Balotelli [MERGED]

tokyostory88 said:

Sorryt if submitted already. It would be funny if it actually was not probably true. The big question is who ties his laces for him.

Well we should be grateful for small least the Manchester turf doesnt give allergic reactions (or was it the cold?)

Where you are i would have thought you have bigger things to worry about

He's not quite figured it out yet

Been thinking more today on how what he's doing reflects on our owners.

To them, how they are perceived is probably as important as any success, witness them not taking long to offload the idiot who broke news of the deal with tales of all the stars we were going to buy. It set the wrong tone from the start and our owners have done everything they can since to behave with dignity and class.

This guy just puts the microscope back on us and all of a sudden we again fit the steroetype everyone outside the club likes to label us with - namely we've more money than sense, we're classless and stupid - all labels you can apply to Balo and by extension the club.

Balo is Mancini's biggest problem. if he can't sort him, he will be held to account. There's more at stake here than a europa quarter. The lad is damaging our owners reputation, there is no bigger problem in business.
masterwig said:
dennishasdoneit said:
Its really not his fault he hasn,t played any big games for us.he,s been injured.

Utd may be our biggest game in years and, as you say and the atmosphere will be intense but when all is said and done its an fa cup semi final... Mario has already played in a champions league final and the Milan derbies.The intensity/importance of a match is not really the issue here.

He,s got to sort himself out,thats a given but theres no point us taking our best striker out of the firing line now.he,s our player,he,s fit,theres no fatigue issues as he hasn,t played enough games,he,s shown he can score goals -we have to play him against chelsea and utd and aim to win those games.

We need all hands on deck for the final quarter of the season.there is much to play for.If chelsea can still win the league where does that leave us?? we are 7 pts off the top of prob the most difficult league in the world.with 25% of the season to go.Mario has as many goals as Drogba,Nani,Malouda,Bale,Carroll and Walcott..all big name players essential to their clubs,why the fook should we discard Mario now?.Play him every game,judge his contribution at the end of the season.

You make a few good points but I don't see how you can say he's our best striker. Most naturally talented perhaps but that certainly doesn't equate to being the best. Tevez is our best forward because his attitude is spot on and he's proven himself at City. We've beaten Chelsea three times on the trot without Balotelli. Why do we suddenly need him?

And he could have played in a big game before. United at home in the league but he was suspended for another daft red card. It's his own fault he didn't get that opportunity.

Your right, Tevez is our best striker.What i meant to say was with tevez suffering from fatigue and being a little off-form recently and with dzeko taking time to get used to the premiership,Mario is our best chance of a goal,esp away from home in a tight match i,d fancy him to get a goal out of nothing.

There is no doubt Carlos is the best striker at the club,his all round performances AND goals mean there is no argument.We are heavy-legged going into this partc chelsea match-more so than they will be.My point is sort out Mario at the end of the season-fook him off if appropriate,but ,in my opinion,we have to play him now.
City Raider said:
Been thinking more today on how what he's doing reflects on our owners.

To them, how they are perceived is probably as important as any success, witness them not taking long to offload the idiot who broke news of the deal with tales of all the stars we were going to buy. It set the wrong tone from the start and our owners have done everything they can since to behave with dignity and class.

This guy just puts the microscope back on us and all of a sudden we again fit the steroetype everyone outside the club likes to label us with - namely we've more money than sense, we're classless and stupid - all labels you can apply to Balo and by extension the club.

Balo is Mancini's biggest problem. if he can't sort him, he will be held to account. There's more at stake here than a europa quarter. The lad is damaging our owners reputation, there is no bigger problem in business.

One of the best posts I've read on the subject....I agree 100%.
BurnCK said:
Blue-Blood said:
Just think some fans have become so impatient and seem to constantly need a scapegoat. I believe we will get there, if we just give them a bit more time. I've waited all my life so a bit longer won't matter that much!

Maybe some fans yeah, but for me, even if we'd gone on to win the game he'd still be a f*cking idiot.

I agree that he's an idiot, I'm not defending what he did at all.

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