Banned from Glory Glory

Unfortunately we all know every set of fans will have their moronic element. Trust me Spurs have plenty, I have to listen to a lot of them woman and moan about the team half the time!

We have been rivals for the last couple of years which explains the increase in banter and vitriol shown to each other
spurs4life said:
Unfortunately we all know every set of fans will have their moronic element. Trust me Spurs have plenty, I have to listen to a lot of them woman and moan about the team half the time!

We have been rivals for the last couple of years which explains the increase in banter and vitriol shown to each other
At the end of the day, that's why you're getting such a rough ride. Because of all the actual twats comin on here over the past year, you do all get lumped together.

Just ride it out, if you're still posting sense, you'll get seen for your posts, not as "Just another Spurs fan".

But yeah, it would be extremely funny if Arsenal failed to qualify for the CL next year.
Mëtal Bikër said:
Craig_J said:
Skashion said:
Mods on Spurs forums in particular have to be very precious about their little dears. Their egos are already battered and bruised by some northern monkey club robbing them of their rightful place amongst the elite. They couldn't handle some facts to prove that the northern monkey club deserves it as well.

I'm a Spurs fan and I'm also on Glory Glory.

First of all I'll say are you being serious? The trouble isn't you lot coming on to say you deserve it, it's the fact your being absoloute wind up merchants. Your coming on and pretending to be Spurs fans whilst trying to cause trouble. Banter's fine, debate is fine, beign a WUM clearly isn't.

Secondly, blueranger I'm sorry they sent you an E-mail like that abck. I think putting that snide dig at the end is pretty pathetic. but are you sure that's all you posted?

If you want a discussion about this season then I'm prepared to have one.

The main problem us Spurs fans isn't the fact you got there ahead of us. Clearly you were better then us because the second half of the season we were utter dogshite for reasons such as a manager who isn't tactically all there and a lack of striker. But another problem is we're all going to be reacting to the fact you have money aren't we? It's not fair hence the reasons why UEFA are calling their new rules financial 'fair play'.

"On past performance, because they were screaming about money, i pointed out that since they were promoted in 77 we have been relegated 5 times once to the 3rd tier of english football and it's their fault if they could not use that bedrock foundation to establish them among the elite."

What do you mean exactly? The bedrock has only been around since the early 90's. Before that there wasn't much money around. And anyway, if we had won the title every eyar, been in the Champions League every eyar and won it then it wouldn't matter. You'd still eb able to outspend us.

The fact is the only reason you were brought is because you were a team in debt with not much history. Therefore you were cheap for a foreign owner to buy and he wouldn't have any comeption (or at least not much) when buying you. Is it fair that a team can get themselves in debt and then become the richest team in the world because of it? Do you really think that's fair?

Some of our comments may eb directed at City because of money. Even I've left those comments. But it's not City who's the problem it's the rulebook. I guess we all just need to ackowledge that a bit more.

"They keep comparing us to the Rags using success as the comparison. So i pointed out that they were in the shadow of a team with less than half the rags success and who had not won a trophy for 6 years."

Have we been comparing you to United? I have yet to see a comment. Maybe there are some but when you say "kept" you make it sound like it's a regular thing. If there's only one or two comments shouldn't you say " the extreme small minority compared us on one occasion to the rags"?
Jeez slow down when you type will you!

Oh and for the points you made:
City wouldn't be and haven't been in debt since we were bought as HH Sheikh Mansour could eradicate the debts with his own money, not having to borrow it. Unlike other clubs who over spend HH Sheikh Mansours money is real, it exists, if anything it puts MORE money into the game that's from a healthy source, not borrowed from banks.

And haven't Spurs been funded by that consortium for years? Spurs revenue has been around £90m-120m and City's has been around £85m-125m. How has 'Arry been able to spend £200m+ these last few years? FFPR cheats the fans out of more money and keeps the rich clubs richer and uncatchable.


Redknapp hasn't spent £200m plus on players, I can't be bothered to work it all out but I know it's no where near £200m, It's closer to £100m.

