Balotelli alleged "stamp" V Spurs

Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

Webb saw it. He gestured towards Balo as if to say "steady now". That's how he dealt with it.

The thing is, what they're repeating over and over again is the incident in slow motion. When you see it at full-speed it doesn't look nearly as bad.
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

Although I love people's optimism by breaking down the events and actions into great detail CSI: Etihad style I feel they're forgetting how much this is pissing into the wind when considering;
A) the power of a bias press
B) the power of the spoken word of media darling Tax dodger twitcher
C) a totally inept and hypocritical governing body
D) the weakness and poor standard of ref officials that are influenced by A), B) and C).
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

i'd love to see an interview with mario on the subject.
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

pudge said:
Blumers Bloomers said:
If you were Mario, would you put up with this constant media witchhunt?

I think I would be tempted just to go back to Italy. Incessant tirade of abuse for pretty much f*ck all.
He arguably gets much more abuse over there


He's said as much before.<br /><br />-- Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:17 pm --<br /><br />
samharris said:
smeeagain said:
i cant believe the defence of ballotelli on here ! theres no doubt that was a blatant stamp for me, ballo should be ashamed,if it was rooney this board would be alight
media witch hunt ? the guy isnt happy unless he is causing chaos somewhere .
we have quite serious problems with our strikers, because dzeko isnt the real deal either


Yeah, s'himagain.
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

samharris said:
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
Conniethecow said:
Wat a load of bollox.... that was clearly a stamp I'm sure if I stamped on a work colleagues head I would be sacked.... conniethecow
Yeah, but Mario doesn't work in a post office.

cheeky edit :)
Like it!
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

video in real time, please. it's not at all a deliberate stamp.

if you watch it in slow motion enough times with the intent of looking for a stamp, you'll find it. watch it how it happened in real time and you'll see there's just no possibility of it being intentional.
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

smeeagain said:
i cant believe the defence of ballotelli on here ! theres no doubt that was a blatant stamp for me, ballo should be ashamed,if it was rooney this board would be alight
media witch hunt ? the guy isnt happy unless he is causing chaos somewhere .
we have quite serious problems with our strikers, because dzeko isnt the real deal either

What the fuck are you on about?

You can read another man's mind can you? Because the ACTUAL, VISUAL evidence suggests the opposite of your opinion. It's pretty strange, is it not, that having not even looked behind him to see where his opponent was, Ballotelli would stick his back foot out, in the faint hope that it would hit him in the face? He then goes over & shows genuine concern for his welfare. Also, none of the Spurs players appeal, which is always a good indication of what has gone on.

Its easy to listen to the loudest voices & form an opinion based on what you hear others say, but maybe you might try to grow a backbone & actually form your own opinions based on what you see with your own eyes. Should you attempt this, you may find that your "not the real deal" striker has scored one & got one assist in his last 2 games. And you may also find that Ballotelli is a supremely gifted footballer whom we are very lucky to have; which is precisely why our enemies are trying to get him out of the way the whole time.

Some of the shit spouted on this thread is unbelievable! If you're so offended by the sight of Ballotelli & Dzeko in the blue shirt, you can always vote with your feet. I can assure you, you wouldn't be missed!
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

andrewmswift said:
video in real time, please. it's not at all a deliberate stamp.

if you watch it in slow motion enough times with the intent of looking for a stamp, you'll find it. watch it how it happened in real time and you'll see there's just no possibility of it being intentional.


at real speed imagine Balo having the time to even think about a deliberate stamp

no chance
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

andrewmswift said:
video in real time, please. it's not at all a deliberate stamp.

if you watch it in slow motion enough times with the intent of looking for a stamp, you'll find it. watch it how it happened in real time and you'll see there's just no possibility of it being intentional.

Brick walls and dead horses mate.. if you know what I mean.
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

United mouthpiece newspaper The S*n have managed to sneak it on to the front page.


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