Balotelli: being a " character" is not enough (merged)

Re: being a " character" is not enough

I love Balotelli, but saying he is more rounded as a player than Dzeko can only be uttered by someone who only really knows Dzeko as a City player (and even that is debatable, since Dzeko's arrival, though he's played less, Dzeko has been the more effective player - fact). What Dzeko did in Germany in the last three years, there is simply no way Balotelli could do it at this point in his development. Maybe some day when he fulfills his potential, which I hope he will.
Re: being a " character" is not enough

byronic said:
I love Balotelli, but saying he is more rounded as a player than Dzeko can only be uttered by someone who only really knows Dzeko as a City player (and even that is debatable, since Dzeko's arrival, though he's played less, Dzeko has been the more effective player - fact). What Dzeko did in Germany in the last three years, there is simply no way Balotelli could do it at this point in his development. Maybe some day when he fulfills his potential, which I hope he will.

Put the boot on the other foot though and Dzeko didn't do at Mario's age what Balotelli is doing now. It's weird saying he needs confidence but infront of goal at the minute he does, he just needs one to go in, on another day that shot would not have hit the bar it would have gone in and his shot cleared off the line would have gone in. The way it goes sometimes.
Re: being a " character" is not enough

HellasLEAF said:
what I don't like is his petulance. like when AJ made that great run and cross near post. Mario needed to recognize the ball could only really go in that spot and did not make the darting run but instead stayed marked back in the box. then goes off because he didn't get service. does this quite a bit. not necessary.

hate to say this but Shit-Dorrito would have made that run seen it many times and you rarely see the complaining. he's a young lad too. there is difference. Balo needs to mature and become more of a team player but not sure if this will ever happen.

He spent the whole game gambling on the back post. The on e time he didn't that's where AJ put the ball.
Re: being a " character" is not enough

byronic said:
I love Balotelli, but saying he is more rounded as a player than Dzeko can only be uttered by someone who only really knows Dzeko as a City player (and even that is debatable, since Dzeko's arrival, though he's played less, Dzeko has been the more effective player - fact). What Dzeko did in Germany in the last three years, there is simply no way Balotelli could do it at this point in his development. Maybe some day when he fulfills his potential, which I hope he will.

Forgive me for picking up on your quote that you love Balotelli ( there are plenty of others I could have asked) but why exactly, from a footballing perspective, do you love Balotelli.What exactly has he done for City that makes you feel that way?
Re: being a " character" is not enough

corky1970 said:
redmizzle said:
Actually, i'm very shy but seeing as you're not shy about exhibiting your cluelessness with threads like this, i think i'll be just fine.

Your OP tells me all i need to know about your understanding of football and i'm doubtful you have the capacity to understand even if i bother explaining anything so just take my word for it, it's an idiotic thread.

I actually laughed out loud at your response ... Christ ... your debating skills need a little tweaking .. tell you what when you finish school next week. Give us a shout , ill be your mentor .

Think of it as Good will hunting , Manchester stylee

You can thank me later .

Give teddy a kiss night night from uncle Corky Xxxx

Don't be upset, i just don't consider you worthy to debate with, that's all uncle.
All this "OMG, I love Balotelli, wot a legend, OMG" stuff

Anyone else find that sort of reaction to him from some City fans a bit disconcerting?

It has been raised on another thread and it's a decent debating point.

More than any other player, he gets this reaction and it seems to be built around his off the pitch persona.

We have people here like Silva who get similar levels of adoration, but that is because he has been absolutely outstanding on the pitch.

Balotelli can't claim to have been that, so it must be down to other things.

Personally, I find aspects of his on field stuff here excellent and other aspects of it very, very poor.

Off the pitch, I really am not interested in the private lives of footballers or tittle tattle about who's doing what, like some sad Hello readers. The only opinion I have on stuff like that is if the player brings embarrassment to the club, which this bloke has been doing. Not really impressed by tabloid fodder clowns like Rooney, Cole, Terry and Ferdinand or their cult of personality fans.

So, here's the question, is it fair to say that all the "OMG, Balotelli, wot a legend" merchants are under 18 and a bit messed up in their sense of perspective? Or am I missing something else that leads to this.

And more importantly, does that sort of attitude towards him do him any good when there's plenty he has to improve on and off the field (personally, I think such footballers are so insulated that it makes no difference as fans attitude to them mean very little)

PS: before they fall off their high chairs, this isn't a criticism of the player, it's an attempt to explore the hero worshipping that some go for with this bloke.
Re: All this "OMG, I love Balotelli, wot a legend, OMG" stuff

it's cause he's the bad boy and apparently world class despite not scoring for 10 games(2 months).

I find it laughable after the stick Robinho/Elano got despite them doing more for the team than Balotelli has.

The Balotelli fanclub just make me laugh.
Re: being a " character" is not enough

So Balotelli faught hard won the ball, passed to Silva who shot and the keeper saved it. Off that we had a corner which resulted in the goal. The second goal he frightened the defender who put it in his own net.

He had shorts on target that needed expert saving and also ran back and won the ball when it was lost. He hit the bar too as well as having a ball cleared off the line. Before people make threads like these I ask them to check stats. Balotelli ran almost more than any other player yet he played for 85 mins.

So nothing you have said is true unless you say its his body language you dislike because his work rate is not what you are questioning.
Re: All this "OMG, I love Balotelli, wot a legend, OMG" stuff

Far from legend status. Not an OMG person for him BUT...

Young kid, bags of talent, need this season out of the way. Sublime touch at times. Seriously terrible attitude. Needs time to settle and we'll see next season. Needs our support, not the abuse he was getting today.
Re: All this "OMG, I love Balotelli, wot a legend, OMG" stuff

it's all about the money. if we were in millions of pounds worth of debt but had mario in his present form, do you think we'd have fans actually kissing his arse?

He's a joke of a striker and those who say they like him cannot realistically provide any evidence as to why he his worth his wages.

disgusting attitude and even worse skills. the sooner we realize that players like him will not help us progress, we will become a real fighting force within the league.

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