And what are you talking about with this Sheikh and debt? I'm saying it's not fair that you become the richest team in the world because you were skint. And it's not fair that a source other than income is putting money into your club. Any random club could just be brought by him. If it had been United we all kow, and I'm sure you do (though I don't expect you to admit it) City fans would have been first to kick up a massive fuss.<br /><br />-- Fri May 13, 2011 7:18 am --<br /><br />
GStar said:
Perhaps Craig_J can get us some information on why the OP's post, which seemed to focus on fact, was disproved and then banned from the site?

Can he also let us know why any SPurs fan would refer to United as the "real Manchester" club?

Pretty apparent we have a far better forum here, as we're happy to allow him to post on ours.

How do you know it was based on fact? Just because the OP says it was?

Don't ever become a judge mate.

Murderer: I'm not guilty, it wasn't me
GStar: OK then, you can go we'll find who did it
Craig_J said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
Craig_J said:
Skashion said:
Mods on Spurs forums in particular have to be very precious about their little dears. Their egos are already battered and bruised by some northern monkey club robbing them of their rightful place amongst the elite. They couldn't handle some facts to prove that the northern monkey club deserves it as well.

I'm a Spurs fan and I'm also on Glory Glory.

First of all I'll say are you being serious? The trouble isn't you lot coming on to say you deserve it, it's the fact your being absoloute wind up merchants. Your coming on and pretending to be Spurs fans whilst trying to cause trouble. Banter's fine, debate is fine, beign a WUM clearly isn't.

Secondly, blueranger I'm sorry they sent you an E-mail like that abck. I think putting that snide dig at the end is pretty pathetic. but are you sure that's all you posted?

If you want a discussion about this season then I'm prepared to have one.

The main problem us Spurs fans isn't the fact you got there ahead of us. Clearly you were better then us because the second half of the season we were utter dogshite for reasons such as a manager who isn't tactically all there and a lack of striker. But another problem is we're all going to be reacting to the fact you have money aren't we? It's not fair hence the reasons why UEFA are calling their new rules financial 'fair play'.

"On past performance, because they were screaming about money, i pointed out that since they were promoted in 77 we have been relegated 5 times once to the 3rd tier of english football and it's their fault if they could not use that bedrock foundation to establish them among the elite."

What do you mean exactly? The bedrock has only been around since the early 90's. Before that there wasn't much money around. And anyway, if we had won the title every eyar, been in the Champions League every eyar and won it then it wouldn't matter. You'd still eb able to outspend us.

The fact is the only reason you were brought is because you were a team in debt with not much history. Therefore you were cheap for a foreign owner to buy and he wouldn't have any comeption (or at least not much) when buying you. Is it fair that a team can get themselves in debt and then become the richest team in the world because of it? Do you really think that's fair?

Some of our comments may eb directed at City because of money. Even I've left those comments. But it's not City who's the problem it's the rulebook. I guess we all just need to ackowledge that a bit more.

"They keep comparing us to the Rags using success as the comparison. So i pointed out that they were in the shadow of a team with less than half the rags success and who had not won a trophy for 6 years."

Have we been comparing you to United? I have yet to see a comment. Maybe there are some but when you say "kept" you make it sound like it's a regular thing. If there's only one or two comments shouldn't you say " the extreme small minority compared us on one occasion to the rags"?
Jeez slow down when you type will you!

Oh and for the points you made:
City wouldn't be and haven't been in debt since we were bought as HH Sheikh Mansour could eradicate the debts with his own money, not having to borrow it. Unlike other clubs who over spend HH Sheikh Mansours money is real, it exists, if anything it puts MORE money into the game that's from a healthy source, not borrowed from banks.

And haven't Spurs been funded by that consortium for years? Spurs revenue has been around £90m-120m and City's has been around £85m-125m. How has 'Arry been able to spend £200m+ these last few years? FFPR cheats the fans out of more money and keeps the rich clubs richer and uncatchable.


Redknapp hasn't spent £200m plus on players, I can't be bothered to work it all out but I know it's no where near £200m, It's closer to £100m.

And what are you talking about with this Sheikh and debt? I'm saying it's not fair that you become the richest team in the world because you were skint. And it's not fair that a source other than income is putting money into your club. Any random club could just be brought by him. If it had been United we all kow, and I'm sure you do (though I don't expect you to admit it) City fans would have been first to kick up a massive fuss.

