Balotelli [MERGED]

Re: Mancini and Balotelli

Mario shoulld be asked to apolagise to the other players at Carrington this morning, he let them all down, if he gives a fuck about City then he should have already done this, Mancini carnt be held accountable for this what so ever, we need to pull together ( like the 10 men did last night) and carry on, some very important games coming now and we need to br strong and unite.
Berkovic_blue said:
gio's side step said:
I said a few days ago, I would have this guy no where near the Utd cup semi final. He's a complete and utter coward of a footballer. He has a consistent record of these types of coward sendings off. He doesn't give a fuck about being part of a team. Nor does he give a fuck about any City fan whatsoever. In particular, he doesn't give a fuck about the idiots on here defending him, purely because he's a City player.

For those talking about his history, his life, we aren't fucking psychiatrists. We are football fans. We are concerned with what goes on .. on the football pitch. And our club made a big song and dance about signing the right players, about doing research, producing a huge portfolio on every potential signing. Yea right. I would back Mourinho's judgement (won the CL with two out of four clubs) on a players personality over anyone at City. Some of these idiots on here defending Balotelli are the 16 year olds who probably sign him on the football manager computer game. We as a club are bigger than this mercenary. I don't care how 'talented' he apparantly is, (and I think he still has a lot to do to justify that perception anyway), or that he is 20, or that he is apparantly 'raw', we cannot legislate for things like last night. All of the effort put in by the other members of the team, all of the money spent by fans to travel around Europe, to take time off work, and some child produces another moment of coward madness to make it even more difficult than it already was going to be. We played with more spirit when he went off, because the other players rallied around each other.

lol calm down. Speaks volumes that most can't make their point without resorting to swearing and insulting their owns players. Symptomatic of a wider problem that like I say City fans like nothing more than slaggin off the players/manager/club and we'll never win anything while most of the fans are like that imo

It speaks even more volumes about some city fans that they are AGAIN defending this guy. From a personal perspective, I don't get on the back of players, I always support the team. But this guy, is one of the clearest examples I've seen of someone who is intent on not being part of a team. We've always had individual players. Sulky players. Anelka never mixed. But he wasn't a coward. This is not about city fans. This is about Balotelli. And we won't win anything when a player consistently has a record of coward tackles, and consistently will get sent off. What if he is selected against Utd in the semi final and gets sent off? It's completely illogical to pose the question - what if he scores from 25 yards? He is paid to score. He was signed because of his 'talent'. Not to do things like last night (even though everyone in football knows he's more than capable of doing those things). So we shouldn't be suprised if he scores in big games. We should be expecting that. But it's becoming ridiculous, when we arent suprised about things like last night either. And I wasn't suprised at all. I said it on here days ago. I was expecting it unfortunately.
spanishblue said:
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... r_embedded</a>

He cant even dress himself
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

carlosthejackal said:
Doesnt he know that Mario had a tough upbringing ? He should be pampered and excused any indiscretion on or off the pitch.

Clarkie right?
Pigeonho said:
Berkovic_blue said:
lol. All the pathetic insults only enhance the embarassment. Like I said we'll never win fuck all because the vast majority of City fans would rather moan like fuck at anything and everything.

Why bother backing the team and players when you can childishly slag everything off
It's not about the team though, it's about Balotelli. Ironic you say 'team' when talking about Balotelli too. He couldn't give a shit about the team, much like he couldn't give a shit about the guys chest he raked with is studs. City will be a much better place when he has got what he obviously wants - a move.

He didn't get him in the chest he got him in the thigh as he was PULLING away from the challenge, I can understand why people are looking for a scape goat I mean how unbelievably shit were we in Kiev??? We deserved to get knocked out just for that first leg performance, but I guess that was Balotelli's fault for having an allergic reaction and not the other 10 lads on the pitch who had possibly the worst game I've ever seen.
chase of spades said:
Benarbia said:
A talented prick - wouldn't want him near the team now at such an important stage of the season. BUT the fact Tevez has been dire recently and we appear to have bought a donkey rather than a footballer in Dzeko it clear we may actually need him
Kinel,Dzeko gettin some shit now,jesus!!!

