubt that was a blatant stamp for me, ballo should be ashamed,if it was rooney this board would be alight
media witch hunt ? the guy isnt happy unless he is causing chaos somewhere .
we have quite serious problems with our strikers, because dzeko isnt the real deal either

Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

gordondaviesmoustache said:
mancityvstoke said:
Blues turning on their own player to this extent is certainly a first for me..........unbelievable stuff.

How the support has changed...............

Seriously mate that is one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever read on here:

Kevin Bond
Alan Harper
Ricky Holden
Richard Edghill
Joe Corrigan
David White
Adrian Heath

and dare I say it Gordon Davies.

I could go on. Some people have remarkably short memories.
I recall the first game I went to on the Kippax the abuse Paul Power took amazed me.
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

smeeagain said:
i cant believe the defence of ballotelli on here ! theres no doubt that was a blatant stamp for me, ballo should be ashamed,if it was rooney this board would be alight
media witch hunt ? the guy isnt happy unless he is causing chaos somewhere .
we have quite serious problems with our strikers, because dzeko isnt the real deal either
it's really shit isn't it
we have such bad strikers but have the highest number of goals in the league

how does that work out then?

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