-- Fri May 13, 2011 7:18 am --

GStar said:
Perhaps Craig_J can get us some information on why the OP's post, which seemed to focus on fact, was disproved and then banned from the site?

Can he also let us know why any SPurs fan would refer to United as the "real Manchester" club?

Pretty apparent we have a far better forum here, as we're happy to allow him to post on ours.

How do you know it was based on fact? Just because the OP says it was?

Don't ever become a judge mate.

Murderer: I'm not guilty, it wasn't me
GStar: OK then, you can go we'll find who did it

You are a real know-nowt bore.

At least Spurs4life spoke a bit of sense... whereas you sound like some 14 year old girl crying her heart out because Olly Murs has got a new girlfriend.

Go and bore your own fans.
Bellamy's Caddy said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
Craig_J said:
I think putting that snide dig at the end is pretty pathetic.

Craig_J said:
The fact is the only reason you were brought is because you were a team in debt with not much history.

Snide digs like that one, hypocrite?

Haha, I like that line about ''you were only bought because you were a team in debt with not much history'' - Actually, our fan base, stadium etc all contributed to reasons Sheikh Mansour bought us instead of Villa, Everton etc, who were all considered. Spurs fans are probably still bitter that Abramovich was being helicoptered in to have talks with Spurs but saw Stamford Bridge and decided on Chelsea instead!

Like someone said before, Spurs have spent hundreds of millions in the last seven or eight years, last season they deserved fourth, this season they don't. They played some good stuff in the Champions League and I'm sure they'll be a real threat again next season, but all the spite towards City is quite pathetic.

Open your eyes, this isn't a end of season we didn't get it rant.

People have been saying it's unfair since the day you were brought.

People have said it when the same happened to Chelsea.

People will say it again about what ever team get's themselves into enough debt to become a cheap option.

Didn't realise Sheik Mansour wanted a fan abse that can't sell out one of it's biggest games. I think he was looking more for the fan base your mysteriously going to get this season.

Bet there's going to be lots of new additions to Bluemoon, all the ex Chelsea fans are probably reading this as you do.

-- Fri May 13, 2011 7:25 am --

taconinja said:
Craig_J said:
Skashion said:
Mods on Spurs forums in particular have to be very precious about their little dears. Their egos are already battered and bruised by some northern monkey club robbing them of their rightful place amongst the elite. They couldn't handle some facts to prove that the northern monkey club deserves it as well.

I'm a Spurs fan and I'm also on Glory Glory.

First of all I'll say are you being serious? The trouble isn't you lot coming on to say you deserve it, it's the fact your being absoloute wind up merchants. Your coming on and pretending to be Spurs fans whilst trying to cause trouble. Banter's fine, debate is fine, beign a WUM clearly isn't.

Secondly, blueranger I'm sorry they sent you an E-mail like that abck. I think putting that snide dig at the end is pretty pathetic. but are you sure that's all you posted?

If you want a discussion about this season then I'm prepared to have one.

The main problem us Spurs fans isn't the fact you got there ahead of us. Clearly you were better then us because the second half of the season we were utter dogshite for reasons such as a manager who isn't tactically all there and a lack of striker. But another problem is we're all going to be reacting to the fact you have money aren't we? It's not fair hence the reasons why UEFA are calling their new rules financial 'fair play'.

"On past performance, because they were screaming about money, i pointed out that since they were promoted in 77 we have been relegated 5 times once to the 3rd tier of english football and it's their fault if they could not use that bedrock foundation to establish them among the elite."

What do you mean exactly? The bedrock has only been around since the early 90's. Before that there wasn't much money around. And anyway, if we had won the title every eyar, been in the Champions League every eyar and won it then it wouldn't matter. You'd still eb able to outspend us.

The fact is the only reason you were brought is because you were a team in debt with not much history. Therefore you were cheap for a foreign owner to buy and he wouldn't have any comeption (or at least not much) when buying you. Is it fair that a team can get themselves in debt and then become the richest team in the world because of it? Do you really think that's fair?

