Balotelli [MERGED]

Pigeonho said:
Stuart Brennan on TS now harking on about how scarred Balotelli is, and how he has had it all since the age of 17. Racist abuse, Champions League Finals, playing at the top in Italy, thrust into the limelight. Boo fucking hoo, my heart bleeds.

To be fair you do have the empatheitic ability of a house brick.

I know Mario was stupid but I feel the fans backlash is well out of order remember Hamburg?? Dunne got himself sent off with 15 minutes to go sliding into a challenge he was never going to win yet he didn't get half the crud thats been thrown at Balotelli and it was Dunnes 2nd red in a couple of months both for stupid brainless actions.. Yet some on here would have Dunne back tomorrow
The lad has got talent but United have shown over the years that a strong dressing room can overcome a lack of top quality players....Just look at Fletcher and even Neville...not the best individually but great team players.

I saw a good report this morning at <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... s-me-sick/</a> that sums Mario up a treat..... There's a bit in it that says:

'everyone can see that Balotelli is limited as a footballer and has serious mental issues, most people, especially his own fans choose to ignore the warning signs because they desperately want him to succeed’.

‘This results in a strange phenomenon whereby a player might only touch the ball once in the game, abuse his own team mates, receive a red card and storm down the tunnel without clapping his own fans and yet still be rated as the best young player in the world by his own supporters’.

Would anyone really want to work alongiside this bloke and could you trust him in a big game?
SWP's back said:
Pigeonho said:
Stuart Brennan on TS now harking on about how scarred Balotelli is, and how he has had it all since the age of 17. Racist abuse, Champions League Finals, playing at the top in Italy, thrust into the limelight. Boo fucking hoo, my heart bleeds.

To be fair you do have the empatheitic ability of a house brick.

Hahaha, i'm nicking that one!
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

Soulboy said:
redmizzle said:
Soothsayer then, well done, more interested in ''being right''.

It's easy to be a bandwagon jumper... following the crowd for your opinion. Nodding along with the masses.

However, the clever ones suss out things quickly and put their necks on the block if necessary...

You got that the other way round. I think you'll find ''the masses'' on here are AGAINST Balotelli so infact that makes YOU the bandwagon jumper.<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:07 pm --<br /><br />
bluemoonmatt said:
Has redmizzle been on this thread recently?

iitb - It was mate, it was chest high, raked down popov's body. That said Popov is a cheating **** of the highest order, if I ever catch him asleep, I'll be sure to slap him.

Can i help you?

It should have been a yellow at worst in my view but i can see why the ref gave a red. I won't be calling him names though if that's what you're hoping for.

Pigeonho said:
Hopefully the players all got bars of soap and wrapped them with the bibs before beating Balotelli senseless, Private Pile style. That is my feeling towards this little shit at the minute. So disappointed, thought he was going to be the absolute dogs bollocks.

we all did....
15 starts, 5 subs, 10 goals, 9 yellows, 2 reds and 2 lengthy injury lay offs.

Eventful eh?

He's a character alright! Too much monging and too many too quick to want him shipped out.
absolute talent in the hands of a barbarian.

if the cannon is loose you strap it down.

the right man will get the very best out of Mario, who i do not know.
Re: The Mario Balotelli Appreciation Thread.

Chicken Kiev said:
He is an embarrassment to the club and a disgrace, now we know why the chosen was so keen to be rid of him. Kick him out as soon as possible and be rid of this rubbish!

I assume you're a Kiev fan? You know what the real embarrassment was? Your diving and cheating cunts of players yesterday.

Are you the one he chased down in the streets that run off like a pussy?
Pigeonho said:
Stuart Brennan on TS now harking on about how scarred Balotelli is, and how he has had it all since the age of 17. Racist abuse, Champions League Finals, playing at the top in Italy, thrust into the limelight. Boo fucking hoo, my heart bleeds.

What a warm, compassionate and balanced view.

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