Balotelli [MERGED]

I don't dislike Mario and am not a ' hater' but I find it strange in our current quest for 4th place that so many will place our fate in his hands knowing he will be a target for other teams and he cannot be relied on to keep his temper I agree about his talent and even like his eccentricity off the pitch but he is a loose cannon as last night showed. Of course we can't say he cost us the game for sure but I think it's fair to say he didn't help the team. Reading Bluemoon today many believe that Mario has to play as we don't have time to bed Dzeko in but for me it would be the reverse can we afford to play Mario when everything is hanging so delicately in the balance. Maybe I am not a risk taker but for me his temperament is a concern and would rather see Dzeko get a run off games for a while and let Mario settle and sort himself out. I want him to do well here but maybe now isn't the time to risk it.


Reading that back I think I would get on well with Mancini, take no risks, play it safe think I've found my soulmate :)
Can't believe people are throwing around the word "genius" irony in its highest form that. The guy dosen't have 2 braincells to rub togethor, hasn't and never will learn from his mistakes. He also couldn't give 2 shits about playing for the club as has been clear as day for everyone to see and he is costing us more games than he is winning for us. The way some people are going on it's like we have the next Messi on our hands but I really don't think he will ever be even a tenth as good as he is.
I really pray that Balotelli is not a hopeless case. He has to realise that he has to change his attitude and fast.

If he doesn't..he might not fullfill his potential. And he will regret it one day. He has to show improvment! No more red cards or incidents this season! Work hard and concentrate on your football Balotelli!

I really hope you shut ur critics.

Let's pray for Balotelli!
I'm in the lads corner, he is a City player after all, but if Balo got the job done on the pitch (and to be fair he has to a certain degree) blues would be more inclined to forgive and forget this kind of sending off without all the histrionics that have surrounded it.

Take Craig Bellamy for example, as gormless a twat as there is, 11 years Balotellis senior still getting himself into bother on a regular basis, but there are a lot of blues that would take him back in a heartbeat purely because he gives his all on the park.

The lad needs to find a groove, get some consistent performances and hopefully a run of goals under his belt. Knock off the arm flapping and reckless challenges and he could still be a very important player for us.
Pigeonho said:
Just read his apology in the Evening News. As scripted as it gets, infact it wouldn't surprise me if Balotelli doesn't even know what has been said on his behalf by clever people.

Pige what is he supposed to do. I know alot of people think he is a wanker but im sure he is on good terms with his team mates and would never mean to let them down in that way. People think he is a machine he obviously has feelings and i bet he is truly gutted about last night. On top of that he is still learning the language so its not like he can go telly and apologise in the correct manner

I wish people would get off his back. He fucked up, he knows it, he knows we know it, we know it, his mum and dad know it. As i said before we are bigger than this 1 fuck up which could actually turn out to be a blessing due to the fact they dont have to prepare for a game every 2 days.

I dont care what the media have to say about it, we all know he let us down and he knows it but what we do is we grow from this moment. NDJ said himself that now is the time to get together not divide and i believe that team really feel he was sorry. Nothing we can do now its over we get behind the team and we move on and we DON NOT BOO him under any circumstance as its a negative on the whole team not just him
Sorry but it's Mancini who needs to apologize for burdening us with this player.

Unless someone was living some kind in a hermetically sealed environment without recourse to radio, TV, Internet facilities, newspapers etc., it was painfully obvious that Balotelli is stark raving bonkers and would be a nailed-on liability of monumental proportions, given the Internazionale backstory which is well known - especially to Mancini.

Remember, this is the same footballer that Jose Mourinho once described as having only one neuron in his brain.

I'm desperate to see him back in Italy. Infact, i'm keeping my fingers crossed that he never starts another match for us. That Milan pick him up in the next two to three weeks to start with them in the Summer. I would not worry about the fact that having only played 15 matches in which he has picked up two reds and eight yellows and that we will probably lose £10m+ in the process. The fact is that he is a total embarrassment to the club and its supporters and Roberto Mancini will rue the day that this player signed for us.
Anyone seen the youtube shot of the lad trying to put on a bib ....fucking hilarious.

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Showing it od sky sports news right now.
B\connellblue said:
To big a risk at this crucial stage of our season. Talented if a tad overrated for me. can't recall a game when we were struggling that he dragged us to victory. More of a bully who will score plenty when we're crusing.

Exactly: He is a liability in every respect of the balance sheet. Just ask yourselves how the Rags can get a quality, YOUNG FOREIGN hard working player like Hernandez who is a team player; works hard and manages somehow to play for 90 minutes without getting sent off or taken off and ( FOR 6 MILLION!!) and who has easily relegated Berbatov to the bench (and who less you forget it, we were desparate to sign for high 20 odd million - but for the fact he refused to sign for City.) And we buy this damaged goods for 24 (was it) million..Well I hope you enjoy the silly flicks and the penalty tap-ins against teams that cannot even be bothered to send their first team. When he performs regularly against top 6 teams, then he has earned enough respect to wear the shirt. He is so far away at present its emabarassing.

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