Some of our comments may eb directed at City because of money. Even I've left those comments. But it's not City who's the problem it's the rulebook. I guess we all just need to ackowledge that a bit more.

"They keep comparing us to the Rags using success as the comparison. So i pointed out that they were in the shadow of a team with less than half the rags success and who had not won a trophy for 6 years."

Have we been comparing you to United? I have yet to see a comment. Maybe there are some but when you say "kept" you make it sound like it's a regular thing. If there's only one or two comments shouldn't you say " the extreme small minority compared us on one occasion to the rags"?
Your mods are really quick to go after any City supporter if he or she upsets the delicate feelings of one of yours, but your board members can lump abuse at any City supporter--like that inbred misanthrope, mick cooper does--and that's evidently okay. When that changes, I might change my mind about your rancid little club.

Edited to add: I do hope you get the fair play spot for the Europa League and have to start your season in June. Have fun.

I do hope we get the Europa League spot aswell. I'm sure our youth team would be able to defeat teams from Kazakhstan in the early rounds so I wouldn't worry about it.

Your calling us a "rancid little club" based on the posts of one or two memebers of one forum? My god.

-- Fri May 13, 2011 7:29 am --

Bluemoon115 said:
Craig_J said:
Skashion said:
Mods on Spurs forums in particular have to be very precious about their little dears. Their egos are already battered and bruised by some northern monkey club robbing them of their rightful place amongst the elite. They couldn't handle some facts to prove that the northern monkey club deserves it as well.

I'm a Spurs fan and I'm also on Glory Glory.

First of all I'll say are you being serious? The trouble isn't you lot coming on to say you deserve it, it's the fact your being absoloute wind up merchants. Your coming on and pretending to be Spurs fans whilst trying to cause trouble. Banter's fine, debate is fine, beign a WUM clearly isn't.

Secondly, blueranger I'm sorry they sent you an E-mail like that abck. I think putting that snide dig at the end is pretty pathetic. but are you sure that's all you posted?

If you want a discussion about this season then I'm prepared to have one.

The main problem us Spurs fans isn't the fact you got there ahead of us. Clearly you were better then us because the second half of the season we were utter dogshite for reasons such as a manager who isn't tactically all there and a lack of striker. But another problem is we're all going to be reacting to the fact you have money aren't we? It's not fair hence the reasons why UEFA are calling their new rules financial 'fair play'.

"On past performance, because they were screaming about money, i pointed out that since they were promoted in 77 we have been relegated 5 times once to the 3rd tier of english football and it's their fault if they could not use that bedrock foundation to establish them among the elite."

What do you mean exactly? The bedrock has only been around since the early 90's. Before that there wasn't much money around. And anyway, if we had won the title every eyar, been in the Champions League every eyar and won it then it wouldn't matter. You'd still eb able to outspend us.

The fact is the only reason you were brought is because you were a team in debt with not much history. Therefore you were cheap for a foreign owner to buy and he wouldn't have any comeption (or at least not much) when buying you. Is it fair that a team can get themselves in debt and then become the richest team in the world because of it? Do you really think that's fair?

Some of our comments may eb directed at City because of money. Even I've left those comments. But it's not City who's the problem it's the rulebook. I guess we all just need to ackowledge that a bit more.

"They keep comparing us to the Rags using success as the comparison. So i pointed out that they were in the shadow of a team with less than half the rags success and who had not won a trophy for 6 years."

Have we been comparing you to United? I have yet to see a comment. Maybe there are some but when you say "kept" you make it sound like it's a regular thing. If there's only one or two comments shouldn't you say " the extreme small minority compared us on one occasion to the rags"?
Dear Craig,

As you are no doubt aware, we beat you on Tuesday, which secured fourth place for City. Since then, it has become apparent that you and your ilk are a bunch of classless pussies who can't accept losing. I had a cheer up message for you, but decided not to bother wasting my time, as you'll still be twitching into your beer. Instead, I have the following message:

Go fuck yourself.

Kind regards,

Your an idiot. Clearly this is just a Spurs fan being bitter thing.

Clearly all of UEFA don't agree and aren't implementing new rules to stop clubs doing this.

