Thing is Mario is undoubtedly a fantasic footballer, no question.There are lots of footballers out there who are fantastic, but to be a great footballer you have to be totally professional meaning that you (as a professional) are paid to undertake a specialised set of tasks ie winning football matches for the said 'fee'.I don't think that the word 'professional' can be applied to Mario due to the fact that he has not consistently carried out his duties this season.If Mario was in another profession maybe a doctor say, he would have been struck off the list.I wanted Mario to do well, he is an amiable guy who is misunderstood by people due to the tabloid press and tap your phone, email etc sky empire, but I am sorry to say this.He has no future at OUR club because our owners ARE professional and will make a swift decision at the end of the season.It's been a blast Mario, farewell and good hunting.