Balotelli [MERGED]

Re: Mancini and Balotelli

Quick question.

Do you think we might have scored at least another goal against Kiev, IF Mario had not been sent off?
Skashion said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
Total nonsense. Your attempt to defend the indefensible is nothing short of laughable.
Balotelli is better on the left and Johnson is better on the right. You need to get over it.

Now you're trying to skirt the issue.

What did you think of Beckham in 98? Or were you too young to remember it? Rooney in 2006 then?

Did you think Rooney was harshly done by?
gio's side step said:
samharris said:
Not poor at all, some refs would have given yellow for that, but we all know what a shit coward of a ref we had last night,theres no denying he was poor..

The Rooney elbow was a red..not given,
The carragher challenge on nani was a red...not given,
The Rafael challenge(in the same game) was a red...not given.

( please give me your views as to why these above challenges were not given)

So why is my assumption that Balo's red shouldnt have been red a poor point..?? Like i said a different ref would have given yellow..

The Rooney, Carragher, and Rafael have no bearing on whether Balotelli should have been sent off last night, so it's completely illogical to bring them into this discussion. That is for elsewhere. The way I judge it is this. Some tackles are malicious, some are reckless, some are violent, some are mistimed. Equally, some are done with brute force, and some are cowardly. Balotelli is a coward. And last night was malicious, but in a cowardly way. It wasn't the same type of maliciousness as in a player clearly elbowing someone, nor was it reckless in the sense of a player leaving the ground with two feet. But it was, in it's particular context, malicious, because he did leave his foot in, and actually, when you watch the clip, you will see goes beyond just running his studs down the player, he actually at the end, moves his foot forward to put further pressure on Popov's thigh. He knew what he was doing. It was extremely cowardly. Unfortunately, he has fooled some of you lot too.

However, I agree, the referee was very poor overall.

exactly, because you have to get used to the fact that in the premier league some tackles are allowed, in europe that's a straight red...the ref has done a great job last night by european standards not english premier league have to understand that...and that was a red...
Blue Mooner said:
OrigamiNinja said:
When? Where?

I keep reading and hearing from other City fans about how talented he is yet I have yet to see it. He scored a good double away at WBA (then got sent off) and he scored a hat trick at home against an awful Villa side, a hat trick that contained 2 pens and a 1 yard tap in. Other than this what has he actually done in a City shirt that has made you go "wow".

I have seen nothing to suggest anything other than him being a myth! He is young and maybe I am being unfair, maybe he will go on to achieve great things in the game but I am sorry at this moment in time I just dont see it.

One thing is for sure any greatness he does achieve none of it will be at City! Why everyone is blindly defending someone who I would hazard a pretty strong guess doesnt want to be at the club is beyond me. If he is here at the start of next season I will be amazed!

Did you see the way he took those penalties? Sheer class.

The finish against Villa, class, created a goal out of nothing when we were struggling against Fulham with a rocket shot, class.

If you'd watched anything on Football Italia you would be as enthused as I am. Balo was getting into the European Champions team at 19 and you don't think he any good !!! Laughable. I think some City fans expect every player to be like Messi beating 3 & 4 players before they think a players any good. I think Balotelli is quality already but he has the potential to get better, but as a finisher, he's not going to dribble past 3 players and score like a Messi or Ronaldo.

The guy is only 20 and he is already showing frightening potential. If you can't see that then literally words fail me.

I am not going to get in any arguements over someone who takes a "class" penalty. Anyone should score from the spot especially a professional footballer.

The finish against Villa was 1 yard out with an open net, pretty much like the one he missed last night......class!

Granted his goal against Fulham was out of the top drawer.

As for the rest of your argument I will concede that I saw very little of him playing in Italy and sure enough he may have looked World Class over there. Guess what???? I simply dont care, I dont give two turds how he looked playing in Italy, I am only interested in how he looks in a City shirt and in a City shirt he looks disinterested, petulant and quite good! I am seeing none of this so called "frightening" potential and even if I was seeing it I would be wise enough to understand that if he ever fulfils this potential it wont be in a City shirt so whats the point in eulagising over him?

