Balotelli [MERGED]

Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

simonr555 said:
How on earth has he shit on the club good and proper? Judging by the over reaction on here from you lot it's as though we've never had a player sent off and left in the shit before. I really wasn't arsed about it at the time and I am even less arsed now.

Some of you lot need to give your head a wobble and grow up.

For me it's more the fact that its not the first time he's done something like this and i cant help but feel it wont be the last
Never a red card, but Balotelli is an easy player to wind up. His disciplinary record (maybe unfairly) is awful, he could easily be a world class player and i've seen enough from him to justify that. I just think he's too young for this kind of game, as with Boyata. Young players are desperate for attention, desperate for recognition and in a game where all that matters is scoring, you need old heads. With a player like Balotelli, you need to appeal to his own sense of vanity. You need to let him think he's in control and then hope he grows up and matures. We simply dont have time to arse about with him though. Dzeko is a proven, world class striker and even though hes not quite settled i still think he'd of been worth a gamble. Maybe getting knocked out is a blessing in disguise...
He needs to mature and once he has maybe he should be afforded a starting place. Until then maybe we should send him out on loan in the summer.

I would have rather had Adebayor or Bellamy out there tonight but thats just my opinion.
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

Meddler said:
Anyone on here has got any right to say what they like tonight. They're not arseholes. An arsehole is someone who ruins a decent chance of a trophy for 18 or so team mates and tens of thousands of fans, because he is still acting like a ten year old aged 20, being paid over £5m a year just to put on the woe is me pathetic world against me Balotelli show every week. I don't know how you can turn on the fans yet back someone up who is actually tangibly taking the piss out of you.

You'll get over it
TFC said:
I will back the lad to the hilt as long as he is a City player. Fucking sending off my arse, hopefully Mancini watches the tape and puts him in the squad for Sunday.

Oh, yeah?

From the BBC:

"I don't think he'll be in the squad," said Mancini after the 1-0 victory.

Mancini added: "Mario thinks he could be a fantastic player. When he does something stupid like that, it's difficult for me."

Can't believe all the muppets supporting Mad Balo after that tackle. Even the manager has acknowleged it was senseless stupidity.
I can see why the ref gave it. He was being really hard on any high challenges. That was just a silly challenge by Mario.

Please learn. You are too good to waste your talent on the bench
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

joe mancini said:
In that case put him in the EDL squad for a couple of months.

Is that the English Defence League?.

Oh fook I meant EDS LOL !!!
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
TFC said:
I will back the lad to the hilt as long as he is a City player. Fucking sending off my arse, hopefully Mancini watches the tape and puts him in the squad for Sunday.

Oh, yeah?

From the BBC:

"I don't think he'll be in the squad," said Mancini after the 1-0 victory.

Mancini added: "Mario thinks he could be a fantastic player. When he does something stupid like that, it's difficult for me."

Can't believe all the muppets supporting Mad Balo after that tackle. Even the manager has acknowleged it was senseless stupidity.

But those Muppets will blame Bobby Manc instead.
I would like to see all of Balo`s so called "natural ability" as I`ve yet to see very little of it,in a sky blue shirt !!!

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