Clearly this hasn't been a discussion point since Chelsea were brought by the Russian gangster.

Don't be so deluded, go to Glory Glory when we were bottom of the league it was still an issue. It always has been and always will be.<br /><br />-- Fri May 13, 2011 7:31 am --<br /><br />
Tarlos Kevez said:
Craig_J said:
Clearly you were better then us because the second half of the season we were utter dogshite for reasons such as a manager who isn't tactically all there and a lack of striker.


What position does Crouchy play Craig? Striker?

He scored on Tuesday didn't he?

How much did you pay for him? £9-10 million?

Money well spent if you ask me!!

Craig_J said:
People will say it again about what ever team get's themselves into enough debt to become a cheap option.

Didn't realise Sheik Mansour wanted a fan abse that can't sell out one of it's biggest games. I think he was looking more for the fan base your mysteriously going to get this season.
Common business practice that one. Let's buy a club that's in debt and making no money in an industry where barely anyone makes money...

I'm sorry, did you want us to sell out your allocation for you too? The empty seats were in your section. You must not have been there. Tickets were available you know.
Blue Si O.B said:
Craig_J said:
Skashion said:
Mods on Spurs forums in particular have to be very precious about their little dears. Their egos are already battered and bruised by some northern monkey club robbing them of their rightful place amongst the elite. They couldn't handle some facts to prove that the northern monkey club deserves it as well.

I'm a Spurs fan and I'm also on Glory Glory.

First of all I'll say are you being serious? The trouble isn't you lot coming on to say you deserve it, it's the fact your being absoloute wind up merchants. Your coming on and pretending to be Spurs fans whilst trying to cause trouble. Banter's fine, debate is fine, beign a WUM clearly isn't.

Secondly, blueranger I'm sorry they sent you an E-mail like that abck. I think putting that snide dig at the end is pretty pathetic. but are you sure that's all you posted?

If you want a discussion about this season then I'm prepared to have one.

The main problem us Spurs fans isn't the fact you got there ahead of us. Clearly you were better then us because the second half of the season we were utter dogshite for reasons such as a manager who isn't tactically all there and a lack of striker. But another problem is we're all going to be reacting to the fact you have money aren't we? It's not fair hence the reasons why UEFA are calling their new rules financial 'fair play'.

"On past performance, because they were screaming about money, i pointed out that since they were promoted in 77 we have been relegated 5 times once to the 3rd tier of english football and it's their fault if they could not use that bedrock foundation to establish them among the elite."

What do you mean exactly? The bedrock has only been around since the early 90's. Before that there wasn't much money around. And anyway, if we had won the title every eyar, been in the Champions League every eyar and won it then it wouldn't matter. You'd still eb able to outspend us.

The fact is the only reason you were brought is because you were a team in debt with not much history. Therefore you were cheap for a foreign owner to buy and he wouldn't have any comeption (or at least not much) when buying you. Is it fair that a team can get themselves in debt and then become the richest team in the world because of it? Do you really think that's fair?

Some of our comments may eb directed at City because of money. Even I've left those comments. But it's not City who's the problem it's the rulebook. I guess we all just need to ackowledge that a bit more.

"They keep comparing us to the Rags using success as the comparison. So i pointed out that they were in the shadow of a team with less than half the rags success and who had not won a trophy for 6 years."

Have we been comparing you to United? I have yet to see a comment. Maybe there are some but when you say "kept" you make it sound like it's a regular thing. If there's only one or two comments shouldn't you say " the extreme small minority compared us on one occasion to the rags"?
financial fair play my arse preserving the staus quo end of story i fail to see where these rule make the league "fair" thay just stop anyone competing with the already established rich clubs

That's not an unfair point, the revnue from the Champions League is really to much and creates a divide between the league financially.

But do you agree that City's way of purchasing players means the rest of the league can't compete with you?
Craig_J as i have said more than once check with your mod 'scaramanga' regarding my post! If you are a member of Glory Glory i am sure he will respond to you!

My aim with this thread was to highlight the spurs inability to take any response from rival fans, and to yet again highlight how exceptional this site is for how we welcome all without oppresive sensorship like Glory Glory.

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