Tevez was fantastic last nite. Ive never seen a forward put the effort in that he did. Making tackles all over the pitch. Tremendous .
I understand that even some of the players at the club have started to turn against ballotelli - I can see him leaving in the summer.
Skashion said:
No need to put blue goggles on here, or develop a rag-like 'siege mentality', he tried to win the ball back, missed, pulled out and studs powerlessly connected with Popov's thigh. No intent whatsoever, wasn't even looking at him. Popov went down like he'd been shot like Kyiv's players did all night. Ref gave a harsh red, again, as he gave harsh bookings all night to our players. There was a similar foot up high from one of their players during the second half and the East Stand went mad; no booking at all.

Ok, even say Balotelli deserved a red card, and I agree by the letter of the law he could be given one for that, I don't see why this reaction is merited. People are acting like he kung-fu'd out with intent, in anger. At worst he made a clumsy challenge and got a red merited by the letter of the law. At best he made a clumsy challenge and was sent off by a ref who applied completely different standards to them than he did to us. I think only on Bluemoon would there be more discussion about Balotelli's moment of madness No. 7016 - which clearly wasn't, that the travesty of a reffing performance - that it clearly was.

Some good sense at last.

Yes he needs to be better handled by management ( maybe Mancini is out of his depth in regards to some of our "bigger names" ) and he needs to modify his attack on the ball at times but clearly some refs have it in for the guy and to want him out for good because of 2 reds he has received to date is ludicrous.

Goal scorers don't grow on trees and this lad is a goal scorer and I for one don't give too hoots about his antics on the pitch as long as his goals help us win games.

We are highly unlikely to have Tevez next season and if we lose this bloke as well then we may find ourselves at this time next season roughly were Everton are now or even worse.

Maybe then all the moaners will be happy again we are in a dogfight amongst the teams teetering above the relegation spots.

Get a bloody grip you Ballotelli haters who knows if the ref gave him the yellow which was appropriate he may have scored the goal that kept us in the competition and you would be lauding him the next Alan Shearer.
chase of spades said:
Benarbia said:
A talented prick - wouldn't want him near the team now at such an important stage of the season. BUT the fact Tevez has been dire recently and we appear to have bought a donkey rather than a footballer in Dzeko it clear we may actually need him
Kinel,Dzeko gettin some shit now,jesus!!!

Yeah I've been slagging him off since day one
Re: Mancini and Balotelli

Soulboy said:
No matter what we the fans think of Balotelli's actions last night... no matter what the manager thinks of Balotelli's actions last night.. the manager should NEVER publicly criticise his players in such a manner as he has done.

Whether Mancini was using Balotelli as an excuse for our defeat or not is largely irrelevant... a manager should never throw one of his players to the baying mob.

Ferguson actually pursued Cantona when it was needed, never once berated him publicly. Has always drawn in the waggons when the club or player is under threat.

Poor man-management skills by Mancini in my opinion, and another example of the pressure he is under... and is wilting due to it.

All I can hope is that Mancini has sacrificed Balotelli for the greater good, as maybe the other players have also had enough of him. In that case, he could still have done it all in private...

Don't agree with any of that.

Different people respond to different treatment and it's up to the manager to decide how to get the best out of his players. Ferguson famously got it wrong initially by giving his Brazilian players the hairdryer and then found out it didn't work with them - they were too sensitive and went into their shells after such treatment.

Also there is cultural differences to take into account. In the US you often see adverts saying "dont buy competitor brand XYZ because it's rubbish". You never see that here. Maybe in Italy things are said more in public than they are here.

Bottom line is Mario deserved a right kick up the arse and in the manager's judgement, public criticism is appropriate. Remains to be seen if he has judged it right, but it's not inappropriate.

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