Banned from Glory Glory

Craig_J said:
I'd rather have the FFP than what we have now.

At the moment two clubs are in the top 4 who have been brought over and had "investment" put in. They're the two that are hardest to compete with financialy.

Your comparing football purelly to a business, that annoys me more than anything. It's not just a business it's something which is part of the community.

Your right, unfortuantely that is the only way to compete. But does it make it right still?
You really think Liverpool, United and Arsenal got to the top and stayed there without substantial investments other clubs couldn't compete with at the time? That is incredibly naive. Also, as the City fans have pointed out, the FFPR are just designed to protect the G14 from outside incursions, like Spurs, from crashing their party in the same way they got there.

The new regulations will ensure you never break into Europes elite again, ever. Simply put, you cannot spend more than you earn, and Spurs will never be earning more than the established giants without outside investment to make themselves a bigger club. So you're stuck in a vicious circle of mediocrity until the rules are abandoned (if ever).
Blt embarrased about this question. I won the lottery last week and have more money than I know what to do with it. I would like to buy a new house because my old one is falling down. Should I go for a similar property so I don't upset my friends or do I buy something classy. My car has reached it's sell by date so a new one would look cool but again if it upsets everyone I really should keep the old one. Aldi has some nice food but ASDA,s tastes better, would I be wrong in buying their's instead. I don't think i've changed in the last 60 years or so, but everyone else says I am now a big head. I never mentioned my winnings yet all and sundry say I am flaunting It. Which does get my back up a bit and I do with the spoken word retaliate. There are 3 of us in the family and we were well liked by most. Now it seems like we should appologise for winning this money. Some relatives who I didn't know existed have wondered if they could visit, from places like Singapore, Cornwall and Norwich. Should I open my door to them or Ignore them.
The Question...........Should I give the money back and be the same Loser I have always been to keep my friends happy or should I try to better myself and say sod the lot of you ?
Craig_J said:
Didn't realise Sheik Mansour wanted a fan abse that can't sell out one of it's biggest games. I think he was looking more for the fan base your mysteriously going to get this season.

shit - we didn't sell out the family stand on a school night. Did you see the pathetic numbers that turned up to support your lot? - would have been shit turnout for wigan!!
AntonDonJuan said:
TBH, i can't get annoyed at anyone moaning about our money.

If it was Spuds, or Everton or someone else bought by the Sheik and buying who we have bought etc i would woman and moan about it all day long

An honest man there...

I think most people are being hyprocrtical on ehre, if you can't accept you'd complain about it too than your just as hyprocritical as United fans.

Blueranger said:

I stand by my original post and the points made in my attempted response on your forum! If your mods and posters are so precious as to percieve my points as clear wind ups then i believe it speaks volumes regarding your fans!

Out of interest, i note throughout this thread you have made various comments which could be deemed anti City! Have any of our mods blocked any of your posts? Have any of our mods warned you regarding the nature of your posts?

If not then please look closer to home before offering any critic against Blues who not only turn up in their thousands but have the bottle to engage other fans in discussion! Pity you removed the yellow from your shirts, it would have been quite apt now!

I will calrify I don't hate City as a football club. I used to really like Man City, I think a lot of fans in football besides United fans liked City. A proper traditional football club. And seeing as they've been behind their rivals for donkeys years just like Spurs I felt a strong liking for them.

What I hate is the fact City seem to have gone from representing a traditional English club to representing the uncompetitve mess, and joke of a "sport" that is modern football.

And why are you judging all our fans from one fan? I could pick any member of this forum and say that they represent all of this forum but that's not true.
Bluemoon115 said:
Craig_J said:
Bluemoon115 said:
Craig_J said:
Skashion said:
Mods on Spurs forums in particular have to be very precious about their little dears. Their egos are already battered and bruised by some northern monkey club robbing them of their rightful place amongst the elite. They couldn't handle some facts to prove that the northern monkey club deserves it as well.

I'm a Spurs fan and I'm also on Glory Glory.

First of all I'll say are you being serious? The trouble isn't you lot coming on to say you deserve it, it's the fact your being absoloute wind up merchants. Your coming on and pretending to be Spurs fans whilst trying to cause trouble. Banter's fine, debate is fine, beign a WUM clearly isn't.

Secondly, blueranger I'm sorry they sent you an E-mail like that abck. I think putting that snide dig at the end is pretty pathetic. but are you sure that's all you posted?

If you want a discussion about this season then I'm prepared to have one.

The main problem us Spurs fans isn't the fact you got there ahead of us. Clearly you were better then us because the second half of the season we were utter dogshite for reasons such as a manager who isn't tactically all there and a lack of striker. But another problem is we're all going to be reacting to the fact you have money aren't we? It's not fair hence the reasons why UEFA are calling their new rules financial 'fair play'.

"On past performance, because they were screaming about money, i pointed out that since they were promoted in 77 we have been relegated 5 times once to the 3rd tier of english football and it's their fault if they could not use that bedrock foundation to establish them among the elite."

What do you mean exactly? The bedrock has only been around since the early 90's. Before that there wasn't much money around. And anyway, if we had won the title every eyar, been in the Champions League every eyar and won it then it wouldn't matter. You'd still eb able to outspend us.

The fact is the only reason you were brought is because you were a team in debt with not much history. Therefore you were cheap for a foreign owner to buy and he wouldn't have any comeption (or at least not much) when buying you. Is it fair that a team can get themselves in debt and then become the richest team in the world because of it? Do you really think that's fair?

Some of our comments may eb directed at City because of money. Even I've left those comments. But it's not City who's the problem it's the rulebook. I guess we all just need to ackowledge that a bit more.

