Balotelli [MERGED]

The biggest disgrace I've ever seen wear the shirt. We've had some shitters in the past, but at least they didn't have the attitude of this retarded prick.

At the ground, I myself thought it was probably only a yellow, but you could see the intention and it was fucking stupid. Since watching it back, I've now seen it was a clear red and there is no defending it.

He's the only player I've seen at City as well who has been sent off and not receive applause from the ground, cos there was fuck all to applaud. All you could hear was "Fuck off Balotelli", "Get rid of him Bobby" and boos and even though I didn't do this, I totally agreed with them who did.

Since he played can anyone actually say he's done anything to justify the money we paid for him or the money we pay him? He's scored a few goals, mostly tap-ins and pens but apart from that, he's done nothing but walk round like he doesn't give a shit, get stupid bookings and red cards and fuck about and acts like the world owes him something.

I don't care if he's had a bad upbringing, so's Tevez, but everyone loves him cos he plays football the right way and put every bit of effort in that he can. I and I'm sure others have known people who haven't had the best of lives, doesn't mean they automatically become a **** though.

He could be the reason Mancini loses his job, whether that's a good thing, I don't know, but it's not right.

I'd hate to think what the other players think of him too, I think we know Tevez doesn't like him with the reaction he showed in Kiev shaking his head cos Balo had hayfever or whatever the fuck he was scared of. I reckon people like Silva, Nigel, Vinnie etc won't like him either, you can tell in their body language. I know which players I'd rather have.

To think we had a player like Bellers who would put it all in and is actually a better player and we got rid of him for this joker, unbelievable.

He lost us the game today and he will do it again and again. If he's anywhere near the pitch at Wembley, I fear the worst.

If my Balohat ever arrives, I might send the bugger back. (I kinda like the hat though).
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

A pity he wont play against Chelsea as his pace would have troubled Terry. And their new defender Luiz looks like an accident waiting to happen

Worried that Chelsea will turn us over as we are not physically ready to play such a high intensity game
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

I don't agree with the 'sell him' shouts, but something needs to be done, be it a sit down with Khaldoon and/or Mancini or being dropped for a game or two or even a reserve outing. I would like to think that everyone can agree with that?!?!
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

I think a lot of people will look back and be embarrassed at the way they're making excuses for him. Yeah, he's our player, but some things he does are fucking stupid and shouldn't be immediately forgiven because, "he's young", "had a tough upbringing", and, "is adapting" to a new way of football.

The guys a fucking clown, but he could be the best player in the world. (Swings and Roundabouts)

By playing in this league from such a young age allows him to develop as a player where other European "stars" haven't had the chance, or, have failed. (Ibrahimovic, Robinho and Forlan, all fall into this bracket). He does however have the chance to develop and become as good as Ronaldo. The trouble is, he's got so many problems that need addressing, it's becoming frustrating as a fan to watch, and begs the question whether he wants to develop and whether it really is worth the clubs time.

Think, if he played for another Premier League team, we'd be saying how pointless, petulant and pathetic he is, and how he continues to let his team down etc. Take off the blue tinted specs people, he's bringing us down quite a lot and when he plays, it's like playing with 10 men sometimes.

It'd be so much easier to get rid of him, I don't like saying it, but it's the truth and everyone should be able to see this. But, Mancini thinks he can get the best out of him and help him develop. But think like this, he wants to go Milan, he doesn't want to be here, and he could get away with playing the way he does in a team that specialise in it. He can stay here and work and hard become a world beater. Or go to Milan, play with his mates, and do well in Italy and get one over on Inter.
Ive been busy losing ar poker, could someone tell me if his defendants in chif have been out tonight. The result to me is meh, at least we'll be fresh to take on the trafford dogs but 10 lions one pussy springs to mind.
didactic said:
nomorethaksintimes said:
What is annoying me most about the whole Balotelli debate is the underlying assumption that he's got the skill and ability to be one of the best players in the world. I think a lot of this comes from the fact he is so mercurial/uncontrollable that we all want to believe that as soon as this side of his game is tempered the sky is the limit.

He's undoubtedly got a lot of talent and could be in the top 100 but I'm fed up of the ooohhs and aaahs everytime he side foots it in against Aston Villa U19s or whatever. I've been guilty myself of this but when you miss a sitter from a few years out in a game where it REALLY maters it's hard to keep saying it with a straight face - nevermind the sending off.

Yes he's very good technically, but is his touch as good as Silva's - no. Yes he's a decent poacher but Carlos is better. Yes he does hit the odd good long shot but so does Matt Taylor.

When SWP takes a ball beautifully under control and releases the fullback with an inch perfect pass, which sometimes he does (or used to do), do we or cream ourselves? No, we wait till he puts in a shit ball and then pounce on him. Balotelli makes a shit pass or completely miscontrols a simple ball and we put it down to lack of discipline or something.

Maybe we should stop going mental when he takes one of his cheeky penalties or gets a shot on target. I know he's got a very impressive goal/games ratio but he's not Ronaldo ffs and probably never will be. Just saying....yes Damocles I'm talking to you :P

Utter bollocks you obviously have not watched him play. He is the most naturally gifted youngster of his age group. Even Jose admitted that. So try again. When Eto, Zidane, Snieder sing your praises then you are something special.

Watched him play quite a bit really. I didn't say he wasn't talented I just said his potential is overrated. But it's bluemoon so no need for shades of grey eh
Re: Mario Bib-otelli

Sums up the pampered lifestyle that some flunky goes out of his way to help the thick fucker try and put his bib on. Balo is a complete nob. The sooner he is flirted the better.
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

I think the real question here is..

..who will Mancio off bluemoon back?

He's only a Mancini and Balotelli fan, so it'll be a toughie.
Re: I Think/Hope Mario Has Finally Learnt A Lesson Tonight......

He wont change - he has an attitude problem.

He is the sort of guy who will only miss football when it is taken away from him, and the way its going that is not vry far away.
Re: I Think/Hope Mario Has Finally Learnt A Lesson Tonight......

He wont change - he has an attitude problem.

He is the sort of guy who will only miss football when it is taken away from him, and the way its going that is not vry far away.

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