Balotelli - What was he thinking?

citysince88 said:
Don't really see anything really wrong with what he did, it's a pre season exhibition and he was trying to entertain, perhaps he should try and view it as a competitive game but if it had gone in then everybody would be loving it. top quality on display. I think the ESPN commentators are just jumping on it because they are losing.

Stupid... But he is pure class:) hé could be one of the best
MCFCinUSA said:
whatever he did, or Manciti's reaction, it's nothing compared to the atrocity of these American commentators - they're an incompetent bloody disgrace (but that's American football commentators for you)

Like mistaking Clichy for RIchards. Laughable at best and I think that in itself warrants me tuning any opinion they have about balotelli out.
It's a fuckin game. He was having fun, that's what games are for.

It's not like he decided to operate blindfolded or lay down covering fire for his comrades using only his favorite water pistol.

It's a game, it's entertainment, it sure made me laugh.

Anyone outraged needs to get a sense of perspective. FFS.
I know he has had 1 season to adapt and he has brought his family to manchester now. He said that his season was shit after the FA cup and in interviews said he will try to improve his attitude and score alot of goals next season.

But his body-language is still the same and i really dont know if this guy will improve his attitude. He seems way too relaxed on the field and you can even see that from his penalties.

He thought he was offside, you can see that clearly.

Mancini handled it wrong, he should have spoke to him about it at half time and taken him off then. Subbing him directly afterwards only made the whole thing a lot worse.

Embarrasing that people want mario out for that though.
Mario is a knob , no surprise. But Mancini's man mangement skills in this case are fucking terrible!
And now Sky are all over it.
We are writing fucking headlines for lazy jurnos now!!
Balotelli the Bison said:
MCFCinUSA said:
whatever he did, or Manciti's reaction, it's nothing compared to the atrocity of these American commentators - they're an incompetent bloody disgrace (but that's American football commentators for you)

Like mistaking Clichy for RIchards. Laughable at best and I think that in itself warrants me tuning any opinion they have about balotelli out.

that's only a little part of it...

they're so ignorant yet come over like they think they know everything - their comments on Beckham's comments about us (v ManUre) only exhibit their complete lack of understanding of what the English game is all about and is laughable, but it's excruciatingly annoying to hear.

the rest of what they say isn't much better; they're a pair of arse-hats these two.
come on it's only a friendly. Was funny & entertained but i suppose Mancini did right. He is a professional being paid millions. Amen Mancini showed some strength.
Balotelli divides City fans more than Mark Hughes manged to.

I don't agree with the "its just a friendly" excuse because they are paid a fucking lot of money to be "professional" footballers and pissing about during a friendly or real match isnt on.

All i've heard on here is how Balotelli is going to be the worlds best footballer but i've yet to see this to be honest and if he dosent get his act together he never will. The other players reaction at him showed they didn't think it was "just a friendly" they wanted to win this match by a large margin. Mancini had every right to do what he did.

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