"They keep comparing us to the Rags using success as the comparison. So i pointed out that they were in the shadow of a team with less than half the rags success and who had not won a trophy for 6 years."

Have we been comparing you to United? I have yet to see a comment. Maybe there are some but when you say "kept" you make it sound like it's a regular thing. If there's only one or two comments shouldn't you say " the extreme small minority compared us on one occasion to the rags"?
Dear Craig,

As you are no doubt aware, we beat you on Tuesday, which secured fourth place for City. Since then, it has become apparent that you and your ilk are a bunch of classless pussies who can't accept losing. I had a cheer up message for you, but decided not to bother wasting my time, as you'll still be twitching into your beer. Instead, I have the following message:

Go fuck yourself.

Kind regards,

Your an idiot. Clearly this is just a Spurs fan being bitter thing.

Clearly all of UEFA don't agree and aren't implementing new rules to stop clubs doing this.

Clearly this hasn't been a discussion point since Chelsea were brought by the Russian gangster.

Don't be so deluded, go to Glory Glory when we were bottom of the league it was still an issue. It always has been and always will be.
So why have you only just brought it up now?

Also, funny how we're working with UEFA, and the actual people who wrote the FFPR believe we will hit them with flying colours, as we've got many new revenue stream that will count towards our income.

Whereas you made a loss even with CL money. With none this year, no new stadium, no other true ways to maximise alternative revenue (apart from selling players, which isn't really an option if you want to carry on competing) you really will struggle. Worried?

I've only just brought it up now because I've never met nor spoke to you. It would have been dificult for me to broadcast a message to all Man City fans telling them my feelings the moment you were brought.

We will get a new stadium in NPD. It HAS to happen. The council will now have seen that they risk losing us unless they sort it out, we'll be fine for a new ground.

As for UEFA saying you'll pass with flying colours where's the link?

Look, all of you are saying I shouldn't be happy with the FFP rules. Well at the moment we're making a good ammount of money, we made loss one year. All the rest we've made profits.

And we're going to be building a new stadium soon. FFP doesn't take into consideration the money spent on stadiums etc, only on player transfers.

Am I worried at all? No. Am I looking forward to FFP? Yes, very much so.
Its ironic that Spurs fans say that they want the FFP rules in one breath, then in the next breath they are fuming that Levy won't spunk 35m on a striker.
Craig_J said:
I will calrify I don't hate City as a football club. I used to really like Man City, I think a lot of fans in football besides United fans liked City. A proper traditional football club. And seeing as they've been behind their rivals for donkeys years just like Spurs I felt a strong liking for them.

What I hate is the fact City seem to have gone from representing a traditional English club to representing the uncompetitve mess, and joke of a "sport" that is modern football.
and there we have it, in all its glory (glory)

you used to like us......... yeah, when we were shit you did, you patronising twunt

you, and your kind, can go and patronise someone else....why not join plucky blackpool's board, your shit might be believed there
A long p[ost but a true story...

I've been educated by reading this thread.

You see, I'm just back from a bit of a holiday and I spent last Saturday in a pub in Spain, decked out in my City jersey, watching the Everton game. There was a couple behind me; a Spurs fan and his wife and as the second half progressed with Everton dominating, he started to lay into me about how we were bottlers and a waste of money and always going to be in the shadow of... well, you get the picture.
Well, what could I do only let it in one ear and out the other? After all, I'm sat there with my wife and our two year old is asleep in his buggy; we're on hols, the life's easy, the sun is shining and sure, what of it? It's only a bit of banter, right? So, I laughed it off and shot a few remarks back. He laughed too - quite heartily - as I recall.
So, then came the Spurs v Blackpool game and his smile steadily drains away as he goes quieter and quieter.
"Making a worse job of it than our lot?" I suggested after the two penalties. I was trying to remain friendly - like I say, it was holiday time.
No reply. It's all picture and no sound for a good while until...
Defoe scored.
Well, tables were banged amid hollors of joy. Hugs and kisses ago-go for his missus. It was a good thing our kid had already woken up because this lad would have roused the dead.
"See that, City?!" he roared. "See that! That's how ya come back! We never lie down like your lot, today!"
I gritted my teeth and the wife gave me one of her 'don't start' looks.
Of course, you'll be aware that it didn't last long for him. The game ended and the realisation that a draw was fuck all good to them was probably compounded by me punching the air at the final whistle.
So, as we finished our drinks (and no, I wasn't on the piss with a two year old in tow) he starts to grumbling...
"What we oughta get is a billionaire facking Arab!" he says bitterly.
"Ye should never have hung up the phone on Abramovich, should ye?" I respond.
"I was talking to my facking wife!!" he roars at me.
"He was talikng to me," confirms his facking wife.
"Fair enough," I say and bid them good day (to no reply).
I left thinking that well, every club has dickheads and he just happens to be a jealous, ignorant Spurs dickhead.
Imagine my surprise when I read this thread and find out that he's typical of the species.
Interesting that Spurs fans would talk about "history" and tie it in in some way to success(a team thats gone 50 years without a league title). Anyway, I guess it is what it one question to them, following their own logic would be, why given their own lack of "history"...wouldn't they support a successful team with more "history" like Arsenal or Chelsea???
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Interesting that Spurs fans would talk about "history" and tie it in in some way to success(a team thats gone 50 years without a league title). Anyway, I guess it is what it one question to them, following their own logic would be, why given their own lack of "history"...wouldn't they support a successful team with more "history" like Arsenal or Chelsea???
They had a big thread about this the other day on their forum. According to them, Chelsea is a small club that got lucky. They feel they're a bigger club than Chelsea and us, and they feel they are rightfully on par with Arsenal, Liverpool, and the rags. Not kidding.

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