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City have a clear policy on agents and fees and the agents are slowly (painfully slowly in the case of some) realising that the game is up for them.

Yaya took a while longer than expected and that was all because of the agent.

Its an interesting set of circumstances isnt it that City have almost uniquely have money to spend and the agents are stopping it from happening.

Until City spend almost no other deals will happen and agents wont get fees from them.

Cutting ones nose off to spite ones face perhaps?
oakiecokie said:
Optimus Prime said:
With what money exactly?

There's no way they're going to offer the £25/30 million that we're offering, so I don't see Inter accepting - in which case it isn't going to happen.

Relax - its all a game. Just played with very high stakes!

Why NOT !!!!!!!
If they can afford to pay higher wages then they must have had the money in the first place to make a bid.
We`re looking at this as if United ain`t got a penny and in reality NO one on this forum or theirs truly knows.Rags or not,them bastatrds only have to flog Berbatoss for say £12/15M and then they only have to find £15M !!
NOT inconceivable that !!!

They can afford to pay fantastic wages due to their income - these are relativley small amounts paid throughout the year, which they are able to cover due to their success.

What they appear not to have is the up front ready capital to actually make a sizeable offer to any club.

My guess would be (if the story about the higher wages offer is true, and not just the usual red top fantasy bullshit) that they were hoping the lure of their name and the promise of higher wages would be enough to turn Balotelli's head, prompting him to agitate for a move to them rather than us. Maybe come out with a "Its always been my dream to pull on the rag shirt and work for that senile, whisky soaked old twat" type comment, which would all but rule out a move to City.

Eventuelly, player power being what it is these days, he would get his way and Inter would have to accept the lower cash offer to get rid of their unhappy, petulant brat of a player.
fbloke said:
City have a clear policy on agents and fees and the agents are slowly (painfully slowly in the case of some) realising that the game is up for them.

Yaya took a while longer than expected and that was all because of the agent.

Its an interesting set of circumstances isnt it that City have almost uniquely have money to spend and the agents are stopping it from happening.

Until City spend almost no other deals will happen and agents wont get fees from them.

Cutting ones nose off to spite ones face perhaps?

I`m certain the Clubs last audits show that we spent £12.1M on Agents Fees and HH has told the Eastlands lads when negotiating with agents, nothing like that is to spent again.
Headline on football-italia:

Balo-City wages problem

Doesn't mean the wages are the problem though, just that the negotiations between the agent and City are the problem. So it could be wages/agents fee.
this is getting more and more like the kolarov saga,what the fuck is it about signing players from Italy!
Big Ned said:
I remember reading somewhere earlier today that Materazzi (Inter player) said Balotelli hired this agent specifically because he knew he was leaving Inter.

I'll try and find the article.

Here it is:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... er-city-is</a>

"A mistake to sell Balotelli? Arriving at this point it could be an advantage for everyone," Materazzi told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

"What do I mean by 'arriving at this point'? Well if he has chosen that agent [Mino Raiola] then it means he did it to leave Inter.
clubfoot said:
a comment on

Sky Sport 24, as of 18.08, is saying that the problem is entirely between Balotelli and City...the agreement between Inter and City is not an issue.

For "the problem is entirely between Balotelli and City" read "the problem is entirely between Balotelli's agent and City"
Ducky_ said:
Balotelli has to leave Inter as he hates it there, who is the only club that is willing to pay his asking price? Us, therefore we are his only choice.

And Robbie hated being at RM but a move to City wasn't very helpful in the long run.

Why can't we go and make an offer to Wolfsburg that they can't refuse. For Dzecko. At least the player seems to want to come to City.
Blue Phil said:
Someone said that in the U.S, that wouldn't happen. It was happening up untill 20 years ago. America are very behind Europe in that sense (bar Italy).
The jim crow laws were a set of social laws that black people had to follow basically, or (in the southern states) they were likely to be linched by white racists. Jim Crow was a character created for play's where a white person would paint his face black and pretend to be stupid and act like an idiot (which American's thought all black people were like).
The confederacy was a set of southern states which broke away during the civil war and were basically against the intergration of black people. Sadly in the south people still support the confederacy and there were lot's of people against Barack Obama being president because of his skin, and his religion.
In a nutshell, America=quite racist.

1) His religion? Nope.
2) Not THAT racist - they elected a black president. How many black leaders have we had?
Sorry, not his religion, I meant that Obama is a muslim name. And that is irrelivent, they have never had a woman president but we have had Thatcher. But that doesn't mean that England is racist and America is sexist[/quote]

Neither am I but it's more complex than you make it out to be. Hillary Clinton got close to winning the Democratic nomination so the American political process is clearly not racist or sexist. The lack of black English people in positions of power in the UK is definitely worrying.

Anyway, this subject is not for this thread. Back to Balotelli - let's hope he signs.
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