Balotelli [MERGED]

Didn't have a great view at the time but that's unbelievably soft. I'm not even sure its a booking.
McNair9 said:
If he apologised to the players and to the fans then i would respect him a lot more, which isn't saying much though because i dont have any respect for him at the moment if im honest

If he doesn't come out tomorrow with an apology to the fans, the players and Mancini, that should tell you all you need to know about what matters to Balotelli. Sadly, City doesn't.
dctid said:
Manc lad said:
He is so frustrating to watch, if his heart was in city then the fans would back him but he doesnt give a shit. We`ve got rid of players that supposedly had the wrong attitude, im sorry but Bellamy would have played his heart out tonight and tonight result may have been different.

i got and get lots of abuse when i post about Bellars - its an absolute fookin disgrace what Mancini did to Bellars and to punt him out and bring in the uba knob Bib-otelli (i feel is the major mistake he has made.)

For me had we had Bellars available this season we would have had more points on the board (maybe not that many more BUT more none the less)

I am gutted tonite but really pleased with all the players Bib-otelli apart whom i think is a fookin idiot - if Mancini plays him over and above any forward including Jo in the remaining games then Mancinci will lose my support and i suspect many many others
Was the right decision as events have proven. You've obviously not followed Bellars season.
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

So the manager who said he could handle him clearly can't
Re: Mario Bib-otelli

Chippy_boy said:
One thing is for sure, he must not keep Dzeko on the bench. One thing you can say about Dzeko is that at least he is a pro who gives his all. I have no doubts whatsoever that he will come good for us. Mario on the other hand? I am beginning to think Mourinho was right.

Mario is a natural talent which is why you get the petulance.
Dzeko is a workman, and not a patch on the madness that is Mario.
And Edin should have been in the film "White Men Can't Jump".
F*ck me what happened to sticking up for one of your own !?

I only saw the incident from the East stand lower and I thought at the time it was a booking but I would need to see it again.

Irrespective why do City fans continually shoot themselves in the foot ? Shrek is a far more despicable piece of sh*t and yet he's still getting lauded by the press and the rags are happy to see him in their team because they recognise his value and his quality. What about Ashley Cole and John Terry at Chelsea ? have they been f*cked off ? No because Chelsea put their footballing qualities above all else, but oh no, not City fans, lets cut off our noses to spite our face. Ridiculous.

Whatever you think of Balotelli the person, the guy is absolute quality and has by far his best years ahead of him.

Get off his f*ckin case, he made a BIG mistake tonight but perhaps its what he actually needed to finally learn and hopefully he will take this and channel his energies to helping us to the top 4.

You can't just cast £24 million players onto the scrap heap because of a few misdemeanours.

Balo is class and its now we need to get behind him to protect him from this crass hypocritical media.
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
Undoubtedly the lad has tremendous talent and potential. But until the penny drops with him, he's a liability. Everytime he gets fouled, if he doesn't get a freekick, he's up waving his arms about and shouting the odds. Until he learns some self discipline for me he should be used only as an impact player for the last 15-20 mins of a game. The funny thing is we played better once he had been sent off. If I was one of his teamates I'd have punched his lights out by now. As a fan I'm disappointed but this may well be a blessing in disguise. I hope so, anyway, as always the bitter taste of defeat (even though we won), still tastes like a turd buttie!! CTID!!

Where is this talent ---surely it's just a rumour put around by his agent toearn money under false pretences (just a though !)
Imagine it being Rooney instead, would've been yellow for dangerous play AT MOST.

Besides didn't Nigel get a yellow for something in the World Cup final?

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