Balotelli out in June?

LoveCity said:
mergatroid said:
Let's be honest, Mancini doesn't appear to be the best at man management does he? Controlling a so called 'loose cannon' like Balotelli would be hard for anyone, let alone our not so illustrious leader!

Mancini promoted him from Inter's youth team. They are "personal friends", so if anyone can manage him it should be Mancini. Balotelli showed against West Brom how amazing he can be, but he has a screw loose in the head.

Thanks bud, wasn't aware of that. He's a good attacking player but the kid aint all there I fear.
inbetween said:
I think he's taking the piss, saying had he eaten with Moratti the press would say he's going to Inter IE: there was nothing in it but the press speculating, its all a load of bollocks.

Sorry but this:

"The likelihood is that I will be at City up to June," he told Mediaset.

"I have a five-year contract and I can't say anything."

does not sound like taking the piss to me... seriously what the fuck is Balotelli's problem.
I doubt any other club in the world could afford his wages, let alone spend 20 odd million signing him, all pie in the sky.
avoidconfusion said:
inbetween said:
I think he's taking the piss, saying had he eaten with Moratti the press would say he's going to Inter IE: there was nothing in it but the press speculating, its all a load of bollocks.

Sorry but this:

"The likelihood is that I will be at City up to June," he told Mediaset.

"I have a five-year contract and I can't say anything."

does not sound like taking the piss to me... seriously what the fuck is Balotelli's problem.

chill. he didn't say that. he spoke italian. that was some interpreter's dodgy translation.

from the thread about the racist chanting aimed at him, here's what I made of the original;
Sky and the British press make mountains out of molehills by making bad translations. They did it after his first International appearance, making a positive commitment to working hard for the national team, into a cocky remark that he wouldn't bother for his club side.

This isn't much better;

"Fino a giugno sono sicuramente al City, ho un contratto di 5 anni e non posso dire nulla"

The key word is sicuramente; translated by Murdoch's minions as 'likelyhood', the top five translations for that word are actually;

Inevitably. Unfaillingly. Certainly. Invariably. For sure.

And while the second half,

"e non posso dire nulla".

can be

"I can't say anything", or "There is nothing to talk about" or any number of similar meanings. The clue is in the context.

As he didn't cast doubt on his future in the first place, and has cited his contract, I think a better translation is:

"Until June I am definitely at city, I have a five year contract, so there's nothing more I can say."
avoidconfusion said:
inbetween said:
I think he's taking the piss, saying had he eaten with Moratti the press would say he's going to Inter IE: there was nothing in it but the press speculating, its all a load of bollocks.

Sorry but this:

"The likelihood is that I will be at City up to June," he told Mediaset.

"I have a five-year contract and I can't say anything."

does not sound like taking the piss to me... seriously what the fuck is Balotelli's problem.

Chick Counterfly said:
avoidconfusion said:
Sorry but this:

does not sound like taking the piss to me... seriously what the fuck is Balotelli's problem.

chill. he didn't say that. he spoke italian. that was some interpreter's dodgy translation.

from the thread about the racist chanting aimed at him, here's what I made of the original;
Sky and the British press make mountains out of molehills by making bad translations. They did it after his first International appearance, making a positive commitment to working hard for the national team, into a cocky remark that he wouldn't bother for his club side.

This isn't much better;

"Fino a giugno sono sicuramente al City, ho un contratto di 5 anni e non posso dire nulla"

The key word is sicuramente; translated by Murdoch's minions as 'likelyhood', the top five translations for that word are actually;

Inevitably. Unfaillingly. Certainly. Invariably. For sure.

And while the second half,

"e non posso dire nulla".

can be

"I can't say anything", or "There is nothing to talk about" or any number of similar meanings. The clue is in the context.

As he didn't cast doubt on his future in the first place, and has cited his contract, I think a better translation is:

"Until June I am definitely at city, I have a five year contract, so there's nothing more I can say."

Still... why does he say "until June" then? There is no mis-translation there....
I am chill, I am just not buying the whole "wrong translation" stuff.

By the way, are you Italian, Chick Counterfly?

Because , from the Latin and Spanish that I had in school, I can understand "e non posso dire nulla" and it means "and I cannot say anything"... there is no room for misinterpretation there really.
avoidconfusion said:
Chick Counterfly said:
chill. he didn't say that. he spoke italian. that was some interpreter's dodgy translation.

from the thread about the racist chanting aimed at him, here's what I made of the original;

Still... why does he say "until June" then? There is no mis-translation there....

At least he's committed until june!!
By then we should know what he's like and weather to get rid...
If he doesn't want to stay then it's simple and he goes.

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