The guy is an idiot, if he was playing top class football week in week out I would go with the argument that at least he is "our idiot" but he isnt so he is just an idiot!
Berkovic_blue said:
Why bother backing the team and players when you can childishly slag everything off

What are you on about ? So by slagging one player we aren't backing the team ? Don't talk nonsense. Would you rather we vented our anger on here or at the game ? I'll back every City player apart from this least until he can show me a reason to back him. So far I've seen none.

Like any journalist needs to come on here for a story about City....
The lad is 20 years old.His talent is amazing.You have a diamond at your hands in City.I think some of you should get of his back and understand that he is not the first 20 year old talent who loses his head now and then.You guys should support him,not turn against him.Look at Rafael at United.He is very talented,but loses his head over and over again,gets a couple of red cards every season and lots of yellows,but the fans at Old Trafford love him anyway.If Mancini knows how to deal with young players and the fans support him,im convinced he can turn out to become a legend and one of the greatest.Because he is that talented.
Re: Mancini and Balotelli

Chicken Kiev said:
I have never been a fan of Mancini and never will be. Hopefully last night will prove to be the first nail in his coffin. Next we will be out of the top 4 and then we will loose at Wembley and finish with nothing. I just hope the rumors about him being booted at the end of the season are true. I know some fans love him and would argue we are having the best season for many a year, how ever, when you conciser there is 300 million to choose from it ain't that good!!!

Mancini OUT and take that Idiot Balotelli with you!

Totally agree with you Chicken Kiev, 1 more loss & both chelsea & spurs can go above us in the league, will he pick 3 defensive midfielders for the FA cup semi against Manure, like he did against that other massively talented team we played in the last round READING?. quicker Mancini & Balotelli go the better, as for having our best season it's more down to the players than mancini's management, how many times have we gone behind this season & mancini's tactic's thrown out the window as the players have had to chase the game & get a result To many times thats how many. i have to say the players look like total strangers in some of the games i have seen this season, so many talented players & they have looked totally confused about what to do on the pitch, bye bye Mancini i do hope your rumour is right.
No17 said:
gio's side step said:
The Rooney, Carragher, and Rafael have no bearing on whether Balotelli should have been sent off last night, so it's completely illogical to bring them into this discussion. That is for elsewhere. The way I judge it is this. Some tackles are malicious, some are reckless, some are violent, some are mistimed. Equally, some are done with brute force, and some are cowardly. Balotelli is a coward. And last night was malicious, but in a cowardly way. It wasn't the same type of maliciousness as in a player clearly elbowing someone, nor was it reckless in the sense of a player leaving the ground with two feet. But it was, in it's particular context, malicious, because he did leave his foot in, and actually, when you watch the clip, you will see goes beyond just running his studs down the player, he actually at the end, moves his foot forward to put further pressure on Popov's thigh. He knew what he was doing. It was extremely cowardly. Unfortunately, he has fooled some of you lot too.

However, I agree, the referee was very poor overall.

exactly, because you have to get used to the fact that in the premier league some tackles are allowed, in europe that's a straight red...the ref has done a great job last night by european standards not english premier league have to understand that...and that was a red...

Well im basing my assumptions on the premiere league and how its reffed,obviously the european refs are different so that gives European teams (out of britain) an advantage..thats why it was an English ref who didnt send off De jong for the Alonso tackle in the world cup final .

British teams are at a disadvantage in Europe then as the refs are basing decisions that are the norm for them but not for us....Thats why i said lots of refs would have given yellow,maybe i should have said British refs..
No17 said:
exactly, because you have to get used to the fact that in the premier league some tackles are allowed, in europe that's a straight red...the ref has done a great job last night by european standards not english premier league have to understand that...and that was a red...

Putting the red card aside for a second you must be mental if you think the referee did a good job. He was dreadful, one of the worst performances I've ever seen.

City fans are their own worst enemy, judging by how quick we are to turn on our own players/manger we don't deserve to win fuck all. Least that would give people plenty to moan about though, you get people moaning at COMS from the 1st minute, presumably because it makes them happy.

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