Balotelli [MERGED]


I don't ever think he touched him apart from on the way down. The Kyiv player over acting (like they all did for the whole game) made the whole thing look 10x worst then it was. It was a silly slit second thing to do. Iv seen yellow cards given for a lot worst.
KumbA said:

I don't ever think he touched him apart from on the way now. The Kyiv player over acting (like they all did for the whole game) made the whole thing look 10x worst then it was. It was a silly slit second thing to do. Iv seen yellow cards given for a lot worst.

Or if referee was Atkinson would have given Goran a yellow card ala Jonny Evans.
Re: I Think/Hope Mario Has Finally Learnt A Lesson Tonight......

LongsightM13 said:
What a fucking crock of shit. If you people are living in denial about the fact it was a blatant red card then you are almost as obviously mentally ill as Balotelli.
He is borderline sectionable and how any blue can defend him tonight, after he let his team down for absolutely fuck all, makes me sick.
Fuck him off in the summer, a wonderful talent but an absolute liability.
I would rather trust my kids with Gary Glitter for a few hours than play this self-indulgent gobshite at Wembley.
City are far more important to me than indulging the ego of one ****.

See posts like this PROVE that people have a personal gripe with Mario. You would rather leave your children with a pedophile than with a player given a harsh red card and who donates millions to charity every year. Yea you are obviously unbiased.
Another victim of a bent or an incompetent ref.

If Rooney had done the same it would not even have been worthy of a yellow.

Those bluemooners who honestly believe it was worthy of an instant red and are blaming balotelli for our exit from the competition have a vendetta against Balotelli which is quite bazarre since next season he will be our number one striker assuming the likes of Mancini who was naive at best to say he won't be in the side on Sunday ( hopefully prearranged before the sending off for Mancini's sake ) better man manage this talented but petulant individual.

The replacement for Tevez may not nearly be in the Tevez class so we will have to rely on Balotelli to keep us in with a shout of top four next season.

Without him and Tevez we may well be back to the likes of Everton and Bolton and Sunderland , maybe then those crying out for his head will happy then and blame someone else for our misfortune.

Its pure speculation waht would have happened had he stayed on but if anyone else was likely to score for us it was Balotelli himself but thanks to a bent ref we would never have known.
Re: Mario! Read This And You Will Be A different Man

Would be nice to think that he cares or that he loves football but unfortunately its clear that he couldnt care less about anyone but himself. Give me an improving Dzeko anyday.
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

LongsightM13 said:
Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
He may have scored a few goals for us, but other than that, I struggle to see what he brings to the team.

In my mind, I know one thing, and nothing will ever change it. He cost us a place in the next round of the Europa League, and if he never puts the shirt on again, it will not bother me.

I hope the petulant little boy is shipped out at the first opportunity.

I'm not a vindictive person by nature, and we have seen some real crap players at City over the years, but none of them, as far as I remember, has ever had an attitude like Ballotelli.

What is wrong with him?

I don't know, but after tonight, I won't spend much time thinking about it.

On Sunday, the best place to leave him is with the demons in his head, and wherever his physical being may be, his brain will probably be somewhere the rest of us will never visit.
Post of the week.
No doubt his surrogate social workers on here will be on bleating about his childhood.
And how some idiots still maintain it wasn't a red card is laughable.
You'll never meet a more biased blue than me but come on lads, you are making mugs of yourselves trying to defend that. Get a grip.
Balotelli is the signing which will end up ruining our season. Get rid, we're not a mental unit.

Must be a lot of idiots in the world longsight but then again you probably have good reason to give yourself that username.
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

BillyShears said:
Why won't he be in the squad? Is he injured, or is his punishment for tonight's performance a week off in Milan with his mates.....?
Got to agree with Mr. Shears on this one. Of course he should be in the squad. He's paid an enormous amount of money to play football for Manchester City, so I don't get the point of dropping him from the squad. In case some of you haven't noticed, we are extremely short of attacking players in our squad at the moment; Tevez is out of form by his standards and Dzeko is still a long way from finding his feet in this league. Balotelli is a complete and utter prick in my eyes, but to choose to not have the option of using him off the bench on Sunday is absolute madness.

This move smacks of pampering the petulant bellend by taking him out of the firing line rather than acting as a punishment for behaving like a fucking twat last night. Get him back on the training ground and doing what he is paid to do FFS. I'd be even more pissed off with him than I am now if he was to swan off to Italy for a holiday with his mates.

There's simply no defence for him at the moment. "He's only young", some of you will say, but he's 20 FFS not 12. Much of his behaviour would embarrass a schoolboy and he needs to ditch this ridiculous Mr. Angry act because all it currently serves to do is wind up himself, his teammates, the officials and us fans. He's a walking self-destruct button and needs to sort himself out ASAP or fuck off to Milan, which is clearly where he actually wants to be anyway.

He has undoubted talent but his Mr. Angry persona will prevent him from reaching the heights he should do. He's one of the least professional players I've ever seen at City, and that really is a sad and extremely damning indictment of where he is at the moment.
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

As someone wisely said on another Mario thread about Mancini's decision to bring him here...

"If man buys frog, why be surpised when it hops and swims?"
Anonymous Chinese Bloke
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

city68 said:
Just cannot make him out... bags of talent BUT .... Should we get rid ...i don't know...

I haven't seen anything of this alleged 'bags of talent' - why do folks keep saying that? Unless he's being rated as a street robber...................then I can see it.

-- Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:05 am --

RBmk2 said:
Marvin said:
That does not read too well

Give the player some support instead of rushing to say I told you so

Trouble is he's had loads of support from the managemant and the fans..and keeps making a twat of himself at times we can ill-afford it.
Our first team isn't a correctional facility,it's not a referal unit,we're not out to build's a professional football team operating at the highest level,and demanding much of its staff.
If you can't cope with it,you shouldn't be in it.
Age doesn't come into it.
It's harsh,but that's professional,top line sport...and Mario appears,for whatever reason,that he can't currently deal with it mentally when the pressure's on or it's not going his way.

At this stage of the season the stakes are way too high to carry people still wearing L-plates in the basics.

Yeah - but you summed it up in the first line - support of the Management. I dont rate 'them' either..................wouldnt have happened under Hughes.<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:07 am --<br /><br />
dom said:
simonr555 said:
I think every single player got wound up early on tonight judging by their reactions and you knew that if any foot went near the Kyiv players they'd be down. I do think it was a harsh sending off and think the lynch mob on here need to do the growing up and calm down. I don't get the "sell him" or "I don't want him at my club" business. He is worth persisting with because the talent is there.

he is immature and needs to learn that his actions have consequences, or is this human an exception ????

Let him learn in an 'institutional' establishment where he can get the therapy he needs away from 'normal' people. Can you imagine working with this guy? He's not right in the head..................

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